Reincarnated as the God of Shitty Life Counseling for Defective Washed Up Waifus

Consultation 23.

If you find satire revolving around fatcoughthin privilege offensive, it would be in your best interest to avoid the spoiler in the chapter. It’s... long to say the least. Also, if you cry easily, I also recommend skipping this chapter. The content presented in this chapter may be very triggering to certain audiences and reader discretion is advised. Please note, thoughts of characters represented in this chapter does not necessarily represent the views of the author. Now that I’ve said all that bullshit to cover my own ass I should be safe lol. Really though, don’t take this shit to heart. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Consultation 23.

“God, how do I spread the gospel of fat privilege to the ignorant plebs across the world?”


I froze and the pen in my hand fell onto the table.

“Are you trying to get me fired or canceled?”

“Of course not. I’m being 100% serious here. I genuinely want to spread the wonderful words in the gospel of fat privilege.”

“Why the hell would you want to do that? You’re not even fat.”

“It’s for that exact reason I want to spread it. Fat people need to check their privilege and understand how much easier off they have it than us thin scrubs.”

For certain complicated reasons I’d rather not get into, this bitch might be more dangerous to my sanity than sex with fetus lady.

“You’re absolutely certain you want to do this?”


“I see… can you tell me a bit more about the specifics you want to spread about fat privilege?” I’m going to find a knife in my back one of these days.

“You’d like to hear the holy gospel of fat privilege?” Her eyes lit up bright.

“Uh… yeah. Go for it.”

“Great! This is such a joyous day, to get to spread the holy gospel of fat privilege to God himself is a dream come true.”

“Right…” I squinted my eyes and locked my eyes onto my desk as I broke out into sweat. This couldn’t turn out well.

“Now, where should I begin? Well, there are 22 major points, so I guess I’ll just go in order one by one.”

“22…” Shit. This is probably going to piss off a lot of people.

“Yes, 22. Is there a problem?”

“No. Please go ahead.” I’d like to get this over with as quickly as possible.

“Exhibit number 1 in the gospel of fat privilege. You’re not assumed to be healthy just because of your size. Do you have any idea how annoying it is for everyone to look at us thin people and assume that we’re healthy? It’s the worst! Damn it, I swear I eat all day every day, but no matter how much I eat I just don’t gain any weight. I want to get fat so people stop judging me and assuming I’m healthy when I’m not.”

“I see…” Yeah, I’ll be a dead man if I let this shit be spread.

“Exhibit number 2 in the gospel of fat privilege. Your size is probably the first thing people notice about you. Damn it, I’m sick of guys checking out my ass or boobs or even fucking eyes. Please, have more tact, you beasts. Let someone compliment me on my weight instead. Fat people these days get people saying they’re so brave. What about us thin folk? Why do we not get praised? Instead, it’s all about fat asses acting like they’re better than us. Like we’re the weird ones that should get fat instead.”

“...” It was really best to keep my mouth shut and say nothing.



Done? It’s finally over? Jesus Christ, this chick had way too much resentment built up. Her long-winded rant had gone on for half an hour.

“Well, God? What do you think of the holy gospel of fat privilege I want to spread across the globe?”

“Bluntly put… it will never catch on. Fat people won’t allow it to spread. They will find you and suffocate you by sitting on your face with their flabby butt cheeks.”

“What? No way! How can this be possible? I need to spread the word far and wide for the sake of my people.”

“For your people?”

“Ah. Sorry, please forget I said that.”

“I see. Haaaah. What a troublesome request you’ve given me.”

I leaned forward and extended my arm out toward her and placed my hand down on her head.

“Sorry, life is unfair. There are problems that even Gods can’t fix in the world. There will always be injustice and inequality no matter how things are divided. Someone will always be unsatisfied no matter what the end result may be. The only thing that can be done to survive in the harsh world ruled by the natural laws is to struggle and oppose them. Conflict births opportunities for change. Giving up and a reluctance to try leads to stagnation.”

“Struggle through the hardships and adversity until one day you can overcome it. There will be times where you will scream out at the top of your lungs for others to hear you out, but nobody will turn their head your way. They will avert their eyes from the cold hard truth to maintain their own livelihood over another’s.”

“The only thing you can do is keep speaking up. Keep fighting to get them to listen to you when they refuse to open up their ears. If you do that, then eventually, one day, someone will hear your cries for help that were drowned and buried amidst the noise. Remember, nobody will save you if you give up. The only thing you can do is to try no matter how bad things look.”

“Humans are neither inherently good or evil. Greed and the desire for a better life and future is a part of what makes you human. There is no way to get rid of greed from the world. If there was no greed people would no longer strive to improve themselves or the world they find themselves a part of. Greed as ugly as it may be, it is both a boon and a bane to humans, a double-edged sword. Not everyone will be able to find happiness, but those that do will desperately hold onto it with all they have.”

“Keep searching for it and perhaps you and your people will find that happiness you are desperately searching for.”

She was trembling. She did her utmost to hide the frown creeping onto her face. Beyond her control, tears flowed down her cheeks. She sniffled a few times trying to hold back the snot from dribbling down her face.

“It’s u-unfair. Sniff.”

“Yes, it is.”

“Why do we have to suffer and they can relax and stuff their faces all they want, God?”

“Because life was never designed to be fair. If it was fair and all were equal and perfectly balanced, then there would be no change in the world. It would be in a state of perpetual stagnation.”

“Then, even though we’re unhappy now, we can change that?”

“Yes, but you have to fight against the hardships the world presents to you for things to change.”

“I- … I undertwand. Sniff. I don’t nweed your chweap piwitty. Sniff.”

The girl swatted my hand away from on top of her head, stood up on her own, and exited the room in silence. Her back looked extremely weak and fragile with how thin she was, it was as if she’d collapse if so much as a gentle gust of wind blew against her body.

What could be done about it though? I only give life counseling advice. I couldn’t directly intervene in someone’s life.

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