Reincarnated As The Ultimate Hybrid

The City’s Potential

After a while, Rose came back with William and scarlet behind her

"Good afternoon your majesty" said William as he entered

"good afternoon" I replied

"Now that you are here let's discuss both of your future roles, "I said

"first is scarlet I want you to become the commander of the future knights," I said as I looked at her

"leave that task to me, my lady I will make the valentine's queendom knight the most feared" she replied with a sadistic smile on her face which caused me to feel a shiver in my spine.

I then turned towards William "and you William I want to make you my representative in foreign countries," I said as an evil grin formed on my face

"yes your majesty but why are you smiling like that it's quite scary," he said with sweat dripping down his forehead

"You see as a queendom I think the representative should be a female don't you think so too," I asked with the most gentle smile I could muster, but it looked like the devil's smile to him

"hahaha you make quite the funny joke your majesty, "he said while laughing nervously

"Oh, and why do you think I am joking?" I asked as I disappeared from in front of him and appeared behind and continued talking to him in his ears

"I am very serious you know" I said that then touched him"[universal shape-shift]"I said which caused him to transform into a beautiful blonde woman with pale white skin crimson-red eyes and a busty body after transforming him into a her she fell unconscious

"Rose take her to an empty room to rest and prepare her some clothes and undergarments "I ordered

"by your will" she replied then came and carried her outside the room after they left I turned my face towards scarlet, and I saw that she was trying her hardest to control her laughter

"*cough* do you have any questions?" I asked as I sat back on my chair

"No, your majesty" she replied

"then you can leave "I said with a sigh

"thank you your majesty" she said before hurriedly bowing her head and leaving the office

"*sigh* it hasn't been even a week in this world and here I am making my own country," I said with a tired tone, after saying that I picked up the pen and began writing some of the things on Earth that I can make in this world and how to do it

After a couple of hours, I noticed that Rose was in the office with a tray in her hands that had a tea set in it and some cookies putting it down on the table in front of the desk

"your majesty I think you should take some rest" she said

"you are correct "saying that I stand up from my chair, but suddenly a huge tremor happened, and I felt as if the altitude of the castle was rising

"wait shouldn't they have warned us before starting" I shouted while using gravity magic to stabilize the tea after the tremor ended, I heard a furious knock on the door.

"Enter," I said as I looked towards the door

"My lady, are you okay?" he said with a worried tone

"that damn idiot, yes I am alright Sebastian," I said with a sigh as I set back the teacup on the table

"May I ask what happened?" he asked with a worried tone.

"You see Boris wanted permission to raise the ground underneath the castle to make it higher than the city, "I said while fidgeting and kept taking peeks at his expression

"and I gave him permission," I said causing a slight blush to appear on my face

"please tell us when something like that happens your majesty," he said as a sigh of relief escaped his mouth

"your majesty I originally wanted to come here to inform you that dinner is ready." Sebastian said respectfully

"dinner huh let's go." I said as I stood up from my sofa and looked towards the cookies

'I have to keep up appearances' thought as I released a disappointed sigh and left the room.

Arriving in the dining room I sat down on my seat and waited for my meal to be served which didn't take long, it was a steak with a side of mashed potatoes something I completely didn't expect from this backward world

"so do you know how many people will the city fit?" I asked as I took a bite of my steak

"Sir Boris told lady Leila that it would fit around 100,000 people when completely built and with his design, it could be further expanded" she replied with pride in her voice

"hmm, 100,000....that's a lot." I replied with shock written all over my face

"is our population even enough to maintain a city of that size?" I asked with a sigh

"hehe your majesty doesn't have to worry about that we can take over the intelligent monsters inside the forest like the ogres, hobgoblins, lizard men, high orcs, and ghouls" she replied

"ghouls?" I asked with slight interest

"they are considered a hybrid between monsters and vampires specifically ogres" she replied,

"well let's leave that for later, and how many are there?" I asked with anticipation

"hmm last time we checked there were around d 45,000 of them" she replied causing a smile to form on my face

"that's great tomorrow I will go there with Leila."I said with an excited tone

After finishing my meal I went outside the castle to check the view outside

"ahh it's beautiful" I said while watching the night sky that was littered with stars

'I am pretty sure you can't get this view anymore on Earth' I thought as I revealed my wings

"hmm exactly how I wanted them to look" I said that while spreading my wings and admiring them one was filled with pure bitch black feathers with scales here and there that released a sinister aura and the other one had pure white feathers and red one here and there and released a holy aura

"let's try to fly" saying that I tried flapping my wings a bit

'they feel natural it's as if I was born with them' thought as I increased the intensity of my flaps causing me to launch into the air

"wahh..flying feels amazing"I said as I stopped midair and looked around and raised my hands to try and touch the sky

"the stars are so close, yet they so far, but I will reach them and make them bow before me "I said with determination

after flying around the region for a bit I stopped and flew down to the castle's entrance

I met someone I didn't expect "welcome back your majesty" said Leila with a warm smile on her face

"good morning Leila. Or should I say goodnight" I said with a light giggle

"you worked me to the bone your majesty I used to be served before you know" she replied with a pout which caused me to release a slight chuckle

"well I want you to help me bathe," I said as I walked through the entrance of the castle with her following

"by your will your majesty" she replied to me causing a small smile to form on my face

Entering my room, Leila removed my clothes and I went to the bathroom to take a shower and then entered the bathtub

"haa this is as relaxing as always"I said with an expression of bliss on my face while my tail wagged unconsciously

"Hey Leila tomorrow we will go and take over the intelligent monster races in the forests" I said

"do you need me to prepare some troops your majesty?" she asked me

"No this is going to be a little exercise for me "I said as a sadistic grin formed on my face that caused Leila to shudder.

After the bath, I went to my room and threw myself onto the bed while being careful not to break it and went into the land of dreams.

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