Reincarnated as the God of Shitty Life Counseling for Defective Washed Up Waifus

Consultation 146.

Consultation 146.


The Supreme Goddess on top of me raised her hips up a bit and slid her right hand down across my chest. Her hand only came to a stop when its path was obstructed. Something solid was between her index and middle fingers.

She squinted as a seductive smile floated to her face when she felt it between her fingers.

“Could it be despite your words you’re excited?”

I couldn’t even think straight. She’d used some sort of strange technique with her fingers. The instant they came in contact with my chest, a mysterious energy was injected into my body. It’d sent my thoughts into disarray. My body had that sort of reaction as well, I’d lost any form of self-control I’d previously had. The only thought on my mind now was the pleasurable feeling she was providing me.

She lowered her upper body, letting two soft mounds press against my chest, she brought her face close to my ear and whispered. “Did you secretly want to ravage a Supreme Goddess so badly?”

Her breathing grew faster, more heated than before.

“Heheh, I don’t think I can wait much longer. And… it doesn’t look like you can either. The little bit of energy that flowed into you is a Supreme Goddess’s after all. You might explode if you can’t release it soon.”

She tilted her right hand from against my body toward her skillfully to reveal what she’d latched onto with her hand. She lowered her hips then squeezed it between our bodies. Teasingly, without slipping it in, her body grinded up and down against me. I felt a fiery hot moist sensation from the underside of the shaft.

Her smooth skin grinded up against the head and I nearly lost it within the first stroke. She was quick to notice and expertly pulled her hips back.

My lower body twitched a few times and my hips instinctively rose on its own to chase after her, but she’d conveniently pulled back just far enough to be out of reach.

“Huhuhu. If you’re already like this from just that little bit of stimulation, are you even going to survive when I put it in?”

It felt like my body really was about to explode if I couldn’t get rid of the mysterious energy that she injected into my body. It was running amuck inside me and out of control.

“You can speak. What would you like me to do to you?”

“Get this energy out of me.”

“Get it out of you? How would you like me to get it out of you?”

“I don’t know! Just do something!”

“Do something? You might not like what I have to do to get it out though.”

“I don’t care anymore, do whatever you want!”

“Is that how you ask for someone’s help?”

“What do you want?”

“Say please.”

“Please help me remove this energy.”

“No, no, no. You’re supposed to say, ‘please fuck me until I’m brain dead and suck all the energy out of my body with your pussy.’”

“You’ve got to be kidding me!”

“Does it look like I’m kidding?” She licked my neck and more energy flowed into my body.

My eyes opened wide when all the muscles in my body tensed up as they were overloaded by her power.

“Please fuck me until I’m brain dead and suck all the energy out of my body with your pussy!” I couldn’t withstand it for much longer and I was left with no other option but to comply.

The instant the words left my mouth it felt like a mountain collapsed on my lower body. She’d lowered her hips all in one go and I’d slid inside her seamlessly. Before I knew it, I’d been engulfed all the way down to the base and hit the back of her womb.

My eyes rolled back and an explosive force circulated through my body. It was all being sucked down in the direction where we were connected.

The destructive foreign energy in my body flowed back into her through her womb after it had its way with my body. Just when my body was starting to relax a bit, she raised her hips. It felt like a powerful vacuum was sucking all the blood in my body away. It was so fierce I was on the edge of passing out.

Veins all over my body bulged out. My eyes were on the verge of popping out of its socket.

Inside her felt like it was even tighter than before. But I was wrong, it wasn’t her constricting me more, rather, I’d grown in size as a result of the powerful vacuum force sucking all of the blood inside my body into my penis.

When she lowered her hips back down I was given a moment of relief, but that relief did not last long. She didn’t give me a second to relax, she immediately raised her hips back up again.

Over and over again. She didn’t stop. Each time blood would be pushed back into my body when she lowered her hips. When she raised them my penis would expand beyond my control and I’d be brought to a near-death state.

After a short thirty seconds, I reached my limit. Right when I reached the back of her womb, my own energy exploded out. Previously she’d only be sucking up her own energy, but when that was all gone my own was gradually drained away.

My body convulsed uncontrollably as I painted the inner walls of her womb white. I blacked out for a second and the next thing I knew her tongue was inside my mouth. Her energy was being transferred into me orally.

‘Heheheheh. It seems you just died once.’ I heard her voice inside my head. She was transmitting her thoughts directly to me. This was apparently a world line where I hadn’t climaxed and died.

Her hips jerked back once. That one stroke sent me over the edge again. Pleasure so extreme my fingers dig deep into the bed while my back arched up.

My energy was completely sucked dry despite her filling me up with hers and I blacked out again only to regain consciousness again.

‘That’s two deaths already you know.’

I looked at her fearfully, a Supreme Goddess was far too scary. Her eyes locked onto me and I heard her voice again. ‘Well, let’s take things up a notch. I’ll never be satisfied if we’re going this slow.’

Her blue eyes flashed and countless scenes appeared in my mind all overlapping together. They were all happening at once in parallel.

She was bent over on the bed and I mindlessly pounded away at her from behind with vacant eyes.

She laid down on her back. I was on top of her while I slid between the two unbearably soft mounds on her chest.

