Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch18- Growing Up

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The ensuing years were nothing short of transformative for the youthful group. Under Koshiro's experienced guidance, they engaged in missions, facing challenges that honed their minds and bodies. They grew, not just in physical stature, but in maturity, their bond strengthening with every shared adventure.

Haruto, who was only eight when they faced Kagen, had now reached his tenth year. His journey was akin to a river gaining momentum, carving its path through a mountain. His latent majesty, inherited from Meruem, bloomed with every passing day. The young boy, once merely sharp-witted, had begun exuding a unique charisma, solidifying his position as the group's natural leader.

Feitan and Phinks, now teenagers, had seen significant progress in their own right. The harsh, ruthless streak in Feitan was more pronounced, his thirst for battle as unquenchable as ever. Phinks, on the other hand, reveled in the camaraderie, his bond with the group almost fraternal. Though both distinct in character, their loyalty to Haruto was unquestionable.

Canary, the youngest, had matured considerably. Her unwavering trust in Haruto had evolved into deep respect. A silent observer, her eyes held a light that promised unparalleled dedication to their shared cause.

In those two years, their missions were as varied as they were challenging. From infiltrating high-security compounds to helping oppressed communities rise against their tyrants, they embraced every task with a shared determination. Yet, despite their shared battles, their Nen training was yet to commence. Koshiro had been cryptic about it, promising to initiate them when the time was right.

Their journey wasn't without its fair share of disagreements and tensions. One such argument unfolded as they returned from a mission.

"You're being too careless, Phinks," Feitan spat, his voice cold. "Your bravado almost cost us the mission."

Phinks laughed it off, his grin nonchalant. "Oh, come on! That explosion was way off! We were never in any danger."

"Maybe we weren't," Haruto interjected, his tone neutral. "But that's not the point, Phinks. We need to be precise in our actions. Even the slightest miscalculation can have catastrophic consequences."

Phinks rolled his eyes. "Not every mission requires a calculated approach. Sometimes, you just have to go with your gut."

Canary, who had been silently trailing behind them, suddenly spoke up. "I agree with Haruto," she stated, her voice steady. "We need to minimize unnecessary risks."

Phinks threw his hands up, an exaggerated sigh escaping his lips. "Fine, fine. I'll try to be more...precise."

That argument was one among many. However, they served a purpose, shaping them into a cohesive unit, their individual traits meshing together to form an unstoppable force. As they continued their journey, the children – led by the young king-to-be Haruto – became a force to reckon with.

Through every mission, every argument, every victory, and every setback, they grew stronger. They learned to trust one another, their bond strengthening with every challenge they overcame. As they stepped into the threshold of their teens, they remained a sight to behold – children in appearance, but warriors in spirit.

Meanwhile, Haruto was growing into his role as the group's leader. His wisdom, at such a young age, was remarkable. He dealt with the group's dynamics deftly, maneuvering their distinct personalities with an ease that belied his age. His leadership, firm yet empathetic, left no room for doubt – Haruto was born to be a king.

“Today is the day,” Koshiro announced, his voice echoing in the spacious room where they had gathered. The grand old man was a figure of authority; his words carried the weight of decades spent as a part of the Council of Meteor City. In his aged eyes, a spark ignited at the prospect of what was to come.

The announcement was met with a spectrum of reactions. Haruto stood silent, the anticipation etched across his face. Canary's eyes widened, a mixture of fear and excitement swirling within them. Phinks cracked his knuckles, a grin spreading across his face, while Feitan stood motionless, his eyes betraying his eagerness.

The air in the room tensed, their young hearts pounding in anticipation. They were about to cross a threshold that would forever change their lives. It was the moment they had been waiting for: their Nen awakening.

Haruto's mind raced, his eyes meeting Koshiro's with a sense of resolve. In the past two years, his king-like attributes had only grown stronger, his innate majesty amplified with each mission. Today, this majesty would be fortified by an unseen power, the mystical force of Nen.

Koshiro moved with a profound purpose, his aged hand reaching out to Haruto. He was the first. The old man's palm gently pressed against Haruto's chest, the air around them pulsating with a latent energy. Without warning, a sudden surge erupted, Koshiro channeling his Nen into the young boy.

Haruto’s eyes widened as a sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced coursed through his body. It felt like a dam had been broken within him, a torrent of powerful energy unleashed, setting his nerves ablaze. His body trembled, but he stood his ground, his eyes defiant. This was his destiny. He welcomed the pain, the overwhelming force. It was an affirmation of his future, of his right to rule.

Once the surge subsided, Haruto stumbled back, his chest heaving. He looked at his hands, a sense of newfound power coursing through his veins. He looked at Koshiro, gratitude flashing in his eyes.

"Bravo," Koshiro nodded, a hint of pride in his voice. "You took it well, Haruto."

He then turned his attention to Feitan, his gaze firm. The usually impetuous Feitan steeled himself, bracing for the impact. As Koshiro's palm made contact, Feitan's body convulsed, the influx of energy proving too much for him to bear. Yet, his eyes remained locked onto Koshiro's, his determination unwavering.

After a grueling moment, Koshiro withdrew his hand, leaving Feitan panting, his body slumped on the floor. Feitan's eyes glinted, a feral satisfaction radiating from them as he took in his awakened Nen.

Next was Phinks. He approached the ordeal with a lighthearted grin, but the moment Koshiro's hand made contact, his smile vanished. His muscles bulged under the strain of the energy surge, his body buckling under the impact. Yet, he too stood his ground, his grit transcending the pain.

Canary was last. Her gaze fell on Haruto, seeking reassurance. Haruto nodded, encouraging her forward. As Koshiro's Nen surged into her, Canary gritted her teeth, her body shuddering under the intense force. It was painful, but she remained rooted, fueled by her trust in Haruto and Koshiro.


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