Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch36- The Kurta Clan

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The small village nestled in the heart of the forest was quiet, its silence deafening. At the edge of this tranquility, Haruto stood. Around him, his troupe assumed their positions like loyal bodyguards, their eyes scanning the surrounding area, their Nen a protective barrier around their young leader. The sun was low in the sky, casting long shadows over them, enhancing their imposing figures. Feitan was at his immediate right, and Phinx to his left, their unwavering faith in Haruto was evident in their vigilant stance. Uvogin and Nobunaga were right behind him, their intimidating figures a silent warning to those who dared to approach.

Further back, Pakunoda, Franklin, Shalnark, Kortopi, and Machi stood. Their quiet strength was a testament to the power Haruto commanded. The group, in their silent unity, mirrored Haruto's silent power, exuding an aura of unquestionable dominance.

The village gates swung open, breaking the eerie silence. Out stepped the Patriarch of the Kurta Clan, a man of venerable age and stoic demeanor. His face was a practiced mask of neutrality, a courtesy rather than a sign of subordination. He approached them, his steps slow but firm, a respect for traditions deeply ingrained in his actions. His eyes met Haruto's, recognition flitting through his gaze.

"I welcome you to our humble village," the Patriarch began, his voice echoing the calmness of the village.

"The pleasure is ours," Haruto replied, his voice firm but respectful. His tone was not haughty, but his words held an inherent regality, reminding everyone of his innate superiority.

There was a pause. Feitan, his eyes ever watchful, broke the silence, "We didn't come here for a pleasure visit." His tone was sharp, slicing through the peaceful ambience like a knife. Phinx, slightly amused by Feitan's candor, gave a brief nod, signifying his agreement with the sentiment.

"Well then," the Patriarch replied, unfazed by the blunt response. "Why don't we discuss your reasons indoors?" He gestured towards the village, extending an invitation.

Uvogin and Nobunaga exchanged glances, their body language indicating they had already surveyed the area and found it secure. They allowed Haruto and the rest to move forward, their eyes ever vigilant, their Nen ever protective.

As the troupe began to move, Shalnark casually commented to Kortopi, "This place is eerily calm, isn't it?" Kortopi just nodded, his gaze focused on the buildings, already mentally mapping the area.

The largest structure in the village, a grand old house that bore the signs of years gone by, was their destination. Inside, the group was directed to a spacious room, a long table situated at the center. At the head sat the Patriarch, a figure of authority despite the rustic surroundings. His name, he informed them, was Jahleel.

"State your purpose," Jahleel demanded, his voice stern and unwavering.

Haruto remained impassive, his gaze steady on the old man before him. Wordlessly, he flicked a glance at Pakunoda, who nodded in understanding.

"Shalnark," Pakunoda prompted, her voice soft, but carrying an undertone of command. The latter pulled out his phone, setting it on the table. A second later, courtesy of Kortopi, there were ten identical phones neatly arranged on the wooden surface. One for each elder of the Kurta Clan present.

The sight of Pakunoda retrieving a gun from her holster next sent a ripple of unease through the room. Tension crackled in the air, a palpable wave of anticipation and fear. The Kurta elders shot to their feet, their eyes wide, hands reaching for weapons of their own. But Jahleel, his gaze locked on Pakunoda, raised a hand in a silent command. His clan members reluctantly settled, their eyes remaining glued to the firearm.

"Relax," Haruto's voice was ice, a cold contrast to the escalating tension. "It's just a demonstration."

As if on cue, Pakunoda aimed the gun at Shalnark. Without batting an eye, she fired. The bullet vanished into Shalnark's forehead, causing no visible damage. A hush fell over the room. The Kurta elders' eyes widened, the realization sinking in. These weren't ordinary thugs; they were Nen masters.

"Playback," Haruto commanded, his voice reverberating in the heavy silence. At once, the phones came to life, broadcasting a conversation between Haruto and an agent of the Kakin Empire. A promise of riches, power, women, and everything they could dream of, in exchange for the Kurta Clan's prized scarlet eyes. The words echoed throughout the room, a chilling testament to the lengths people would go for power.

The room remained silent for several moments after the recording ended, the gravity of the situation settling in. The Kakin Empire wanted them dead. The outsiders who had walked into their village were not just intruders, but potential executioners. Yet, they had chosen to show them the truth. A display of power, followed by a revelation of their attempted manipulation. It was a power play, designed to establish dominance and, surprisingly, sow seeds of trust.

"Interesting," Jahleel murmured, breaking the silence. His gaze on Haruto held a new glint of respect. "You've shown us your cards, young man. Now, what's your next move?"

Haruto didn't answer Jahleel's question. Instead, he nodded to Pakunoda who, without missing a beat, shot another bullet into Shalnark. The image on the phones changed, revealing a new scene. This time it was Chrollo, in a dilapidated building, sitting across from Haruto. The Kurta elders leaned in, their expressions hardening as they listened to the conversation unfold.

Chrollo's voice filled the room, a venomous declaration of vengeance for a friend named Sarasa. According to Chrollo, she had been killed by a member of the Kurta Clan. He spoke of his resolution to wipe out every member of the Clan, showing no distinction between elder or child.

Gasps echoed through the room. "That's a lie!" one of the elders burst out, the accusation clear in his voice. "We've never done such a thing!"

The recording didn't pause for the outraged exclamations. Haruto's voice rang out, his anger palpable. He spoke of the agent from the Kakin Empire, how they had tried to commission him to massacre the Kurta Clan. But the most shocking revelation was the accusation Haruto threw at Chrollo: that he had killed Sarasa himself to justify the genocide he was planning.


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