She hung her head over the edge of the bed while I used her mouth to satisfy myself.

I stood on her left and right as she stroked me with her hands.

At the edge of the bed, she held it between her feet and stroked.

Between her thighs.

Behind her knees.

Under her left and right breast.

In all sorts of different positions.

I climaxed over and over again both inside and out. I couldn’t stop.

It crescendoed and the pleasure spiraled out of control.

Each orgasm by itself was intense with her, but this level of pleasure was beyond what I could process. She wasn’t joking when she said I’d be fucked until I was brain dead.

It continued without any end in sight. Every time I climaxed I died from having all of my energy sucked dry by her.

At some point, I lost track of how many times I died from cumming inside her and covering her body with my seed. Whenever I ejaculated, there was no way to stop it. Everything was endlessly expelled from my body like a broken dam.

I have no idea how many times it took before I finally made it through a single orgasm without dying, but I eventually made it.

She straddled my waist in the same position we started. Her body convulsing with her body upright arched backward with closed eyes.

My own eyes were sunken in, they felt heavy. I was completely drained on the verge of death just barely hanging on.

When her body relaxed she giggled and asked, “Heheheh, so you finally survived one?”

In my exhausted state, I weakly said, “Just let me sign already.”

“Sure, go ahead and sign.” She leaned back and pulled my arms along with her as she fell back onto the bed. I ended up on top of her. The marriage form was to the left of her head. All I had to do was sign it. I raised my hand to try and sign it but before I could she wrapped her legs securely around my waist.

My lower body jerked forward and I thrust into her. My hand balled into a fist on its own. My body curled up and my head hung down buried between her chest.

“Well, what are you waiting for? Sign it.”

I peeked up from her chest at the sadistic smile on her face as she looked down at me. She still wouldn’t make things easy for me.

Damn it! It was aggravating to an extreme to be toyed with so easily.

I don’t know what exactly got into me, but I pulled my hips back and willingly thrust into her on my own.

“Ah~ right there~”

Since signing the marriage form seemed hopeless for the time being, I forgot about it and adopted a different approach. I first had to try and tire her out to create an opening to sign it.

I placed my hands on her chest and used them to support myself on top of her. Every time I pulled back and thrust forward, her legs squeezed me tight and forced me all the way to her deepest regions.

She wrapped her arms around my head, closed her eyes, and kept supplying energy to me through my mouth. It was impossible to catch my breath. She didn’t know what taking a break to rest was.

I blacked out a few times before either of us climaxed. In those timelines, she’d sucked up my energy too greedily.

It took quite a number of attempts, but I eventually heard her call out, “Keep going, I’m almost there~”

“Just a bit more~”

“Yes! That’s it! I’m cumming!”

Both her arms and legs constricted around me tighter than ever. In that instant, I pulled my tongue away from hers, but she clenched her teeth and bit down into it. I winced a bit from the pain, but I bore with it and remained locked in place until her convulsions ceased.

When her jaw slackened and I was free, with closed eyes, my head slumped down devoid of all strength. As I collapsed on top of her my face brushed against the side of her left cheek.

“Dead again? What a shame.”

I could hardly move my body. Muddle-headed, my consciousness was murky, I was bogged down and sinking in a bottomless quagmire. However, this was the chance I’d awaited. With the last of my strength, I stuck my tongue out and moved it around a bit.

I blacked out again, but moments later I came to.

When I opened my eyes and removed my head from her left shoulder, I found the marriage form with my name signed in blood.

“So, shall we continue?”

I smirked at her after I’d finally pulled a fast one on her. Though it was a small victory, it hardly felt like one. Rather, it felt more like a big loss in my books.

“What are you smirking for?”

“Look beside you.”


“You haven’t noticed it yet?” I asked with a cocky tone.

“Oh, is this about the marriage form you signed in blood from your tongue?”

“Yeah. Wait, you already know?”

“Of course I know.”

“If you know, then you should know what that means, right?”

“What it means? Sorry, I’m not following.”

“You said you won’t be stopping until you sign it. Now that it’s signed, you have to stop.”

“Oh! So that’s what you were concerned about.”

“Yeah. So let me go now.”

“Why would I let you go?”

“Because you said you would. A Supreme Goddess like you wouldn’t be thinking of reneging on your own words, would you?”

“I would never go back on my own words.”

“Good, then let go of me.”

“I think you’re a bit confused.”

“Confused? What do you mean?”

“I said I won’t be stopping until you sign it, but that’s not the same as saying I will stop when you sign it. The latter means I promised to stop as soon as you sign it. The former means… I will eventually stop at some point after you’ve signed it.”

My face turned a few shades paler.

“This is a scam.”

She smiled devilishly and said, “It’s your own fault for being scammed. Now let’s get back to business~ we can save the pillow talk for after you’ve fully satisfied me.”

I have no idea when things finally ended as my memories after that point became a blurred indiscernible mess of sex with no end. The only thing I knew for certain was that I’d successfully signed the marriage form and made it through an experience far worse than hell. She’d given new meaning to the term post orgasm torture.

Honestly, doesn't feel smutty enough. A 9D nut just can't be encapsulated in words lmao.

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