Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch67- A Week

In the grand hall of the Meteor Kingdom, large obsidian pillars gave way to a vast dome, painted with the history of the kingdom. The light filtering in was warm and tinged with gold, casting an ethereal glow over the round table where the elite of the kingdom sat, discussing their impending journey to the Hunter Exam.

Feitan's eyes flashed with anticipation. "You know, Haruto," he began, leaning back casually, "I still find it hard to believe that you agreed to this condition."

Haruto's expression was serene, as if the decision had been as trivial as choosing a piece of fruit from a basket. "Conditions are a part of life, Feitan. You made a proposal; I saw its merit."

Phinx adjusted his jacket and smirked, "A hunter's license can be a valuable asset, especially for our foreign relations. It's surprising that none of us thought of it earlier."

Feitan chuckled, "I just wanted to see him outside the Kingdom walls for a change. This will be entertaining."

Amid the ancient designs and artistry of the hall's vast dome, the leaders of Meteor Kingdom continued to discuss their impending expedition. Haruto’s table was neither elevated nor extravagantly adorned, but every eye was naturally drawn to him, as if by an invisible force.

Feitan's lips quirked into a playful grin, "It'll be quite a sight, a thousand of our best setting foot in Zaban City. This will surely be a Hunter Exam like no other."

Phinx, leaning forward and steepling his fingers, commented, "Yes, but the logistics of transporting so many individuals across a continent is no small feat."

Canary, with a meticulous demeanor, opened a folder in front of her. "The Hunter Exam this time will be in Zaban City, situated in the heart of the Kukan'yu Kingdom," she detailed, pointing to a map. "The distance is significant."

Nobunaga's eyes sparkled with the prospect of potential deals. "Speaking of journeys, we could take some of our crafts. Merchandise from our kingdom fetches a high price in foreign lands. This could be a lucrative opportunity."

Haruto merely tilted his head, acknowledging the idea, prompting Zeno to weigh in. "While your entrepreneurial spirit is commendable, Nobunaga, I believe we should refrain from flaunting our technological advances at this juncture. Let’s not forget the primary reason for this excursion."

Feitan, always one to stoke the fire, probed, "And what would that be, Zeno? Surely not to watch Haruto participate in some...child's play?"

Zeno's gaze was sharp, yet there was an undercurrent of amusement. "We move as one, with unified purpose. Regardless of individual motives, our collective goal remains the same: to establish our presence, to gauge our competitors, and to collect intelligence."

Phinx nodded in agreement. "I've received reports of potential alliances and threats. This will be an ideal opportunity to assess them firsthand."

Koshiro, who had been silent, his gaze distant as if in deep contemplation, finally spoke, "This Exam will be more than just a test of strength. It will be a test of our unity, our resilience, and our kingdom's vision. It is a bold move, and the world will be watching."

Haruto’s voice cut through the conversation like a knife, authoritative yet devoid of any overt emotion, "It matters not what they think or how they perceive our actions. We move according to our will and our vision. That is enough."

Canary looked at Haruto, her loyalty evident in her gaze. "Your Highness, how do you propose we handle our entry? A group as large as ours will undoubtedly draw attention."

Haruto’s grin held a hint of mischief that reminded many in the room of Feitan. "That is the purpose." His gaze swept across the table, pausing momentarily on each of his trusted council. "Pariston dared to challenge our kingdom. It’s time they learn that the age of Meteor Kingdom doesn’t define its strength."

Feitan laughed softly, the sharp glint of amusement in his eyes unmistakable. "I knew you'd see things my way."

Canary's eyes met Haruto’s, a mix of concern and unwavering loyalty. "We'll be stepping into unfamiliar territory. With such a large group, we need to have a strategy."

Phinx adjusted his glasses, giving a nod of agreement. "Canary is right. We're not just going for the exam. We're making a statement."

Koshiro leaned forward, his usually distant demeanor now sharp and focused. "Our unity is our strength. It’s not just about numbers. It's about how we move, how we think, how we act. As one."

Nobunaga rubbed his chin thoughtfully, "It's an opportunity, no doubt. But let’s not forget the potential for trade."

Zeno's voice, always measured and analytical, chimed in, "Trade is secondary. Intelligence gathering is key. I've had my operatives in Zaban City for some time now. They report significant interest in our delegation."

Feitan smirked, leaning in with his arms resting on the table. "Of course, they'd be interested. They've never seen a king compete in the Hunter Exam."

Phinx sighed, pushing a strand of hair from his face, "It’s more than just curiosity, Feitan. The world is on edge. They're trying to gauge us, measure our intentions. And with Haruto taking the exam, the spotlight is squarely on us."

"Enough," Haruto declared, pausing just enough for every eye in the room to be firmly anchored to him. "Our primary goal is simple: to ensure every single one of our participants emerges from this exam as a hunter. And as you've rightly pointed out, with our numbers, they'll certainly attempt to stack the odds against us. But that concern," he said, his voice dripping with confidence, "lies squarely on my shoulders."

The intensity in Haruto's voice could not be denied, but it was his unwavering gaze that truly cemented his command over the room.

Feitan smirked. "I never took you for one to shy away from a challenge."

Ignoring the playful jab, Haruto continued, "In a week, we depart. Phinx, rent the private jets. We'll need them at our disposal. We are departing in a week."

Phinx nodded, jotting down a note. "It'll be done."

Turning to Nobunaga, Haruto's tone shifted slightly, "You wish to capitalize on this event? Why not set up a fair in Zaban City? Given the attention surrounding the exam, it might be wise to divert some of that interest."

Nobunaga's eyes lit up, "An excellent idea! And with the right marketing..."

"Leave that to Shalnark," Haruto interjected. "He'll promote our presence, perhaps even set up a channel for the public to view the exam. You can leverage that platform to sell what you need."

Nobunaga leaned forward, enthusiasm evident in his eyes. "With the right setup, it might just be the most-watched event in Zaban City!"

Haruto's eyes then found Canary's. "Canary, reach out to the Hunter Association. I want to know if our participants can carry cameras to stream the event online. And if there's resistance, make them an offer they can't refuse.  And if a bribe is what it takes for exclusivity on this idea, ensure it's discreet."

Canary hesitated for a split second, her lips parting as if to address him formally. Remembering his prior insistence, she responded, "Of course, Haruto."

Phinx adjusted his glasses. "While the attention is on Haruto and the exams, we'll be establishing trade and expanding our influence. A two-pronged strategy."

With a decisive motion, Haruto stood, signaling the conclusion of their gathering. "Our course is set. Prepare, and in a week, Zaban City will know the name of the Meteor Kingdom. Dismissed."

As the council members departed, their conversations a mix of strategy and excitement, there was a palpable energy in the air. The Meteor Kingdom was on the move, and nothing would ever be the same.


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