Reincarnated As The Ultimate Hybrid

The Monster Lord Part 4


*Amon's POV*

"Ah, there you are Amon!" I hear that moron of an ogre lord say once he spotted me

As the Ogre Lord's booming voice fills the surroundings, I can't help but inwardly roll my eyes at his typical command. "Prepare 'that'," he grunts, as if he's the puppet master orchestrating some grand scheme, when in reality, he's just a pawn being played by forces he can't comprehend. The arrogance is almost comical.

Raising an eyebrow, I feign concern. "Are you certain, my Lord?" I ask with a hint of skepticism. "Using 'that' may draw unwanted attention from the countries surrounding the forest."

His response drips with disdain for anything beyond his immediate desires. "Who cares about the weaklings surrounding the forest?" he retorts dismissively. "They'll get crushed in due time anyway. Just do as I ordered!" His ignorance is both frustrating and amusing.

'What a moron,' I think to myself, but then again, morons have their uses, especially for my master's plans.

With a subtle wave of my hand, I activate my teleportation ability to carry out his orders, all the while scheming my own agenda. Let the Ogre Lord revel in his delusions of power. In the grand scheme of things, he's merely a pawn on the board, one that I'll maneuver to ensure the ultimate victory of my master's ambitions. And I'll ensure he plays his part flawlessly, even if he remains oblivious to the true game being played.

As I step into the cavernous chamber, a malevolent grin twists my lips as I survey the scene before me. Hundreds of lizardmen, chained to the ground, their fear palpable as they await their fate. And at the center of it all, the ancient corpse of a dragon, its decaying form a testament to the passage of time.

"Ah, the remnants of a bygone era," I mutter to myself, my voice barely above a whisper as I look at the dragon's corpse. 

With a flick of my wrist, I command the ogre guards to activate the magic circle, their brutish hands fumbling with the arcane runes as they obey my every word. The circle shudders to life, a hungry vortex of dark energy swirling beneath the chained lizardmen.

As the magic circle begins to pulsate with power, I raise my hands, channeling my own dark magic to amplify its effects. With a wicked smile, I watch as the energy within the lizardmen is drawn into the circle, their life force draining away to fuel the ritual.

"No!" they cry out, their voices echoing off the cavern walls as they struggle against their chains, but it's futile. They are nothing more than fodder for the greater purpose at hand.

As the last traces of energy are siphoned from the lizardmen, I turn my attention to the dragon's corpse, its bones rattling as the necromantic energies take hold. With a guttural incantation, I bind the dragon's spirit to its undead form, commanding it to rise once more.

With a thunderous roar, the dragon's eyes flare with unholy light as it awakens, its skeletal wings unfurling as it prepares to do my bidding. With this undead monstrosity under my control, I am unstoppable.

As for the Ogre Lord and his futile attempts at dominance? Let him cling to his illusions of power. In the end, he too will fall before the might of my master's ambitions but for now I will have to play along.
 End of Flashback

*Celeste's POV(MC)*

[skill [Wisdom] is evolving]






[skill [Wisdom] evolved into Unique skill [Goddess Of Wisdom Athena]]

{Greetings, Master. I have evolved into the Unique skill [Goddess Of Wisdom Athena]. How may I serve you?} the voice echoed in my mind, now with a more refined tone.

"Interesting," I muttered, contemplating the implications of this evolution.

{Master, may I proceed to merge your skills?} Athena asked, her voice now imbued with a sense of determination.

"Hmm, why would you want to do that?" I asked, my curiosity piqued by Athena's proposal.

"Hmm, why would you want to do that?" I asked, my curiosity piqued by Athena's proposal.

{Master, merging your skills, will make you more powerful and will help you use your powers more efficiently, } Athena explained, her tone confident and resolute.

I considered Athena's suggestion for a moment. It made sense to consolidate my skills if it would enhance our abilities and make us more effective in achieving our goals.

"Alright, Athena, let's go for it. Merge my skills as you see fit," I consented, feeling a sense of trust in Athena's judgment.

{Understood, Master. Initiating skill merger now, } Athena confirmed, her ethereal presence pulsating with purpose.

As the merger commenced, I felt a subtle shift within me, like pieces of a puzzle slotting together perfectly. It was a strange sensation, but I trusted Athena's expertise in guiding the process.

{Merge Successful}


[Bloodlines Merged]


[New race created 'Eldranaphaegel ']


[Gained title: (CHAOS)]

[Status Updated]

"Show me my status"I ordered Athena with an excited tone


Name: Celeste Valentine[Soul(Liam)]


Race: Eldranaphaegel (UNIQUE)

Gender: Physical (Female)[Mental(Male)] 

Titles: [Reincarnator, Ultimate Hybrid, Demi-Deity, Blessed by the Pre-Primordial God Of Creation, Master of magic, Master of martial arts, Sin of Lust, Dragon Lord, Demon lord, Virtue of Patience, The Progenitor of the Holy Lunar Vampires, Head of the Valentine Vampire Clan, CHAOS] 

