Reincarnated As The Ultimate Hybrid

The Monster Empress Part 2

*Kuro's POV*

Making my way back to Lady Telónia's camp, I find her deep in thought, her expression unreadable as she ponders her next move. Approaching her with all the stealth of a shadow, I wait for the opportune moment to reveal what I have discovered.

"Lady Telónia," I speak softly, my voice barely more than a whisper. "I have returned with urgent news from the ogre village."

Startled, Lady Telónia turns to face me, her eyes alight with curiosity and anticipation. "Speak," she commands, her voice a mere murmur in the stillness of the night.

I recount the conversation I overheard, detailing the ogre lord's arrogance, the suspicious figure that was talking to him, and about how the ogre lord planned to attack us. Lady Telónia listens intently, her features betraying no hint of emotion as she absorbs the gravity of the situation.

"What about the lizardman slaves that the lizardmen's messenger mentioned?" Asked Lady Telónia while narrowing her eyes

"Now that you mention it, I haven't seen any around the village. Not a single one of them," I reply, widening my eyes.

"I have a bad feeling about this," she says in a wary tone, "but I can't betray Her Majesty's trust. We will have to continue regardless."

"How about weaknesses? Anything that we can exploit?" she asked with slight interest.

"Their houses are made out of wood that are not enhanced in any way, even the lord's castle," I replied.

"Thank you for your work Kuro," she says finally, her voice firm and resolute. "You have done well. We must act swiftly if we are to counter this threat and ensure our victory."

With a nod of understanding, I vanish into the shadows once more, my mission complete. As I fade into the darkness, I can't wait for us to secure our dominance over the forest.

*Telónia's POV*

As Kuro fades into the darkness, leaving me alone with my thoughts, I can't help but feel a sense of urgency. I have an irking that the mysterious figure's presence well be a huge threat to us.

Considering the absence of the lizardman slaves, I mull over their inexplicable disappearance. It's highly irregular for an entire population to vanish without a trace. Perhaps the lizardman messenger was lying to me, or there must be more to this situation than meets the eye.

Summoning my most trusted advisors, the stalwarts who have served me since my youth, I assemble them in my tent to strategize our next move.

"Gather 'round," I command as my advisors enter the tent, their expressions reflecting a blend of concern and anticipation.

"I have received intelligence from Kuro," I begin, my tone commanding attention. "It appears that an ogre lord is preparing for an attack. However, we shall not wait for them to strike. Instead, we shall take the fight to them."

My advisors exchange glances, their features alight with a newfound sense of purpose at the prospect of an offensive strategy.

"We cannot afford to allow our enemies the advantage of surprise," I continue, my voice resonating with determination. "We must strike swiftly and decisively, catching them off guard and disrupting their plans before they can come to fruition."

The advisors nod in agreement, their expressions hardened with resolve. They understand the importance of seizing the initiative in war.

"How many troops do you think can we mobilize on such a short notice?" I asked with anticipation

"Out of the 10,000 troops we have I think we can mobilize 2,500 if you give us 48 hours to prepare"one of them answered with a pondering expression

"Good," I reply, nodding in approval at the assessment. "Inform the troops immediately. We shall mobilize at first light and march towards the ogre village. Prepare our forces for battle, but emphasize the importance of stealth and surprise. We must catch the ogres off guard."

We will use the next 48 hours to prepare our forces meticulously. This extra time will allow us to ensure that every aspect of our plan is in place, from the deployment of troops to the coordination of supplies and logistics."

I turn to my advisors, conveying the importance of this extended preparation period. "Use this time wisely. Double-check our provisions, review our battle plans, and bolster our defenses. We cannot afford to leave anything to chance."

My advisors nod in agreement, their expressions resolute as they set about their tasks with renewed determination. As they disperse to oversee the preparations


*48 hours later*

the camp is a hive of activity as my troops, clad in leather armor, make their final preparations for the march ahead. The dense canopy of the forest overhead filters the early morning light, casting a solemn glow over the scene as we ready ourselves for the coming battle.

Standing at the forefront of our assembled forces, I feel a surge of pride at the sight of my loyal troops rallying to the cause. Each soldier, their leather armor gleaming in the dawn's light, is a testament to the strength and dedication of our forces.

With a steady gaze, I survey the scene, ensuring that every detail is attended to. From the sharpening of swords to the provisioning of supplies, every aspect of our preparation must be flawless if we are to emerge victorious in the conflict that lies ahead.

As the sun begins to rise on the horizon, I give the signal to advance. With a sense of determination in my heart, I lead my troops forward, our leather-clad forms moving in disciplined formation through the dense undergrowth of the forest.

Navigating the terrain with ease, my troops move with a quiet confidence, each step bringing us closer to our objective. Though the tension in the air is palpable, I know that we are ready for whatever challenges may come our way.

Finally, we reach the outskirts of the ogre village, our senses sharpened as we prepare to launch our attack. With a silent nod to my troops, we fan out, positioning ourselves strategically for the battle ahead.

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