Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch115- Cards

The meadow, a tranquil expanse within the virtual yet tangible world of Greed Island, was bathed in the golden hues of the afternoon sun. Nature’s tapestry was woven with vibrant greens and subtle pastels, creating a peaceful scene that starkly contrasted with the violence unfolding. The environment, meticulously crafted in the real world, was a masterpiece of virtual reality, blurring the lines between game and reality.

Haruto watched silently, his expression unreadable. The meadow, once serene, now bore evidence of a conflict. The man lay on the ground, taking labored breaths. Every inch of him was a testament to Feitan's cruelty. His hands and legs were a grotesque shade of red and blue, bloodied and bruised. The light in his eyes had dimmed, replaced by a vacant look of someone who had seen the depths of despair.

Haruto's features remained stoic, his eyes detached as they observed the scene before him. His dispassion was a fortress, shielding him from the brutality, or perhaps, rendering him indifferent to it.

Feitan could always get what he wanted. There was no if, only how long it would take. Of course, the longer it was, the more fun Feitan would have. Looking at his binding, Feitan grinned. He robbed the man of all his possessions, and learned who sent him, "Bomber. Interesting name." Phinx laughed. Haruto didn't comment; he couldn't register such a person; it was beneath him.

The meadow, once serene, now bore the heavy residue of violence and interrogation. Birds that once chirped merrily had flown away, leaving behind an eerie silence, broken only by the man’s heavy, ragged breaths.

Canary’s gaze was icy as she looked down at the defeated man, her anger still apparent, though slightly subdued. Her fury had transformed into a quiet, lethal calmness. Haruto stood a few steps away, his gaze indifferent, his posture relaxed yet poised.

“Pathetic,” Feitan commented with a smirk, cleaning his blade on the man’s clothes. “Didn’t even last an hour.”

Phinx chuckled, his laughter resonating in the silent meadow, “Well, he did give us the name. That’s something.”

Feitan’s laughter, cold and mocking, echoed through the meadow as he admired his handiwork. “Pathetic, indeed. I’ve seen dolls with more resilience,” he sneered, his eyes glinting with sadistic pleasure. Phinx joined in, his chuckle deep and resonating, “And yet, he talked. They always talk.” He glanced at Feitan with a knowing smirk, reminiscing about past conquests drenched in violence.

Komugi, who had been silent the entire time, finally spoke, her voice gentle, “Is he going to be okay?” Komugi, her eyes recently opened to a world she had never seen, stood silently, her innocence stark against the backdrop of violence. She had been sheltered, kept away from such brutality, and the shock was evident in her wide, unblinking eyes.

Every inch of the man’s battered form spoke volumes of the cruelty unleashed upon him. His limbs, contorted and discolored, bore the brutal imprints of Feitan’s sadistic enjoyement. His breaths were ragged, labored, as if each inhalation was a battle in itself, and his eyes—once perhaps bright and full of life—were now dull, vacant pools reflecting the abyss of his despair.

Haruto didn’t answer. Komugi needed to learn the cruelty of the world. She wouldn't always be sheltered. Instead, Phinx answered, "He will die. Not by us, but that is the fate of offending the King." Feitan nodded in agreement, his stance relaxed, showcasing his nonchalance over the man's fate.

Canary clenched her fist. She wanted to unleash more of her rage onto the man, but Feitan had done enough. The air around her was heavy with suppressed anger, and she seemed like a storm ready to burst.

Haruto’s attention was on the cards in Feitan's binder. His eyes scanning the various cards, he noticed the diversity in their usage. Some were items, others were utilities. The one that the man had used on him, “Trace On,” was particularly interesting. It was designed to track him indefinitely, a relentless pursuit that wouldn’t cease. Haruto, however, was unfazed. There were a few ways to lift it, but he didn’t care. He wasn’t worried about anyone being able to follow him.

Phinx, leaning against a tree, had a smirk on his face, “Well, this was interesting. Wonder if there are more like him.”

Feitan chuckled, “Would be fun, wouldn’t it?”

Canary, finally speaking, her voice laced with venom, “Next time, I won’t hold back. He was lucky.”

Komugi, still standing close to Haruto, had a conflicted look on her face. She was trying to reconcile the violence she had witnessed with the people she knew. She knew they were strong, but this brutality was something she had never seen before.

Haruto, sensing her discomfort, finally spoke, “This is the way of the world, Komugi. Not everyone is kind and good. There are those who would harm us, and we need to be prepared to defend ourselves.”

His voice was gentle, yet there was an underlying firmness to it. He was teaching her, helping her understand the harsh realities of life.

Komugi nodded, her eyes showing her determination to understand, “I know, Haruto. I trust you.”

Her words were simple, but they held a lot of weight. She trusted him, and that was enough for her to accept, if not understand, the necessity of their actions.

Feitan, closing the binder, looked at Haruto, “What do we do with him?”

Haruto, after a moment’s thought, answered, “Leave him. He’s no threat now, and we have other things to focus on.”

Canary, though not completely satisfied, nodded in agreement. She trusted Haruto’s judgment, even if she didn’t agree with it.

Phinx pushed himself off the tree, stretching, “Well, that was a good workout, wasn’t it?”

Canary shot him a glare, but Phinx just grinned in response, not at all affected by her anger.

The group, now ready to move on, left the meadow, leaving behind the man, his breaths still ragged, his body a testament to their wrath.

As they walked away, Haruto’s mind was working, analyzing the situation. This was a game, but it was also a battlefield. There were rules, but there was also the brutal reality of survival. He needed to understand both if he was going to master this game and protect his people.

Canary walked beside him, her anger now replaced by determination. She was ready to fight, ready to protect her family.


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