Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch5- Master of Sun and Moon, Koshiro!

Everyone turned to see the source of the voice. A man stood at the entrance to the hideout, his presence alone enough to make the enemies falter. He was of average height, with a lean but strong build. His hair was white, with a few strands of black, and his eyes were a piercing gray. He wore dirty, ragged clothing that covered his entire body, along with a mouthpiece that concealed his nose and mouth.

The thugs, recognizing the man, immediately fell to their knees, their faces pale with fear. "Koshiro!" they gasped, trembling at the sight of the prominent figure.

Koshiro, a 65-year-old Meteor City elder, was sent by the council to capture Haruto and his friends due to their actions. He was supposed to apprehend them and teach them a lesson, but upon seeing their unwavering determination and loyalty to each other, he realized that they were filled with potential. Although misguided, their hearts were in the right place.

As the enemy leader stared in shock, Koshiro walked towards him, his steps measured and deliberate. "You dare to threaten these children?" he asked, his voice cold and filled with contempt. "You are nothing but a coward, picking on those weaker than you."

The enemy leader, clearly terrified, stuttered out a weak response. "T-These brats have caused chaos in our territory! They need to be taught a lesson!"

Koshiro's gaze swept over the wounded Haruto and his friends, then back to the enemy leader. "And who are you to teach them? You are nothing more than a parasite, preying on the weak and the vulnerable. Leave this place, now, or face my wrath."

The enemy leader hesitated for a moment before ordering his remaining thugs to retreat. As they hurried away, Koshiro turned his attention to Haruto, Feitan, Phinks, and Canary.

"You have fought well," he said, his voice softened but still firm. "But you must learn the proper way to fight and what to fight for. Your actions have brought you to the attention of the council, and they have sent me to guide you."

Haruto, despite his injuries, stood tall, his purple eyes blazing with defiance. "We don't need your guidance. We can handle ourselves."

Koshiro, upon seeing Haruto's unyielding spirit, felt a flicker of hope ignite within him. He recognized in the young boy the spirit of a king, a trait he hadn't seen in many years. The elder had failed in the past to unite Meteor City, as it was too divided and broken. The outside world treated them like scum, and Koshiro had longed for someone who could bring the people of Meteor City together to stand against the injustices they faced. In Haruto, he saw that potential.

"You have the spirit of a king," Koshiro said, his voice filled with a mixture of respect and determination. "And it is that spirit that Meteor City needs. I believe that you could be the one to unite our people and lead us to a brighter future."

Haruto's eyes narrowed, his arrogant demeanor still present, but a hint of curiosity flickered in his gaze. "And why should I trust you? What do you know about being a king?"

Koshiro smiled, a sad, distant look in his eyes. "I once dreamed of uniting Meteor City, of standing against those who would treat us as nothing more than trash. But I failed. I was unable to rally the people and bring about the change I longed for. But in you, I see a spirit far stronger than my own. You have the potential to achieve what I could not."

Feitan, still recovering from the battle, listened to Koshiro's words with interest. The elder's passion and belief in Haruto struck a chord in him, and he found himself wanting to see their leader fulfill this destiny.

Phinks, his breath slowly returning to normal, nodded in agreement. He saw the same potential in Haruto and was willing to follow him anywhere.

Canary, her small body still trembling, looked up at Haruto with shining eyes. She believed in him, more than anyone else.

Haruto considered Koshiro's words, his eyes narrowing as he weighed the possibilities. Finally, he spoke, his voice regal and commanding. "Very well. If you truly believe that I am capable of uniting Meteor City and becoming its king, then I will accept your guidance."

Koshiro bowed his head in respect. "Thank you, young king. I promise to do everything in my power to help you fulfill your destiny."

Koshiro decided to hide Haruto, Feitan, Phinks, and Canary from the other council members, fearing they might plot Haruto's untimely demise. He instructed them to return to his dwelling and maintain a low profile, acting as his students and never revealing their true ambition to anyone else.

Upon arriving at Koshiro's dwelling, the group took in their new surroundings. The place was modest, with a few rooms and a small training area outside. As they settled in, Koshiro addressed them, his voice firm but gentle.

"From now on, you will live here with me. You will learn the ways of Meteor City, and I will teach you how to harness your strengths and improve your weaknesses. But you must promise me that you will not reveal your true purpose to anyone. Is that understood?"

Haruto, his purple eyes burning with ambition, nodded. "We understand. We will do whatever it takes to achieve our destiny."

Feitan, his face still bruised from the recent battle, grunted in agreement. "As long as you can help us become stronger, we'll follow your lead."

Phinks, his arms crossed, nodded. "Yeah, we trust you, old man."

Canary, her small hand gripping Haruto's tightly, looked up at Koshiro with determination in her eyes. "We'll do our best!"

Koshiro smiled, his eyes shining with pride. "Very well, then let us begin."

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