Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch8- Getting Stronger

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As they gathered around a small fire for dinner, their talk was a mix of playful jibes, shared laughter, and discussion about Nen, their anticipation palpable in the cool night air.

The evening found the group weary but in high spirits, the day's rigorous training a test of their mettle. A small fire crackled and danced in the clearing, casting warm orange hues onto their dirt-streaked faces. Koshiro sat a little apart from the children, watching them with quiet approval.

Haruto was the first to settle down by the fire, his tall frame bathed in the warm glow of the dancing flames. He watched the fire, a contemplative expression on his young face. The flickering flames seemed to reflect in his intense purple eyes.

Phinks and Feitan were in the middle of a heated discussion about their day's progress, their voices merging with the crackling of the fire. Canary was close by, her eyes darting between Haruto and the others, a gentle admiration coloring her gaze when it landed on Haruto. It was subtle, her affection, not openly displayed, but there if one knew where to look.

"Haruto, why do you think Koshiro is making us do all this?" Phinks asked, breaking away from his conversation with Feitan.

Haruto looked over at Phinks, his gaze unwavering. "Because he wants us to be strong. To survive."

"But why?" Feitan interjected, his voice gruff. "We're strong enough."

Haruto's gaze never wavered from the fire. "We're strong, yes. But not strong enough. Not yet."

Feitan opened his mouth to retort, but Haruto cut him off. "Feitan, do you remember what life was like before Koshiro found us?"

A silence fell over the group. They all remembered. The hunger, the fear, the cold. Survival had been their only goal. They could make do, but they were always worrying about the next meal, the next fight.

Haruto continued, his voice steady, "We weren't helpless children, but if it was another person instead of Koshiro, we would have been dead.. We would have get stronger, faster on our own. But if we want to be untouchable, unbeatable, we need to be more. More than physical power. We need Nen!"

Feitan grunted in response, a begrudging acceptance in his silence. Phinks merely nodded, his expression thoughtful. Canary watched them all with wide, curious eyes, her gaze always returning to Haruto.

Their meal was a simple one, a stew made from what they could forage and hunt, the smell permeating the clearing. As they ate, a comfortable silence settled, only broken by the occasional low conversation.

Canary, who had finished her meal first, looked up at Koshiro, her large eyes glinting with a mix of admiration and curiosity. "Master Koshiro," she began, her voice soft, "can you... tell us more about Nen?"

Koshiro glanced at her, his lips curling into a smile. "Why are you asking, Canary? Are you trying to get ahead in your training?"

Canary flushed at his tease but held his gaze. "No, Master Koshiro," she replied earnestly, "I just want to understand. It sounds... it sounds like it could change everything."

Feitan, who had been quietly eating, looked up at Koshiro, his eyes alight with interest. "She's got a point," he muttered, crossing his arms. "We've been training hard physically, but it's the Nen that's going to make a real difference, isn't it?"

Koshiro observed the eager faces around him, sensing their readiness. "Yes," he admitted, "you're correct, Feitan. But Nen isn't something to rush into. It's not a shortcut to power, it’s a path. And like any path, it requires the right preparation."

Days faded into nights and back into days again. Each dawn brought with it the challenge of outdoing the previous day’s efforts, of rising above the barriers they’d barely breached before. Koshiro's rigorous regimen tested them relentlessly, but the children held on, their fiery resolve untouched by the punishing training.

One sweltering morning, as they finished yet another round of grueling laps around the field, Canary stumbled and fell. Feitan, who was trailing right behind her, barely avoided colliding with her. He stopped, frowned, and extended a hand to help her up.

"What are you doing, falling over?" Feitan’s tone was biting, yet his fingers were gentle around her wrist.

Canary scrambled up, refusing to meet his eyes. "I’m sorry. I’ll try harder."

"Damn right, you will," Feitan snapped, his gaze already on Haruto, who had stopped a few steps ahead.

In the meanwhile, Haruto, having heard the exchange, turned around. His purple eyes were firm, yet not unkind. "Feitan, we don't leave our own behind."

Feitan frowned at Haruto, but he didn't argue. Instead, he silently returned to his side, his dark eyes storming with a mix of irritation and a begrudging respect for the younger boy. His gaze was challenging, testing Haruto's authority. Haruto met his gaze without a flinch, his expression steady. After a tense moment, Feitan grunted and looked away, a tacit admission of defeat.

For the rest of the day, Canary worked twice as hard to keep up. Her small frame strained against the exercises, yet she continued without complaint. Her determination didn't go unnoticed by Haruto, who threw an approving nod her way, his eyes reflecting a hint of respect. Canary couldn’t help but blush under his gaze, her heart pounding.

Phinks, ever observant, caught this exchange and gave Feitan a sidelong glance, a playful smirk playing on his lips. Feitan only scowled in response, his competitive spirit clearly irked by Haruto's magnanimity.

Weeks passed, and each day brought a new struggle, a new achievement. They began to push each other, their rivalry fueling their progress. Feitan, in particular, refused to be outdone by Haruto, often pushing himself to the point of exhaustion. Despite the constant rivalry, a silent understanding brewed amongst the children, binding them together as they grew stronger under Koshiro's guidance.


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