Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch28- Chrollo Snooping Around

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"Enough with the back and forth." Haruto's voice cut through the banter. There was a certain edge to it, the finality of a decision made. "We have more pressing concerns."

The silence that followed was almost eerie, but it was broken by the sharp crackling of the fire. The companions watched Haruto, their eyes filled with curiosity, and yes, respect.

"We're not just fighters. We are the hopes of our city," Haruto continued, his eyes piercing through the fire-lit darkness. His voice held a confidence well beyond his years, a king commanding his court. "Tomorrow, we train again. But remember, the fight is as much about the mind as it is about the body."

Koshiro hummed his approval, his wrinkled hand absently stroking his grizzled chin. He had seen enough over the years, yet there was something different about Haruto, a promise of a better future.

As the last embers of the fire slowly died, Nobunaga broke the silence. "There's someone else in Meteor City," he began, a thoughtful tone creeping into his voice. "Name's Chrollo. Man's got a strange charisma about him."

Uvogin grunted in agreement, sitting up. "He approached us once. Wanted us to be part of something he's planning."

Feitan tilted his head, his eyes narrowing, "What's this plan of his?"

Nobunaga shrugged, "Didn't get the specifics. He said it would change everything in Meteor City. He's gathering people, I hear."

A spark of curiosity appeared in Phinx's eyes. "Gathering people? For what?"

"Dunno, but it was enough to make me consider," Uvogin admitted, scratching his head. "In another life, I might've even followed him."

Haruto chuckled lightly at Uvogin's statement, an amused smirk on his face. "Glad you're in this life, Uvo," he said, causing a ripple of laughter to pass through the group.

As the fire flickered, casting a mesmerizing glow across the group, Uvogin stretched out his broad shoulders, breaking the silence, "So, what's the game plan, Haruto? Gonna confront this Chrollo fellow?"

Haruto hummed, tracing circles in the sand with a thin stick. "Depends on what he's planning." His eyes flicked up, reflecting the dancing flames, a spark of excitement burning in his depths.

Canary glanced at Haruto, then at Phinx, her brows furrowed. "Doesn't it worry you? That someone else is rallying forces in our city?"

"No," Haruto said, a lopsided smirk playing on his lips. "Not unless he thinks he can take what's mine."

Feitan snorted from the corner, his usually stoic face pulling into a scowl. "Chrollo...that name." His fingers curled, scratching his chin. "Why's it sound familiar?"

"Nostalgia," Phinx drawled, his eyes glinting under the firelight. "You remember our 'playdate' with him and his gang when we were kids."

Feitan's eyes narrowed, a bitter laugh escaping his lips, "Ah, yes. The day he tried to outsmart Haruto and ended up with a broken arm."

Intrigued, Nobunaga shot a glance at Haruto. "So, this Chrollo tried to outsmart you, huh? How'd that turn out?"

Haruto merely shrugged, a smug grin playing on his lips. "Ask Feitan and Phinx. They were there."

Feitan grunted, shoving another bite into his mouth. His voice was muffled but the irritation was clear, "Why drag us into this?"

Phinx sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Alright, alright. It was... interesting."

Canary, her hands folded neatly in her lap, rolled her eyes. "That's putting it mildly."

From her tone, it was clear that she had her own perspective on the incident. She had always been observant, picking up on the subtleties that others often missed. Her gaze met Haruto's, a silent question in her eyes.

He gave a nonchalant nod, an amused twinkle in his eyes. "Go ahead, Canary. Enlighten them."

She paused, her gaze narrowing at the memory. "Well, it was quite a few years ago. We were kids, practically inseparable. Feitan and Phinx were always the more... adventurous ones, to put it kindly."

Feitan huffed, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Ignoring his outburst, Canary continued, "One day, they spotted Chrollo running with a videotape. They assumed it was something new, something interesting. And they couldn't let that go."

Phinx snorted, "We figured he'd stolen it. We were just trying to get it back."

"But," Canary added, a ghost of a smile on her lips, "Chrollo was quick, quick-witted too. He gave you guys a runaround, didn't he?"

Feitan scowled at the memory, "Sneaky bastard tricked us. Gave us an old tape we'd seen a hundred times."

"Ah, but then Haruto stepped in," Canary said, her voice lowering. She glanced at Haruto, her gaze filled with admiration. "He wasn't having any of that. Just walked up to Chrollo, didn't you?"

Haruto, a smirk on his lips, merely shrugged.

Uvogin let out a huff of laughter, stretching out his muscular arms. "So, Chrollo, huh? You think he could be a problem, Haruto?"

Haruto tilted his head, his gaze sharpening at Uvogin's words. "A problem? No. A distraction? Maybe."

Phinx snorted, poking at the dying fire. "He'd have to do better than a broken arm to be a real distraction."

Feitan gave a curt nod, his usually steely gaze softening. "He'd have to do a lot better."

Uvogin harrumphed, his hands folding over his large belly. "Shouldn't we be worried about his plans for the city?"

Haruto, his eyes reflecting the flickering flames, turned his gaze to Uvogin. "Worried? No. Cautious? Yes. This is our city, Uvo. Our people. We don't take kindly to those who want to disrupt that."

Nobunaga, silent till now, turned to Haruto. "Is it worth talking to him, finding out what he's up to?"

Haruto considered, his eyes distant. "Perhaps. Or perhaps he should be reminded of the order of things."

Feitan snickered, his eyes glinting with mischief. "I'd pay to see that, Chrollo being put in his place. Again."

Canary shot him a glare, her brows furrowing. "It's not a game, Feitan. Our city is at stake."

Feitan shrugged, a smirk on his face. "All the more reason to enjoy the show."

Koshiro chuckled, breaking his silence. "Never lose that spirit, Feitan. It keeps us young."

Phinx, having listened to the exchange, turned to Haruto. "Chrollo may not be a threat now, but it doesn't hurt to keep an eye on him."

Haruto nodded, his eyes hardening. "Agreed."


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