Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch34- Let’s Take Them Down!

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"We will start by claiming this city," Haruto announced, his voice carrying a strength and authority beyond his years. "The Council has sat idly by for far too long. I am sick of this passive approach. The world dumps their trash on us, expects us to accept everything they throw our way. No more. We will create a city that will be envied by the greatest empires, then spread outward, and claim this world. This world is mine to take."

His words ignited a spark in the hearts of the members of his group, his audacious ambition setting the tone for their future path.

Franklin, usually the silent one, was the first to break the silence. "How can we achieve that, Haruto?" he asked, the gravity of Haruto's proclamation resonating deeply within him. "The Council is well established, and they are all Nen Masters."

Haruto's gaze was unyielding as he answered. "We will get stronger. From today forth, we will create Hatsu, and then, we will move."

The energy in the yard changed perceptibly, buzzing with anticipation and unease.

"But we don't have the numbers," Shalnark challenged, his strategist's mind working overtime. "To take on the Council, we will need more allies."

A smirk danced on Feitan's lips as he pushed away from the wall, his gaze never leaving Haruto. He walked to stand next to the young leader, a silent declaration of his allegiance. "No need for allies," he said, his voice low and menacing. "More people, more problems."

Uvogin grunted from his corner, his agreement with Feitan clear. He didn't care for numbers or tactics; he trusted in strength, and Haruto had shown plenty of it.

Machi moved to sit closer to Pakunoda, her movements rigid and calculated. "How can we trust each other? After what happened with Chrollo?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Pakunoda turned her gaze to Machi, her eyes echoing the same vulnerability. "Trust has to start somewhere," she responded, her voice strong despite the uncertainty in her eyes.

Amidst the cacophony, Nobunaga broke his silence, drawing everyone's attention. "Haruto," he began, the usually stoic man's voice echoing with an unusual fervor. "We have your back. Let's claim what's rightfully ours."

His words stirred a wave of emotion within the group, the shifting dynamics forming a tangible bond between them.

The yard grew quiet, each member lost in their thoughts. Franklin's large fingers drummed rhythmically against his legs, his unease fading with every beat.

"But before that, we need to go on a trip," Haruto declared suddenly, causing several heads to turn in his direction.

"Where?" Machi asked, her voice barely more than a whisper.

"To the Kurta Clan." Haruto grinned.

Canary, her gaze sharp as a hawk, immediately caught onto Haruto's plan. "You want to use this to recruit them to our city, your empire," she surmised, eyes flicking from Haruto to the others.

His response was a knowing smile, as he leaned back against a tree, his gaze sweeping over each of them.

"Kakin is strong," Koshiro interjected. His voice carried an undercurrent of caution, his brows furrowed. He was an old hand, and he knew the dangers they were up against. The Kakin Empire, with its vast resources and intricate politics, was not an opponent to be taken lightly.

"So are we," Feitan retorted, his voice low and seething. His arms crossed over his chest, the usual storm in his eyes flaring hotter. He was ready to take on the world for Haruto, the intensity of his loyalty palpable even in his silence.

Canary eyed Koshiro, her stance challenging. "And if Hunters side with Kakin, we will make them regret it."

Nobunaga grunted, the sound a low, rumbling agreement. His arms remained crossed, his stance unmoving, a bulwark of solid support for Haruto's plans.

"Agreed," Phinx rumbled, his voice a strong and steady bass that echoed around the yard. "No one stands in our way."

Uvogin, silent as usual, simply nodded. His agreement was in the set of his shoulders, the unyielding gaze, the raw, brutal strength that radiated from him.

The tension in the yard was palpable, each person holding their breath as Haruto's gaze fell on each of them. This was their path, their choice, and with each passing moment, their resolve solidified.

"We will get stronger," Haruto repeated, his words resolute. "And we will face any challenge that comes our way."

Shalnark, his eyes clear and sharp, nodded. He had always been the strategist, the planner, and while the plan was audacious, he could see the merits of it. They were a small group, but what they lacked in numbers, they made up in raw power and determination.

"We'll take them down one by one, like dominos," Franklin added. His voice was a low rumble, deep with certainty and resolve. His fists clenched and unclenched, already itching for the fight.

Pakunoda watched them, her calm exterior a stark contrast to the whirlwind of thoughts inside her. She had chosen to follow Haruto, to trust him, and she found herself agreeing with his plans. They were bold, audacious, and completely fitting their leader's nature.

"Recruitment it is, then," she finally spoke, her voice carrying a note of determination that drew nods of agreement from around the yard.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the crew steeled themselves for the challenges that lay ahead. They were embarking on a path rife with uncertainty, but united under Haruto's banner, they felt invincible. Kakin Empire and anyone who stood in their way would soon learn the might of Haruto's crew.


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