Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch85- Praising

Feitan glanced at Haruto again, who gave a single nod. "Hatsu is a reflection of one's soul, one's essence. It's not something to be taken lightly."

Leorio grinned, rubbing his hands together. "Sounds like a challenge."

Gon nodded. "I want to learn it. It might help me find my dad."

"Good. That's the spirit," said Feitan, his eyes flickering towards Haruto for just a fraction of a second.

Haruto broke his silence. "You'll find that knowing Nen is more than just a skill; it's a tool, and like any tool, it can build or destroy. Choose wisely."

Feitan shot them the newcomers side-eye. "I suggest you start training as soon as possible. It's not just about having a Hunter's license. It's about being capable."

Haruto glanced at Canary. "They have potential. Koshiro will be their master."

Canary simply nodded. No words were needed. Her actions had always spoken louder, and Haruto appreciated that.

At that moment, Phinx returned. "The men are en route back to Meteor Kingdom, Haruto."

"Excellent," Haruto acknowledged, shifting his gaze towards the limousines that had just arrived. "Let's move. We'll continue this at the palace."

The group made their way to the cars, the atmosphere a blend of anticipation and assurance. Haruto, Feitan, Phinx and Canary took a limousine. Killua, Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika found themselves together in a second vehicle.

The limousine pulled away, its wheels whispering against the paved streets as they headed towards the palace given to them by the King of Kukan'yu Kingdom.

Inside the limo carrying the younger Hunters, Gon couldn't help but ask, "Who's Koshiro?"

Killua leaned back. "One of the best Nen Masters in Meteor Kingdom. If Haruto picked him, then you're in for some serious training."

Leorio adjusted his glasses. "Nen Masters, palaces, this all feels like we've been thrust into some kind of fantasy."

"Or maybe," Killua grinned, "you're just finally waking up to reality."

When the limousines stopped at the palace, the doors were opened by impeccably dressed staff. Haruto was the first to step out, his aura commanding even the air around him to yield. He paused to take in the grandeur of the palace, a mere temporary lodging, yet a fitting one.

"Haruto," Feitan began as he joined him, "what's next on the agenda?"

"A meeting with the King of Kukan'yu Kingdom. We have much to discuss, and I'd prefer not to leave loose ends."

"Business before pleasure, as always."

As Haruto and his entourage stepped into the palace, servants bustled around to make them comfortable. With an unspoken nod, Haruto led his group to their rooms to freshen up. The atmosphere was charged, not with tension, but with the mutual understanding of the importance of the meeting ahead.

Shortly after, King Tanoshi arrived, accompanied by his own retinue. The King had arranged a banquet, an overt attempt to impress Haruto and his group. The table was laid with an array of dishes, each meticulously crafted. It was clear that Kukan'yu Kingdom was no longer just interested in Meteor Kingdom's technological prowess and their advanced Nen methodologies. Their respect now stemmed from recognizing Meteor Kingdom as a rising power, boasting a cadre of a thousand Hunters, a feat not easily accomplished.

"Welcome, King Haruto, to my humble palace," Tanoshi greeted, gesturing toward the banquet.

"The pleasure is mine," Haruto replied, taking a seat.

Feitan took the chair on Haruto's right, and Canary seated herself to his left. King Tanoshi sat across from them, his eyes briefly meeting Haruto's before quickly moving to survey the table.

"You've done quite well for your kingdom, King Haruto. A thousand Hunters pledged to a single ruler is no small feat." Tanoshi leaned in, "A feast fitting for a king, don't you think?" Tanoshi ventured, trying to gauge Haruto's reaction.

Haruto simply nodded at King Tanoshi's words, offering no additional commentary. King Tanoshi got the message. Haruto had no taste for empty compliments or exaggerated hospitality. Tanoshi turned his attention to Feitan and Phinx.

"It's an impressive setup you have," Feitan remarked, sampling some of the food before him.

"I'm glad you think so. We wanted to honor Meteor Kingdom in a way that you would appreciate," Tanoshi said, relieved to have found more receptive conversationalists.

"Your chefs are skilled," Phinx added, an ever-so-slight nod showing his approval.

"Thank you. We aim to please."

Across the table, Haruto began to eat. Canary nudged a particularly succulent morsel of meat toward him with her fork. "You should try this."

As Haruto and his entourage stepped into the palace, servants bustled around to make them comfortable. With an unspoken nod, Haruto led his group to their rooms to freshen up. The atmosphere was charged, not with tension, but with the mutual understanding of the importance of the meeting ahead.

