Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch118- Dopff au Moulin

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to take a moment to share something with you all. As some of you might have noticed, the frequency of our weekly chapters has gone down a bit recently. I'm navigating through some challenging times right now, and it's been impacting my ability to maintain our usual pace.

I really appreciate your understanding and continued support during this period. Your patience and encouragement mean a lot to me. I'm committed to keeping the story alive and will do my best to deliver quality content, even if it's a bit less frequent for now.

Thanks for sticking around and for being such an awesome community!


As the group made their way into the quaint, rustic charm of 'Dopff au Moulin, Caveau de Riquewihr,' a warm, inviting ambiance greeted them. The soft, mellifluous tunes of a live accordion filled the air, blending harmoniously with the gentle clatter of utensils and subdued conversations. The walls, adorned with vintage decor, seemed to echo the rich history of the ancient city of Antokiba. Haruto observed the delicate dance of golden light and shadows as the evening sun cast its glow through the stained glass windows, painting a picturesque scene. The aroma of fresh bread, simmering tomato sauce, and fragrant herbs tantalized their senses, promising a feast of flavors.

Haruto, choosing to ignore their bickering, was observing something else entirely. His attention was captivated by the cook working diligently on a batch of spaghetti. The cook’s movements were methodical, almost robotic. Haruto's eyes narrowed slightly as he deduced that the cook was likely a semi-automaton. Unlike the bustling atmosphere of the restaurant, the cook’s space was a realm of systematic precision. Every strand of spaghetti was treated with the same monotonous care, not a single deviation from the recipe in sight.

In this peculiar setup, the Cat Waiter was the only NPC interacting with the guests, serving with a polite and neutral demeanor. The cook, on the other hand, was just a bot programmed to cook, a stark contrast to the lively Cat Waiter.

Canary, following Haruto’s gaze, tilted her head thoughtfully, “It’s all so...calculated. Like a well-oiled machine.”

Komugi, intrigued, leaned in closer to get a better look at the cook, “Yes, it's fascinating how they've created such a vivid world, yet there are elements like this that are so...mechanical.”

Feitan, who had been quietly observing the cook as well, finally spoke up, his voice holding a hint of intrigue, “It makes sense. They’ve created a world that feels real, but at its core, it’s still a game. There are bound to be elements that are programmed, systematic.”

Phinx, however, seemed less interested in the philosophical implications. “As long as the food is good, I don’t care if a robot or a human cooks it,” he said, leaning back in his chair with a shrug.

Canary chuckled at that, “Spoken like a true gourmet.”

The Cat Waiter, having overheard their conversation, approached with a curious tilt of its head, “What’s that? Gourmet?” Its voice was polite but held a note of genuine confusion.

Haruto, deciding to engage in the conversation, explained with a small smile, “It means someone who enjoys and appreciates good food.”

The Cat Waiter seemed to process this information for a moment before nodding, “Ah, I see. Enjoy your meal!” With that, it gracefully moved away, back to attending other customers.

Amid the contemplation over the mechanistic nature of their environment, a playful banter unfolded between Feitan and Killua. "You know," Feitan jabbed, eyeing Killua, "you might just end up being the shortest among us." Killua rolled his eyes, "I’m still growing, unlike some people," he retorted, causing a ripple of laughter among the group, barring Haruto, who seemed lost in thought.

Feitan smirked, "With that white hair, you’ll look like a little old man by the time you’re fifteen." Killua shot back with a grin, "At least I won’t be mistaken for a child when I’m actually an adult." The playful exchange lightened the atmosphere, bringing an essence of camaraderie amidst the philosophical musings.

Feitan wasn’t done yet. "Well, at least I don’t have to dye my hair to look intimidating," he quipped, examining his nails nonchalantly.

Killua retorted, "Oh please, the only thing intimidating about you is your bad temper."

After savoring their meals and successfully acquiring the "Galgaida" card, the group decided it was time to leave the Dopff au Moulin, Caveau de Riquewihr. The atmosphere of the restaurant, bustling and lively, was left behind as they stepped out into the open air of Antokiba. However, as soon as they exited the establishment, a subtle shift occurred in Haruto’s demeanor. His eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly, a crease forming on his forehead as a sense of unease washed over him.

His senses, finely honed and alert, picked up a lethal presence in the vicinity. It didn’t take him long to locate the source; a man in a red t-shirt, seemingly unaware of the grave danger he was in. Haruto’s gaze locked onto the individual, his eyes narrowing as he detected the malicious Nen lurking within, threatening to wreak havoc.

Upon detecting the malicious Nen within the man, Haruto acted with a blend of swift decisiveness and meticulous care. He extended his own aura, meticulously crafting an invisible barrier around the Nen bomb nestled within the man’s being. The formation of the barrier was a process akin to weaving an intricate tapestry, where each thread of Nen was laid with precision. It was a ballet of control and focus, as he methodically neutralized the sinister energy, rendering it harmless without the slightest tremor of alarm. The onlookers, unaware of the deadly dance of energies, continued with their mundane affairs. It was a silent, unseen victory against the lurking menace. As Haruto withdrew his Nen, the simplicity of his action belied the complex artistry of his skill.

The man, oblivious to the life-threatening situation he had just been in, felt a sudden gurgle in his stomach. He paused, burped loudly, and then, with a slightly puzzled expression, continued on his way, utterly unaware of how close he had come to death’s door.

“Haruto, what just happened?” Canary’s voice, laced with concern, broke through his concentration. She had noticed the sudden change in him, the intensity of his focus.

“There was a Nen bomb inside that man. It was set to explode,” Haruto explained calmly, his voice steady as he turned to face the group. “I managed to neutralize it.”

“A Nen bomb?” Komugi echoed, her eyes wide with surprise. “But why? And how?”

Haruto grinned, his smile wild, his eyes predatory. "Must be the bomber we heard," he remarked, the thrill of the hunt evident in his voice. He then turned his attention to Killua, Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio, cautioning them, "Be careful. Don't let anyone touch you." The four nodded in understanding and bowed slightly, showing their respect before making their exit.

Watching them leave, Haruto’s eyes didn’t miss a single detail of their surroundings. His keen senses were alert, searching for any other potential threats. Canary, standing close to him, was visibly impressed by his ability to handle the situation so swiftly.

"You handled that brilliantly," she complimented, her tone sincere.

Haruto merely shrugged, his expression turning thoughtful. “It’s just part of the game,” he mused aloud, his gaze now scanning the bustling streets of Antokiba.

Feitan leaned back, a smirk playing on his lips. “You always had a knack for this kind of thing,” he remarked casually, his tone laced with a hint of pride.

Phinx, on the other hand, seemed more interested in the potential fight that could ensue. “Think the bomber will come after us?” he asked, his voice filled with anticipation.

“Hopefully,” Haruto replied, his voice calm but excited.


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