Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch11- Dosu

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Phinks, always bristling with energy, shifted his stance. His eyes locked on Haruto, a grudging respect hidden in his steely gaze. He seemed more interested in their budding leader's response than Koshiro's instructions.

Feitan's smirk hadn't faded. "An unarmed opponent, then," he drawled, confidence seeping from him. "Barely worth the effort."

Koshiro sighed, though there was a flicker of amusement in his eyes. "Pride has been the downfall of many, Haruto. Never underestimate your opponents."

"Downfall isn't an option for me," Feitan shot back, a gleam of defiance in his gaze.

Haruto’s smirk echoed Feitan’s, his eyes shimmering with quiet amusement. He was a tiny creature, but an unmistakable force, carrying himself with an innate majesty that belied his tender years. Like a young lion learning his roar, Haruto was only just beginning to tap into the depth of his inherent power.

"It’s not about pride, Feitan," he said, addressing his older friend. His voice was firm, sure of his place at the head of this quartet. "It's about knowing our strengths. Recognizing them and using them wisely." The hint of self-assurance in his tone mirrored his past life, Meruem. The late king of the Chimera Ants had always held a profound confidence, and Haruto seemed to have inherited it, though it was yet to fully awaken within him.

Canary nodded from the side, her soft features hardening into a determined look. She may have been the youngest of them all, but she held a certain maturity and wisdom that surpassed her years. She was a loyal follower, a silent observer, her loyalty directed mostly towards Haruto, the one she had sworn to protect.

"And I think," Haruto continued, his gaze still on Feitan, "that you understand this better than anyone else." There was a silent authority in his voice, and for a moment, the hall fell quiet, each of them reflecting on his words.

Feitan broke the silence, his usual smirk back in place. "Of course," he said, addressing Haruto with an almost respectful nod. This subtle act was his silent agreement to Haruto's position as their leader. "It's all about power, right?"

Koshiro, watching from the side, smiled at the display. These were his students, his fledglings, and he felt a surge of pride watching them interact. He was aware of the heavy burden resting on Haruto's young shoulders, but he also recognized the formidable support that Feitan, Phinks, and Canary provided. He knew that Haruto was only starting to tap into his inherited majesty, and that his influence over the others would only grow in time.

With the details of their mission made clear, Koshiro dismissed the quartet for the night. The grizzled teacher watched as they filed out of the training hall, each carrying themselves with their unique mixture of audacity, quiet defiance, burning energy, and steadfast loyalty.

Haruto, despite his age, didn't run off like a child. Instead, he walked, his stride confident and purposeful, a monarch-in-training. He was growing into his role, with each passing day gaining more of Meruem's qualities: the arrogance, the ambition, the sense of entitlement.

Feitan and Phinks followed, their youthful expressions belying their lethal training. The two had a strange synergy. They were often at odds with each other, but there was a mutual respect that kept them tightly knit.

Canary trailed behind, her watchful eyes never straying far from Haruto. Despite her youth, her loyalty was unwavering and her observational skills impeccable.

As the day folded into night, the quartet retired to their rooms, each preparing for the mission ahead in their own way. Haruto sat in silent contemplation, his mind spinning webs of strategy. Feitan, the quiet storm, was lost in his thoughts, his mind a battlefield of its own. Phinks was busy with his physical preparations, not one to idle. Canary remained close to Haruto, her protective instincts never waning.

The following day, they set off towards Dosu. The mission, despite its sinister undercurrent, was treated as just another test by the quartet. Their path was laden with anticipation, their spirits soaring high on the wings of their youthful audacity.

"You've got that smirk again, Haruto," Phinks noted, breaking the silence of their travel. His voice carried a teasing edge, a rare occurrence in their grim training.

"Only when there's a good reason," Haruto replied, the corner of his mouth curling upward in his characteristic smirk. His eyes twinkled with a sense of amusement, his spirit untamed despite the weight of the task ahead.

"Reason or not, it suits you," Phinks said, the hint of a smirk on his own lips. He might have been the embodiment of toughness, but even he knew when to respect the audacity in others.

The road to Dosu was as wild as the quartet itself, winding its way through thick forests and rugged hillsides, the landscape undisturbed by civilization. Every now and then, the kids caught a glimpse of wild creatures darting between the trees, a reminder of the world that existed outside their city. The air was fresh, filled with the scent of dew-laden leaves and damp earth, a stark contrast to the bustling city they were used to.

Canary, her usually silent demeanor replaced by a protective alertness, kept her gaze glued on Haruto. Though he was hardly the biggest, he was the strongest, he carried himself with an air of majesty that demanded attention.

Feitan, on the other hand, seemed to be lost in thought. His mind was likely on the mission, figuring out the best approach to take down Kagen and his loyalists. There was a ruthless precision to Feitan that was both frightening and admirable. His loyalty to Haruto was clear, but it was not born out of sentiment only. It was also born out of respect for Haruto's potential power, a silent acknowledgment of the king-like traits Haruto was slowly beginning to exhibit.

At the outskirts of Dosu, atop a hill that overlooked the whole village, the quartet stood, waiting for Haruto's command. The young leader gazed at the village as though it were a game board laid out before him, his eyes calculating, sharp, and predatory. Each structure, every movement, and the patterns of life within the village were pieces in his mental game. He anticipated every possible move Kagen and his loyalists could make and planned to act before they even got the chance.


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