Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch72- King Tanoshi

The sleek black limousine pulled up smoothly to the entrance of the Kukan'yu Palace. The imposing structure stood tall against the horizon, its grandeur evident in every carefully crafted stone and column. The entrance was lined by Kukan'yu’s elite guards, their crisp uniforms displaying an array of medals and honors. Every member stood at attention, their spines straight, hands resting on the hilt of their sheathed swords, a clear sign of military salutation.

As the vehicle came to a stop, the sounds of clicking cameras and soft murmurs of the press became apparent. Journalists and reporters from various nations had gathered, but the majority bore the emblem of the Kukan'yu Kingdom. The air was filled with the scent of anticipation.

The limousine door opened, and Haruto stepped out. His gaze remained forward, unaffected by the flashing lights or the weight of the eyes on him. He exuded an aura of silent command, making it impossible for anyone to overlook his presence. The line of soldiers saluted in unison, their respect palpable.

Following closely behind him were Feitan, Phinx, and the rest of the entourage. Each member carried their role with a distinct gravitas, aware of the eyes scrutinizing their every move. They walked with synchronized steps, a united front, behind their king.

At the top of the palace steps, King Tanoshi awaited their arrival, showcasing his intent to extend the utmost respect. He was an imposing figure, tall and broad-shouldered, his deep-set eyes observing every detail. Dressed in a pristine white suit adorned with gold trims, his attire signaled his regality without being overtly ostentatious. Beside him stood his queen, an elegant woman of poised stature. Her raven-black hair cascaded down in gentle waves, and her long, flowing gown was a deep shade of emerald, making a stark contrast to the king's attire. Their three children, two sons and a daughter, stood beside them. The eldest son, around Haruto's age, had a seriousness in his gaze, clearly groomed to be a future ruler. The younger son, closer to Canary's age, looked on with a mix of curiosity and reverence. The daughter, the youngest among them, held onto her mother's hand, her wide eyes taking in the foreign entourage with innocent wonder.

King Tanoshi stepped forward, offering a deep bow, a gesture of respect that one would not expect from a monarch of his stature. "King Haruto," he began, his voice deep yet affable, "It is an honor to welcome you to the Kukan'yu Kingdom."

Haruto nodded, acknowledging the greeting without breaking his composed demeanor. "King Tanoshi," he replied succinctly. His voice was calm and steady, and even without uttering many words, his response was one of mutual respect.

Behind him, his entourage mirrored his stance, awaiting the formalities. Soldiers from the Kukan'yu Kingdom, dressed in ceremonial armor, snapped to attention, giving a synchronized salute, their hands smacking their armored chests in a resounding chorus. The sight was grand, an acknowledgment of the importance of this meeting between two powerful kingdoms.

Queen Yumeko, with a gracious smile, extended her hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, King Haruto. We've heard much about the Meteor Kingdom's progress under your leadership."

Haruto took her hand briefly, a curt nod his only acknowledgment. "Queen Yumeko," he greeted, his voice still carrying that weight of silent command.

Queen Yumeko gestured towards her children, introducing them one by one. "This is Prince Hiroshi, our eldest. Next is Prince Kenji, and our little Princess, Amara."

Each gave a small bow in turn. Hiroshi’s was measured and formal, Kenji's had a hint of youthful enthusiasm, and Amara's was shy and hesitant.

Upon concluding the introductions, the group was guided towards the heart of the palace – the illustrious negotiation chamber. As previously briefed, this chamber was where they'd hash out the foundations of the potential alliance. The room was vast, bathed in a gentle amber light from the grand chandeliers overhead. A massive rectangular table made of dark mahogany, its surface reflecting the room like a mirror, occupied the room's center. On its sides were gold-trimmed leather chairs, each showcasing a crest representing either kingdom.

King Tanoshi, making his desperation subtly evident, was the first to initiate the dialogue. "Your presence here, King Haruto, signifies a dawn of potential unity between our realms."

Haruto, his face an unreadable mask, glanced around the table, noting the occupants. Beside Tanoshi sat Prince Hiroshi, mirroring his father's composed demeanor. Alongside them were three other figures, evidently high-ranking officials of the Kukan'yu court. A woman with graying hair, tied tightly into a bun, was introduced as Lady Miyako, Minister of Defense. Beside her sat Lord Hachiro, Minister of Resources. Completing the trio was Sir Daiki, the young, sharp-eyed Minister of Diplomacy.

Phinx leaned forward, hands clasped. "Let us begin then. What specific terms does Kukan'yu propose?"

King Tanoshi cleared his throat, emphasizing, "First and foremost, our immediate access to Meteor Kingdom's technological advancements is paramount. Additionally, a shared curriculum of Nen practices would be invaluable."

Feitan's lips curled into a smirk, eyes piercing. "And in exchange?"

Lord Hachiro spoke up, his voice deep and resonant. "Unhindered access to our vast mineral mines. We're also willing to offer exclusive rights to certain rare herbs, known only within our borders."

Phinx took a moment before answering, a hint of disdain reflecting in his eyes. "King Tanoshi, a few years ago, when King Haruto made his rightful claim, many nations—including yours—were quick to dismiss him as a mere child playing at being a king. Today, it's ironic how those very kingdoms now wish to stand by our side, isn't it?"

Haruto's face gave away nothing, but the room's tension thickened palpably. His quiet authority was felt by everyone present, and his silence spoke volumes.

Tanoshi's face remained composed, but the slight tightening of his jaw betrayed his discomfort. Queen Yumeko interjected gracefully, trying to steer the conversation away from the veiled barbs. "Past actions cannot be undone, Minister Phinx. Our hope is to forge a new path."

Phinx continued, giving the queen a respectful nod but addressing the king directly. "Our technological advancements and Nen practices are intertwined, King Tanoshi. They were developed under King Haruto's leadership and vision. Offering them isn't as simple as handing over a blueprint or a manual. Their symbiotic relationship is what gives them their strength."


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