Shortly after, King Tanoshi arrived, accompanied by his own retinue. The King had arranged a banquet, an overt attempt to impress Haruto and his group. The table was laid with an array of dishes, each meticulously crafted. It was clear that Kukan'yu Kingdom was no longer just interested in Meteor Kingdom's technological prowess and their advanced Nen methodologies. Their respect now stemmed from recognizing Meteor Kingdom as a rising power, boasting a cadre of a thousand Hunters, a feat not easily accomplished.

"Welcome, King Haruto, to my humble palace," Tanoshi greeted, gesturing toward the banquet.

"The pleasure is mine," Haruto replied, taking a seat.

Feitan took the chair on Haruto's right, and Canary seated herself to his left. King Tanoshi sat across from them, his eyes briefly meeting Haruto's before quickly moving to survey the table.

"You've done quite well for your kingdom, King Haruto. A thousand Hunters pledged to a single ruler is no small feat." Tanoshi leaned in, "A feast fitting for a king, don't you think?" Tanoshi ventured, trying to gauge Haruto's reaction.

Haruto simply nodded at King Tanoshi's words, offering no additional commentary. King Tanoshi got the message. Haruto had no taste for empty compliments or exaggerated hospitality. Tanoshi turned his attention to Feitan and Phinx.

"It's an impressive setup you have," Feitan remarked, sampling some of the food before him.

"I'm glad you think so. We wanted to honor Meteor Kingdom in a way that you would appreciate," Tanoshi said, relieved to have found more receptive conversationalists.

"Your chefs are skilled," Phinx added, an ever-so-slight nod showing his approval.

"Thank you. We aim to please."

Across the table, Haruto began to eat. Canary nudged a particularly succulent morsel of meat toward him with her fork. "You should try this."

Haruto glanced at Canary, then at the morsel of meat she had nudged toward him. He took a bite. "Thank you, you should also eat," he said softly, cutting a piece for her and extending it on his fork. As she took the bite, her cheeks flushed a shade of red.

King Tanoshi observed the exchange, reading the dynamics at play but choosing not to comment. Instead, he shifted the conversation.

As the banquet continued, King Tanoshi was keen to steer the conversation toward the alliance between the Meteor Kingdom and Kukan'yu Kingdom. "We are thrilled at the prospects of sharing our natural resources with Meteor Kingdom. Our mountains are rich in precious metals, and our forests teem with rare medicinal herbs."

Haruto simply nodded again, allowing Feitan and Phinx to engage with King Tanoshi's remarks. His silence wasn't empty; it was laden with unspoken communication that those around him were well attuned to interpret. There was no need for him to affirm the obvious—that an alliance would be beneficial for both kingdoms. Instead, he chose to focus on the meal, occasionally making eye contact with Canary, who sat beside him.

King Tanoshi took the opportunity to shower praises on Feitan and Phinx. "Your talents are unparalleled. The Meteor Kingdom must be thriving with minds and abilities like yours."

Feitan glanced at Haruto before responding. "We are simply fulfilling our roles, just as everyone else in our kingdom."

"Modesty. Another trait I admire in the people of Meteor Kingdom," Tanoshi continued, still seeking to gain favor.

Phinx simply nodded, acknowledging the compliment but not giving it more weight than it deserved. He continued to eat, signaling his indifference to unnecessary flattery.

Without missing a beat, Feitan and Phinx took up the conversation, skillfully discussing the potential trade routes and benefits. Haruto merely continued his meal, his face a portrait of serenity and control, but not disengagement. If anyone paid close attention, they would notice his ears subtly attuned to the ongoing discussion, even as he kept his own counsel.

With the banquet ended, Haruto retreated to his room, silently followed by Feitan and Canary. Each individual knew the importance of rest and reflection, especially when considering the matters discussed during the evening.

Entering his chamber, Haruto found it even more decorated, a reflection of the kingdom's attempt to honor his stature. He approached a table where several documents were neatly spread. Picking one up, he glanced at it before placing it back in its original spot. Satisfied that everything was in order, he dismissed Feitan and Canary.

"Rest well," he said simply. His words were not commands but acknowledgments of the role each played in the unfolding events.

Feitan nodded in agreement. "See you in the morning," he said before exiting the room.

Haruto then looked at Canary, who was already heading for the door. "You should also get some rest, Canary."

"I will," she said, her eyes meeting his for just a moment. It was a quiet exchange, but it conveyed years of trust and shared ambition.

Haruto moved to the balcony and looked out over the kingdom. He was not mesmerized by its beauty or scale; rather, he saw a world that had yet to realize its place in his grand vision. He stood there for a few moments, the night breeze brushing against his face, unshaken and resolute.

Finally, he moved to his bed. The sheets were fine, made from fabrics that were likely considered luxurious by most standards. Haruto lay down, resting his arms behind his head as he stared at the ceiling until sleep wrapped him to her embrace.


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