Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch30- The Kurta Clan

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Haruto's eyebrow lifted slightly, an inkling of interest piercing through his otherwise impassive exterior. "And who's responsible for this?" His voice carried a note of curiosity, a subtle challenge hanging in the air.

Chrollo sighed deeply, a theatrically sorrowful expression painting his face. "A powerful clan with potent abilities. I would avenge my friend, but I confess my strength falls short. I wish to annihilate each one of them, adults and children alike. And then, I would leave my signature note by their side, just as I did with those who took an innocent life from us before," he declared, his voice heavy with bitterness.

This elicited an inscrutable look from Haruto. His gaze turned penetrating, studying Chrollo's demeanor. He didn't respond immediately, allowing an anticipatory silence to stretch between them.

"Explain," Haruto eventually said, his tone steady yet demanding. It was a simple word, but the way he said it made it sound like a royal decree.

Chrollo, apparently unfazed, began to spin another narrative, the tale of how he had allegedly killed thirty perpetrators in a previous incident. He went into meticulous detail, describing the intricate traps he had set, the expertly executed manipulations, and the horrifyingly precise kills.

As Chrollo spoke, Haruto's gaze never wavered from his face. The teenager's expression remained unreadable, a smooth mask that hid any thoughts or emotions he might be feeling. His silence was commanding, holding everyone's attention with a force that belied his youth. His companions, meanwhile, continued to maintain their grim facades, their fierce loyalty for Haruto visibly thrumming in the tense silence.

Phinx, however, broke the monotony with a scoff, his voice laced with skepticism. "You expect us to believe this nonsense, Chrollo?"

“Your imagination is certainly vivid,” Haruto interjected, derailing Chrollo's narrative. The young lord’s derisive tone was followed by Uvogin's rumbling laughter, "Guess we found ourselves a storyteller, huh?"

Haruto's gaze sharpened, narrowing on Chrollo with the intensity of a drawn sword. "The name of the clan?" he demanded, the edges of his words lethal.

Chrollo's response was barely a whisper, but it echoed through the courtyard, ringing heavy with implication. "The Kurta Clan."

In an instant, the air within the courtyard shifted dramatically. Haruto's Nen flared up, powerful and oppressing. It was as if a forceful gale had picked up, pressing heavily on those at Chrollo's side. Their breaths hitched, their eyes widening in panic as the pressure escalated. Amidst them, Chrollo, usually so composed, started to perspire. Beads of sweat trickled down his face, reflecting the merciless sunlight.

The previously calm environment had become a volatile battlefield, with Haruto standing at its center, his Nen pulsating with unbridled energy. Yet, his face was an impassive mask, only his eyes revealing a murderous intensity that sent shivers down their spines.

Feitan, however, cut through the pressing silence with a cold, mirthless chuckle. His lips twitched upwards, amusement glinting in his usually impassive eyes. As if taking the cue, Uvogin burst into hearty laughter, shaking the earth with his mirth, his large form doubling over with the force of his laughter. Nobunaga joined in, a rumble of amusement that filled the courtyard, echoing off the ancient trees that surrounded them.

The spectacle seemed to confound Chrollo, who was now visibly strained under the weight of Haruto's Nen. Wiping away the sweat from his brow, he managed to choke out, "Why are you laughing?"

Still chuckling, Phinx shot him a glance, the corners of his lips curled up in a wicked smirk. "Funny you should ask, Chrollo. We had some visitors recently who brought up the same clan name, Kurta." He paused, savoring the shocked silence that followed his words before continuing.

"They offered us a pretty penny for something rather unusual. Scarlet eyes. Apparently, they're a specialty of the Kurta clan, glow bright red when the owners get riled up." He laughed again, the sound a discordant melody against the suffocating tension in the courtyard.

Chrollo's face paled, his eyes wide in surprise. The shock quickly morphed into a look of desperation, his gaze darting towards Haruto, seeking some kind of support. However, the teenager was unmoved, his expression unfathomable.

Canary stepped forward, her posture rigid as she recounted, "And do you know what our Young Lord said?" She paused, casting a sidelong glance at Haruto who merely nodded for her to continue.

She turned back to face Chrollo, her voice laced with contempt, "He rejected the offer. Not because it was cruel, or unethical. He rejected it because it was beneath him. He doesn't trade in lives or body parts."

Canary paused, looking at Haruto who was still emanating a massive aura of Nen. A spark of admiration ignited in her eyes before she turned back to Chrollo, her expression turning into a wicked smirk. "This begs the question, Chrollo. Isn't it a big coincidence that the clan we were asked to hunt killed your dear friend?"

Phinx jumped in without waiting for Chrollo to respond. "Oh, by the way, Chrollo, regarding the first incident you were bragging about… there were only twenty-eight victims. And they died in ways that still make people shudder in their sleep."

Chrollo’s eyes flicked towards Phinx, an edge of tension sneaking into his otherwise composed demeanor. "And how would you know?" he asked, his voice strained under the intense gaze of Haruto’s Nen.

Phinx chuckled, a low, dangerous sound that did nothing to alleviate the thick tension hanging in the air. "It was Haruto who designed the whole act, down to the last detail." His words were punctuated by a sharp, bird-like laugh.

Haruto remained silent, his expression inscrutable as he watched Chrollo squirm under the reveal. His gaze was stern, his aura unwavering, radiating his authority over the situation.

"You don't have to keep taking credit for other people's work," Uvogin chortled, a sharp, biting sound that sent a shiver down the spines of Chrollo’s followers. His grin was wide, teeth glinting in the dappled sunlight.

Ignoring the taunts, Chrollo turned his attention back to Haruto, but he flinched when met with the icy stare of the teenager. Haruto's gaze was like a physical blow, his authority manifesting as an almost palpable force that left no room for objection.

Haruto's gaze dropped down to Chrollo, unyielding as a glacier. The words he spoke next were colder still. "Did you kill your friend, Sarasa, to make an excuse to attack the Kurta Clan?"


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