Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 12

It has been two thousand years since Xecra got her mortals. Life has once again significantly advanced the land, sea and air are all filled with various forms of life that all live in harmony. The first signs of humanoid life have also started to evolve. Some small animals are beginning to walk on two legs. Hopefully, they evolve to become more human-like. I would also like it if some more intelligent lifeforms evolve in the sea as well.

For the last two thousand years, I have dutifully helped the sea evolve in a way that brings peace and harmony. The sea is now filled with a great variety of sea life from tiny fish to massive whales. The only conflict is the natural ones of the food chain.

I am now going to visit Xecra as one of the fairies recently told me that she has built her home. I am swimming towards the continent that it is on. Once I reach the continent, I change to a larger size so that I can cover the distance quicker. I travel across the plains towards the mountains where Xecra has made her home. Once I reach the mountains I go to my largest size and climb the mountain in a few seconds once at the top I reduce my size.

Xecra’s home is styled like a palace which is extravagantly decorated on the outside looking like it is made of solid gold and silver with ten-foot windows. I approach the door and knock on it. A few minutes later the door creaks open. On the other side is Eyiya.

“Greetings Lady Xyrra my lady is waiting for you in the throne room.”(Eyiya)

“Greetings Eyiya.”(Xyrra)

“Allow me to guide you to the throne room.”(Eyiya)

I follow Eyiya as she shows me to the throne room. The inside is as extravagantly decorated as the outside. All the decoration is made of either gold or silver and is everywhere. It’s a bit too shiny for me. Eventually, we reach the twenty-foot tall oak doors of the throne room.

“My lady your sister lady Xyrra is here to see you.”(Eyiya)

“Finally come in sister.”(Xecra)

Eyiya opens the door and I walk in. opposite the door is Xecra sitting on a golden throne and what I most feared. Around the throne are fairies who are all either massaging Xecra, serving her food or fanning us. As I thought and feared she is taking advantage of her position as a primordial goddess to get the mortals to do things for her.

“Big sister I have been waiting too long for you to visit.”(Xecra)

“But I only received your message recently.”(Xyrra)

“Big sister eight hundred years is not recently.”(Xecra)

“Ah I forget you are still very young. You will soon have a similar sense of time.”(Xyrra)

“I hope not. Well what do you think of my home its amazing isn’t it.”(Xecra)

She says this very proudly while puffing out her chest.

“It’s too shiny and extravagant.”(Xyrra)

At this statement, she deflates.

“But doesn’t it look like someone rich and upper-class lives here.”(Xecra)

“Xecra there is more to designing an upper class looking house than to cover everything in gold and silver.”(Xyrra)

At this Xecra looks like she is about to cry. I quickly hurry over to her and wrap my arms around her.

“Don’t worry Xecra we can design you a lovely new home.”(Xyrra)

“We can? I big upper class one.”(Xecra)

“If I may why do you try to act upper class?”(Xyrra)

“In my past life I was of the lower classes but when my parents died, I was adopted by an upper-class family. They sent me to a rich boarding school and they had a large, beautiful house. However, I didn’t know all the etiquette of being upper class I was constantly getting things wrong. My new brothers and sisters made fun of me and my new parents grew more and more distant from me. All I wanted was for them to acknowledge me as a member of the family as their daughter. I did my best to fit in but nothing ever worked.”(Xecra)

She begins to cry into my shoulder all I do is hug her until she calms down.

“You know you don’t have to try and fit in here you can be yourself. Me, Xituna and Ziella are all you sisters and family we will always accept and love you.”

“Re really.”(Xecra)

“We will never abandon you.”(Xyrra)


Five days later Xecra has finally calmed down and is now sitting in my lap as I give her a hug.

“Xecra do you want to redesign your house? I can help you.”(Xyrra)

She looks up excited at my suggestion.



“Yay, I get to spend time with big sister all to myself hehe.”(Xecra)

We then spent the next four hundred years redesigning and rebuilding Xecra’s house. It now has less gold and silver and more decoration in other materials. It has a Victorian gothic style to it with arched windows and the like. It has three floors the ground floor which has the dining room, living room and throne room. The first floor with the master and guest bedrooms and then the third floor for the servants which currently consists of Eyiya and the fairies.

“Do you like your new home Xecra?”(Xyrra)

“I love it big sister.”(Xecra)

“That’s good.”(Xyrra)

“Now all of the lowly mortals can serve and worship me in a more refined house 0 ho ho ho ho.”(Xecra)

She still hasn’t stopped doing that. Now for the important talk with her about abusing her position and working.

I didn't know what to do for this chapter.(Might be why there was three parts to the side story instead of one)

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