Reincarnated as the God of Shitty Life Counseling for Defective Washed Up Waifus

Consultation 21.

Consultation 21.

“God, am I a bad person?” A young woman that could be no older than 18 years in age asked me.

I looked at the blond woman seated across from me and asked with serious eyes, “Are you a bad person? Have you done something recently that has made you question this?”


“And what might that be?”

“Aren’t you God? Shouldn’t you already know what I’ve done?”

“Perhaps. But to answer your own question, sometimes you need to say everything out loud to yourself to fully come to terms with what it is you have done.”

“I didn’t come here for philosophical bullshit.”

“Then the door is right there, feel free to leave if you don’t want this consultation.” This one won’t be a pretty one after all. It’d be best if you run away now.

“Tsk. Fine, I get it.”

“You see, I decided to marry a 90-year-old man with dementia for his money. His wife died in a car accident 2 years ago. He should kick the bucket any day now so I should be rolling in the dough in no time.”

“Haaaaah. And you still need to ask whether you’re a bad person? Do you dare proclaim yourself to not be a bad person?”


“Did you come in for this consultation because you wanted some sort of reassurance so you could feel better about yourself and what you have done?”

“Yes, is there anything wrong with that?”

“As for whether you are a bad person or not, you know the answer to that question better than anyone. However, bad is entirely based upon perspective. Your intent is naturally awful. You are probably among the scummiest of scum, a bottom feeder trashy leech of society without a single redeeming feature to you. You will never amount to anything in life. You will forever be garbage. Society will despise and hate you for what you have done. You will never be able to find happiness as your life will be turned upside down because of this single foolish short-sighted decision.”

“But… society as a whole will ignore another aspect in this story. Your intent makes you an awful person. However, for a man approaching the end of his life, lonely after the loss of his wife, who died in a car crash he feels deeply responsible for because of his own stubborn personality. He now lives on remembering his loved one every day. You are nothing but a replacement in his eyes. You were only accepted by him not because he lost his mind, but because he wanted to see his wife by superimposing her image onto you.”

“To him, it is a white lie. No matter how out of it he is, he knows deep down it is all part of a convenient lie he can tell himself. Even if he knows you’re just there for the money, he can at least alleviate some of his pain. Even if your marriage to him isn’t something real or genuine, he doesn’t particularly mind. To let him at least die while seeing a nice dream, your intent makes you a trash individual, but maybe, for him, it’s the best thing he could ask for.” 

“He can one day leave behind the world knowing he won’t be leaving someone who deeply loved him. He can be assured no one he sincerely loves with all his heart is hurt or despairs over his death. He can know that at the very least, the person left behind doesn’t have to go through what he did when he lost his wife.”

“Just as you have used him, he has used you far more selfishly than what some stupid money actually meant to him. He knows you’re a shit person, which is why he can die relieved, knowing fully well that your life will forever remain shit after he is gone even if you squeeze money out of him.”

“Sorry to tell you this, bitch, but the one who was really played in all of this was you and society. This old man gets to alleviate some of his loneliness while schooling a foolish little girl like you at the end of his life. This old man was playing 4D chess while you were stuck playing with legos in diapers while still in kindergarten.”

“Hahaha. Don’t underestimate the old just because they seem senile. You may not realize it, but even when we think they’ve lost their minds and are incompetent, unable to do anything on their own, it’s actually the reverse. Old folks are all schemers at heart. For them, old age is the perfect cover to get you to let your guard down. Once you’ve let your guard down, those old fogeys can completely destroy your entire life.”

“What… no…”

“Yes, this is reality. This old man isn’t pitiful in my eyes or someone who should be looked down upon for succumbing to loneliness after his wife died. He is a hero among men reminding the pathetic youth of today how to be men. Playas gonna play. Hoes gonna be mad at the end of the day.”

When reality sunk in, the thoughts of all the money she was previously blinded by cleared up. Perhaps it was only now she realized the severe mistake she’d made. She thought she was the one playing the game, but in reality, she wasn’t even a pawn on the playing field in that old man’s eyes. The true pieces on the board was actually society who danced to the old man’s tune right on the palm of his hand without even realizing it.

Do not pity or feel sorry for this old man. Look up to him and remember him as a great teacher. When you think of plotting against someone, just remember you may be the one truly being plotted against.

His story should be passed down from generation to generation. 

To future generations, don’t make a fool of yourself, else you’ll find yourself as the next dumb blond bimbo bitch blinded by her greed for money.

There are things money can’t fix. And it’s these dumb bitches heads.

“Well, it seems your time is up. Please get the fuck out and never come back here.”

Her eyes devoid of all life, she stood up like an empty husk. She was a dead man walking. Her life was over. I’d been the bearer of bad news. You certainly got the clout you were chasing after but was it really worth it in the end?

Perhaps, only God knows.

Well, if you've already heard the fairly recent story going around irl you'll know exactly where this chapter comes from. The people that say chase the bag in this context can honestly go fuck themselves. Stories can be spun in whatever fashion, whether they are one hundred percent accurate or not is another concern altogether. Bed time stories of the past transmitted knowledge to children, so how about we educate children with this sort of twist to a more modern type of story so they don't all turn into complete fucktards. Literally though, social media has turned people brain dead. Who documents their entire scheme on social media so everyone can catch them in the act? If you're going to do something stupid at least do it in a way you won't get caught red handed with your pants down like a retard.

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