Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch26- Recruiting Uvogin and Nobunaga

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Haruto's gaze was icy as he released Uvogin's punch, the force of his anger making the larger teen stumble back. Nobunaga was breathing heavily, his sword trembling in his grip.

Feitan and Phinx watched the scene unfold, an unspoken respect in their eyes as they observed Haruto's commanding presence. Canary's clench tightened, ready to act any second, her eyes gleaming with an unwavering loyalty and protectiveness.

"Clean up your mess," Haruto ordered, pointing at the wreckage around them. Uvogin glared at him, disbelief shining in his eyes, but Haruto met his gaze steadily. In response, Uvogin let out a gruff laugh, his muscular frame shaking with amusement.

"No one orders me around, kid!" Uvogin declared, ready to lash out again, but he froze as he felt an icy sharpness pressed against his neck.

"No one will stop me from doing so, either," Feitan hissed, pressing his blade a little more. Uvogin blinked, his surprise quickly turning into a scowl as he reluctantly stepped back, gritting his teeth.

Simultaneously, Nobunaga, still panting from their fight, cast a sharp glance at Haruto. “You’re just a kid,” he scoffed. But Haruto’s gaze remained unwavering, his voice cutting through the tension, “Your point?”

Taken aback, Nobunaga gritted his teeth. He attempted to retrieve his sword from Feitan, but Haruto intercepted, holding the blade firmly in his hand. “Consider this your payment,” he said, tossing it away from the battlefield.

Canary watched this unfold, her heart pounding against her rib cage. She saw Haruto’s strength, his authority, and it made her chest swell with pride. This was her Haruto. Not a boy, but a force to be reckoned with.

Meanwhile, Phinx kept his attention on the crowd. He could sense their fear, their anticipation. “Move along,” he warned, giving them a cold look. The crowd dispersed quickly, the scene clearing for the unusual quartet and their new acquisitions.

Haruto crossed his arms over his chest, leveling a stern gaze at Uvogin and Nobunaga. "Clean up your mess, and you can stay." His voice echoed through the empty alley, leaving no room for protest. Uvogin opened his mouth to retort, but a simple raise of Haruto's eyebrow shut him up. With a grumble, the muscular teen began to gather the debris.

“You’re not the boss of us,” Nobunaga declared, but his voice wavered, making his defiance sound more like a plea for validation. Haruto gave him a sharp glance. “Your actions say otherwise.”

Defeated, Nobunaga grudgingly started to help Uvogin. The spectators began to disperse, their whispers still echoing around the alleyway. Feitan chuckled, tucking his blade away as he sauntered back towards Haruto, a smirk lingering on his face.

Phinx joined them, his gaze softening as he watched Haruto. Despite his rough exterior, Phinx couldn't help but admire the boy’s leadership, his authority, the way he effortlessly commanded respect without saying much.

Just then, an elderly man stepped into the alley. He was an imposing figure with a strong aura surrounding him. Koshiro, the council member, watched the unusual quartet with a knowing smile.

The weight of Haruto's command still lingered in the air as the alley returned to a semblance of its previous state, the tension dissipating like the smoke of an extinguished flame. Uvogin and Nobunaga, through clenched teeth and sullen glances, began to restore order to the chaos they'd created. It was an unusual sight, the powerful brute and skilled swordsman humbled.

Koshiro, the council member, stepped further into the alley, his eyes filled with a blend of curiosity and amusement. His gaze fell upon Haruto, a twinkle of admiration sparkling in his eyes. "Impressive, boy," he began, his voice filled with a depth that only comes with age and wisdom.

Haruto's gaze shifted to the elderly man, acknowledging his presence with a slight nod. He didn’t waste his words on a reply, a trait he was well known for, choosing instead to let his actions speak volumes.

"I see potential in you two," Koshiro continued, turning his attention to Uvogin and Nobunaga, who had momentarily stopped their cleanup to listen. His gaze swept over them, like a seasoned teacher appraising his pupils.

Uvogin crossed his arms over his chest, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips, "We don't need your approval, old man."

Nobunaga, despite his apprehension towards Haruto, snorted in agreement. But the old man's gaze was unyielding, a soft smile playing on his lips. He turned his back to them, beginning to walk away, his voice echoing behind him. “Your lack of finesse suggests otherwise."

Haruto watched the scene with a certain detachment, but his calculating gaze was already assessing Koshiro’s words. He turned to Feitan, his violet eyes meeting the dark-eyed boy's gaze, a silent message passed between them. Feitan's smirk broadened as he stepped forward, catching up to Koshiro.

Feitan sped up to walk alongside Koshiro, a smirk playing on his lips. "Koshiro, they need some convincing. You know how stubborn they can be."

Koshiro chuckled, his laugh deep and hearty. "Indeed, but it's their strength that could make them an asset to us."

Uvogin glanced over his shoulder, curious despite himself. “Why would we want to join you?” he asked, his voice challenging.

"It's not about what you want," Koshiro answered, his voice carrying an undeniable weight. "It's about what you need. You've awakened your Nen, but without guidance, it's like a wild beast. You need someone to tame it."

Feitan turned towards Uvogin and Nobunaga, his sharp eyes scrutinizing them. "Consider this," he proposed, his voice laced with a challenge. "The four of us, we learned from Koshiro. He made us strong."

Canary, watching the exchange silently, finally broke her silence. Her small voice carried through the alley, "It's true. He's taught us a lot. He can do the same for you."

Haruto, who had remained silent through the exchange, decided to intervene. He faced Uvogin and Nobunaga, crossing his arms over his chest, "Do as you wish," he said dismissively, "but if you stay, you'll follow my orders."

Nobunaga glanced at Uvogin, a question in his eyes. Uvogin shrugged, his mouth set in a tight line. "Fine," he grumbled. "We'll stay, for now."

Koshiro, satisfied, turned to Haruto. "Well done, Haruto. You handled this well."

Haruto merely shrugged off the praise, his mind already on their next course of action. "We need to start their training as soon as possible," he declared, his tone leaving no room for debate.

Feitan’s smirk deepened at Haruto's command. He knew Haruto was capable of making hard decisions; it was part of what made him such an effective leader. He stepped forward, pointing his thumb at himself, "I’ll handle Nobunaga," he announced confidently.

Haruto nodded, his gaze on Uvogin. He turned to Phinx, "You take Uvogin. Canary, you and I will handle the logistics."

Phinx grunted his acknowledgment, already stepping forward to join Uvogin, who was regarding him with a challenging smirk.

Meanwhile, Canary nodded, moving to stand beside Haruto. She may be young, but her determination was clear. She was eager to show her worth, to contribute to the cause.

While they made plans, Koshiro stood by, observing. The quartet's dynamic fascinated him; they each had a role, and they all worked together seamlessly. It reminded him of the best of teams, each one a cog in the wheel, vital and irreplaceable. "Good," he murmured, his eyes twinkling. "Good. This is just the beginning."


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