Reincarnated as the Goddess of the sea.

Chapter – 15 – Edited

I immediately try to go to the divine realm but I am blocked. Why can’t I enter? I try again and again and again for the next two hundred years. Why? Why can’t get in? Is big sister stopping me from getting in?
“Big sister why can’t I get in?”(Xyrra)


(I’m sorry Xyrra but I can’t let you in. – Ziella)

Big sister. Are you hiding something from me? If you are why?


(500 years later)

The anomalies are getting worse. We have been doing everything we can to reduce the damage caused by the anomalies but we have not been able to stop it. So far entire coral reefs and forests have been destroyed and will take hundreds of years to regrow.

In the last five hundred years, the animals that started to look humanoid have now become what we call beastkin. They look mostly human except for the animal ears and tail. Xituna the dryads and the treants have all been guiding and protecting them.

(1000 years later)

The anomalies are still getting worse and we haven’t heard from big sister yet. The sea is now always in constant turmoil with waves in the hundreds of feet crashing into each other destroying coral reefs and the coast. The wind speed is in the hundreds of miles per hour making the sky almost impossible to fly in and all the birds are stuck on the ground or flying low.

We have also moved as many of the beastkin as possible into Azurea’s sanctuary. They have been living there for at least two hundred years now and they seem to be fine so far.


(2000 years later)

The anomaly hasn’t gone away or lessened but it also hasn’t gotten worse. The beastkin are still living in Azurea’s sanctuary and are safe there. Me, Xituna and Xecra are still doing everything we can to reduce the damage but as time goes on there is less and less that we can do.

I have been trying to contact big sister for thousands of years now but I still haven’t heard anything from her. Are you all right big sister?


(1000 years later)

The anomalies have gotten worse there are almost constant tornadoes and earthquakes on land. In the sea, the waves are mostly in the hundreds of feet but a few are reaching the thousands of feet. In the sky, the wind speed is in the thousands of miles per hour. At this point, we have decided to give up on trying to reduce the damage and we are now focusing the entirety of our divine power on protecting the sanctuary. This is currently the only place in the entire world that isn’t affected by anomalies. Whatever is causing the anomalies is for powerful than us and requires us to work together using almost all our power to stop.

(5000 years later)

We are almost at our limit we can’t hold back the anomaly for much longer. Over the years the area we have been protecting has gotten smaller and smaller and the number of beastkin has reduced. We are worried that the beastkin will go extinct but we have done everything we can for that not to happen.

If this anomaly stays as it is or gets worse I will have to go into a mediative state to increase my power.

(500 years later) (Xituna’s POV)
I am worried there’s not much else we can do to stop the anomalies. Big sister Xyrra has already gone into a mediative state. She has told me that it will allow her to increase the strength of her divine power. She has been like this for about two hundred years I hope that she is alright and will wake up soon.

I have been doing everything that I can to help the beastkin. However, the available land has been decreasing year by year and the population of the beastkin has been decreasing because of this loss of land. I am worried and scared of what will happen. Big sister Xyrra big sister Ziella what should I do?

(POV Azurea)

For the last few thousand years, I have been using all of my mana to help crops grow and to supply water for the beastkin. However, due to the reduced amount of divine power, the amount of mana I can use has reduced meaning that there is less food and water for the beastkin resulting in their reduction of population.

I hope that we can get through this together I don’t want to lose anyone. Just what is happening to this once peaceful world?

(POV – Haru)

I am Haru a fifty-year-old catkin living in the sanctuary protected by the gods. For us beastkin anyone under a hundred is considered a child. This means that the adults won’t let me get involved in the current situation. What I know is that for the last few thousand years the world has been in constant turmoil resulting in us being stuck inside the sanctuary protected by the gods.

I have been told that the primordial goddesses have protected the world since the beginning of time and that this is the hardest issue they have faced. No one knows what is causing the current situation even the gods don’t know. Since everyone moved to the sanctuary the primordial goddesses have been protecting us using their divine power but I have been told that we are running out of time. For the last few years, the beastkin elders have been talking to the two primordial goddesses still awake as the oldest has gone into a meditative state. I haven’t met any of the goddesses my self but I have seen them. Once when the elders went to talk to them I saw the one called Xituna she towered over the elders and she is more beautiful than anything I have seen before.

I am now working on the farm like usual but something I thought would never happen happened. Goddess Xituna walked over to the field that I am working in and used her divine power to help the crops grow. The field was surrounded by a golden light as the crops grew at incredible speeds that I thought was not possible. As all this happened goddess Xituna stood there looking as beautiful and majestic as always. However, once she had finished she fell to her knees. I ran over as fast as I could.

Once I reach her I kneel beside her.

“Goddess are you alright?”(Haru)

She turns her head to look at me.

“I am a young one I just used too much of my power.”(Xituna)

“Goddess you don’t look alright you need to rest.”(Haru)

“I cannot do that young one. I need to protect you all.”(Xituna)

“But can’t you take at least a few days off?”(Haru)

“Young one if I were to rest the barrier protecting you all would fail and the sanctuary would be destroyed and all of you will die.”(Xituna)

“But won’t you die if you keep this up?”(Haru)

“I have lived a long time young one I want to protect you all so that you can have long happy lives. Anyway, it’s almost impossible to kill us primordial goddesses I don’t think something like this will kill me.”(Xituna)

I just look down at the ground with tears in my eyes. The goddesses are doing so much for us and sacrificing so much but we haven’t done anything for them. I close my eyes and make a wish – ‘I want to be able to help protect my kind and help the goddesses in protecting this world.’

Unknown to Haru when they made that wish a golden orb floated from their body towards Xituna and into her giving her a small amount of power back. Haru had just said the first prayer in this world.

Todays recommendation is The Legend of the ruthless Empress Freya | Scribble Hub by LuciferSama

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