Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch21- Let’s Give ’em Hell

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The training was brutal. They pushed their limits, their bodies straining under the weight of their own power. Their Nen would ebb and flow, sometimes threatening to overpower them. But under Koshiro's watchful eyes and stern guidance, they gradually started gaining control. They learned to push the boundaries, to extend their limits, and in the process, became stronger.

"Again!" Koshiro would bark, his gaze never wavering from his pupils. "Increase your Nen flow and maintain it! Your goal is to extend the duration of the Ren."

Phinks would often break the intense silence with his light-hearted banter, "Hey, old man, are you trying to kill us?" he'd say, grinning despite the fatigue threatening to pull him under.

Koshiro would shoot him a stern look, which would silence him momentarily. But it was a recurring pattern - Phinks' easy-going nature clashing with the intensity of their training.

During one such rigorous session, Canary spoke up. "Why do we have to keep doing this? Isn't controlling the flow enough?" she asked, her brow furrowed.

Koshiro turned his gaze to her, "Ren isn't just about controlling your Nen flow. It's about enduring the surge of your own power. The longer you can withstand your own Nen, the stronger you become."

His words resonated with the group. It was not just about commanding their Nen, but about becoming a force capable of enduring its intensity. It was a struggle, a grueling battle between their will and their power.

Phinks groaned, "Easier said than done, old man."

Feitan snorted at his friend's complaint, "Stop whining, Phinks. It's unbecoming."

Meanwhile, Haruto remained silent, his focus entirely on his Nen. The room echoed with the intensity of their focus, each of them locked in their own internal battle. Haruto's Nen was a radiant flame, steadily growing under his command. The small boy had an undeniable presence, his natural kingly aura reflecting in his every action.

"Your training has only just begun," Koshiro stated, his stern gaze scanning his pupils. "Ren is the foundation upon which your strength will be built. The further you can push, the stronger you will become."

Canary, Feitan, and Phinks exchanged glances, their determination renewed. Haruto remained silent, his resolve undeterred.

"So, what's the time limit?" Feitan asked, a spark of defiance in his eyes.

"As long as possible," Koshiro responded, "The goal isn't a fixed time. It's to endure. To overcome."

Their focus wavered as a messenger interrupted the intense session, handing Koshiro an envelope sealed with the emblem of the Meteor City Elder Council. As he tore open the seal and scanned the content, a deep frown creased his weathered face. His normally stern gaze softened, replaced with an unsettling solemnity.

Phinks, ever the curious one, was the first to break the silence. "What's the matter, old man? Bad news?"

Koshiro sighed deeply, running his fingers through his silver hair. "Three years ago," he began, his voice low, "a man from Meteor City was arrested for a murder he didn't commit in Yorknew City. They didn't find any identification on him, and he was sentenced without proper defense."

Feitan's eyes hardened. "Innocent?"

"Yes," Koshiro nodded. "They've just found the actual culprit, a drug addict whose past crimes were revealed after his recent arrest. It's too late for the innocent man."

The training hall was filled with a tense silence. These kids knew about the world's cruelty, but hearing about a fellow city-dweller's unjust fate stirred something within them.

Haruto broke the silence, "They did nothing to rectify their mistake?"

"The world is unfair, young prince," Koshiro responded. "This is one of many injustices faced by our people."

Feitan clenched his fists, anger surging through his veins. "And we just accept that?"

"No," Koshiro stated firmly. "We learn from it. We grow stronger, so when the time comes, we can fight against such injustices."

Phinks, trying to lighten the atmosphere, nudged Feitan, "Hear that? Let's get stronger and beat the crap out of 'em."

Canary, typically silent, voiced her thoughts, "Strength isn't always enough, Phinks. We need wisdom as well."

Feitan glanced at Haruto, then back at Koshiro, "Then we keep training."

Silence fell like a heavy curtain in the room as Haruto’s words seeped into the atmosphere, his rage palpable and raw. His voice was a low hiss, yet it cut through the tension in the room like a blade. His fury, overwhelming and relentless, bore into them. Despite the Nen barriers they had erected, Haruto’s aura pierced through, its strength shaking them to their very cores.

“No!” Haruto’s voice was so quiet it was almost a whisper, but the power behind it was deafening. “We will send a message. Meteor is my city, and people inside are my subjects. No one falsely persecutes my people and gets away with it."

His young face was twisted in an almost grotesque mask of fury. His violet eyes were lit with a chilling, unadulterated anger, an intensity that was terrifying. It was a sight that would instill fear in the hearts of the bravest warriors.

Koshiro found himself momentarily tongue-struck. Despite his many years and experiences, the depth of Haruto's rage startled him. He had seen the boy angry before, but this was different. This was not the anger of a boy, but the rage of a king protecting his kingdom.

Phinks, usually the first to break silence, found himself stepping back. The force of Haruto's rage hit him like a punch to the gut. It was then he understood the full gravity of Haruto's words. They were not just students to him. They were his people.

Feitan's mouth twisted into a grimace. He was used to the king's commanding presence, yet he could not suppress the shudder that passed through him at Haruto's words. It was anger, yes, but also a declaration. A promise.

Canary remained silent. The force of Haruto's aura was a storm she did not dare to contest. She sat quietly, her mind racing. She had never seen Haruto so fiercely protective before. It both scared and reassured her. She was loyal to Haruto. Whatever he wanted to do, she would do.

A sense of solidarity sparked in the air, their shared indignation swirling with Haruto's fury. The silence that followed was charged with determination, each of them processing the implications of Haruto's words in their own way.

Phinks was the first to break the silence, his voice steadier than they expected. "You heard the king, guys. Let's give 'em hell."


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