Vitality:[120,000] SSS rank 

Mana:[70,000/70,000] SS+ rank 

Stamina Points:[9,273/9,273] S++ Rank 

Strength:[15,000] SS rank 

intelligence:[11,000] SS Rank 

Endurance:[9,000] S++ rank 

Agility:[16,000] SS Rank 

Passive Skills:[ultimate regeneration][resurrection] [Eclipse Gaze] [Ultimate Control][World's energy resistance][poison immunity] [Attack resistance] [infinite potential][Eldranaphaegel's Chaotic Presence][Vampyre][Semi-Divine Senses] 


Skills:[Universal shape-shift][Eldranaphaegel's dragon transformation]Analysis][Martial art mastery][Thought acceleration x1000][mastery of the world's Energies][Demon lord's Wrath][Demi-God's presence][Fate manipulation(limited)][Divine Fire magic] [Semi-Divine Mana] [Eidetic imagery] [Asclepius's Aura] [voidal storage]


Ultimate skills: [Lord of Patience, Gabriel] [Lord of Lust, Asmodeus] 

Unique skills:[Goddess Of Wisdom Athena]

Magical affinities:[Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Space, Time, void, Light, Darkness, Wild, lighting, Gravity, Life, Death, Blood] 

Body modification:[Tail of calamity][Wings of chaos][Demon Dragon lord's horns][claws of demise] 

Blessings:[Blessing of the Pre-Primordial God of creation] 

Soul Bonded Equipment:[Morph Weapon Of The Abyss], [Crown of distortion], [The Forbidden Book of Destruction], [The Denier of Death]


With a rush of newfound power tingling through my veins, I couldn't help but marvel at the delightful change in my status. The merging of my skills had transformed me into something altogether extraordinary, like a puzzle finally clicking into place with a satisfying 'pop'. But amidst the thrill of it all, there was this nagging issue—the curse recently inflicted upon me by the world's will.

"Athena," I chimed in, my voice tinged with a touch of anxiety, "Is it possible to remove the curse?"

There was a brief pause, as if Athena was processing my request through her digital circuits.

{Master, it appears that directly breaking the curse is not feasible with our current understanding and resources,} Athena relayed to me. {However, there is a workaround that may allow you to achieve godhood despite the curse's restrictions.}

I leaned forward, intrigued by Athena's proposal. "Go on," I urged.

{According to my research, there exist methods for mortals to ascend to godhood on other planets where the Curse of the Will of the World does not apply," Athena explained. "By traveling to one of these planets and undergoing the necessary rituals or transformations, you may be able to evolve into a god without interference from the curse.}

"Other planets huh, that will take a long time to achieve," I said with a sigh

"What about the other effect of the curse?" I asked with a defeated expression

{Regrettably, there are no apparent workarounds for that aspect of the curse,} Athena responded with a note of solemnity, her words echoing with the weight of our predicament.

"*sigh* if you find any other clue to remove the curse tell me"

{Of course, Master, } Athena responded, her voice unwavering. {I will continue to search for any potential solutions to mitigate its effects.}

As I decided to sit on the couch inside the office, I heard a knock on the door.

"Enter," I ordered as I looked towards the door, only to see one of the maids serving in the castle Rosa entering.

"Your Majesty, there is a ratman who wants to have an audience with you, claiming that he serves a servant of yours named Telónia."

Before Rosa could finish her sentence, the door burst open with a loud bang, revealing a panting and disheveled ratman, his eyes wide with urgency.

"Your Majesty!" the ratman exclaimed, interrupting our conversation. "You must come quickly! Lady Telónia is in grave danger!"

Rosa immediately positioned herself protectively in front of me.

"Take a deep breath, introduce yourself, and tell me what happened," I said calmly, peering through the gaps behind Rosa's back.

"My name is Kuro, Your Majesty, and I was the chief of one of the villages that Lady Telónia took over. Now, I serve under her," he replied urgently, his voice tinged with a sense of desperation.

"Now, tell me, what do you need help with?" I asked with a nod, subtly moving away from Rosa's protective stance.

"An undead dragon? Is that common around here?" I asked with genuine interest, my mind racing to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

"Not at all, Your Majesty. In fact, the last known appearance of one on this continent was during the divine war more than a thousand years ago," Rosa interjected, her voice calm yet firm as she provided additional context to the situation.

"If that's the case I wil assume that it's decently strong" I said with a carfree tone

"They are really strong your majesty they are even immune to most magic"she replied with a 

"And what race were you battling?" I inquired, curious to understand the dynamics of the conflict.

"At the request of the lizardmen, we attacked the Ogres," Kuro replied, his expression tense as he recalled the events leading up to the current crisis.

"Hmm, why did you even accept their request?" I asked with surprise

"They promised to submit to us if we emerged victorious against the Ogres," Kuro explained, his voice tinged with regret as he revealed the terms of the agreement.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go. Rosa, tell Leila that I am leaving for a bit," I said with a determined tone, ready to spring into action.

"But you need to have some kind of protection, Your Majesty!" Rosa interjected, her voice filled with concern.

"No need. Just do as I ordered," I replied firmly, my tone leaving no room for argument. Time was of the essence, and I couldn't afford any delays in rescuing Telónia from the impending danger she is an important asset after all . With a sense of urgency coursing through my veins, I followed Kuro out of the room




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