Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch89- Alternate Evolution

The next day, Haruto was seated upon his throne, his gaze seemingly fixed on nothingness. However, Canary, entering with a retinue of maids carrying breakfast trays, knew better. His mind was likely traversing paths of contemplation regarding the realm's future or perhaps even pondering realms beyond their understanding. As maids arranged the trays, his gaze remained unfaltering, unwavering.

Once the maids withdrew, Canary approached him, her gaze scrutinizing his pupils, checking for signs of the phase of introspection he was in. They were still, indicating a lighter phase of reflection. Reassured, she murmured softly, "Haruto, it’s time for breakfast."

His pupils shifted focus, settling on Canary. "Thank you, Canary," he acknowledged, rising from his contemplative pose. Canary shadowed him, assisting in serving his plate.

Haruto pulled out the adjoining chair, a silent gesture. "Join me," he instructed, his voice gentle.

A faint blush tinged Canary’s cheeks, but she acquiesced with a nod.

As the morning air permeated the room, Haruto reached for a piece of bread, carefully applying butter and jam with measured grace. Meanwhile, Canary attended to his plate, precisely sectioning each component of his breakfast into manageable portions.

"Canary," he spoke softly as he handed her the prepared bread, "you always cut them just the way I prefer."

Her face bloomed with a quiet smile, accepting the bread. "And you always spread the jam just right. Thank you, Haruto."

The room echoed with a symphony of clinking cutlery and soft murmurs as they continued their meal, each attentive to the other.

Canary paused, her eyes flitting back to Haruto. "The pair who accompanied Killua have begun their training in Nen," she disclosed, delicately cutting through her meal. "Koshiro seems quite impressed with the one sporting green hair."

She glanced up tentatively, seeking confirmation in Haruto's eyes. "You sensed something as well, didn't you?" A light sparkled in her eyes as she smiled faintly, her intuitions validated.

Haruto inclined his head slightly, acknowledging her observations. "He’s not entirely human, that one," he remarked, his gaze steady on Canary. "Perhaps he is part human and part some form of Magical Beast unknown to us. Possibly an alternate evolution of humans."

Canary's eyes gleamed with a mix of curiosity and surprise, absorbing his words. "An evolutionary branch we haven't encountered?" she probed gently, her eyes fixed on his, seeking more insight.

"Yes," he affirmed, cutting through his meal with graceful precision. "His energy… it’s untamed, raw."

Canary furrowed her brow, her voice filled with curiosity as she asked, "But how is that even possible?"

Haruto met her gaze with a serene smile, replying, "Well, in that place, anything goes." Canary knew exactly what 'that place' referred to; it was their intended destination, a realm brimming with mystery and inhabited by enigmatic beings. A different evolutionary path for Homo Erectus? In their limitless, fantastical world, such things were entirely within the realm of possibility.

Canary let her mind wander, captivated by the wonders of their world. Haruto had once taken her to see the colossal World Tree, its towering branches seemingly reaching the heavens. "And can you believe," Haruto had remarked, "this tree is just a baby, held back by its own nourishment, unable to reach its full potential?"

In a universe where infant trees touched the sky, the idea of an alternative human evolution felt far less far-fetched.

"An alternative path of evolution?" Canary pondered aloud, her eyes filled with unspoken questions. "In a world where young trees kiss the clouds, that concept sounds more like reality than fiction."

Haruto nodded, his agreement subtle but unmistakable, his gaze fixed on horizons beyond their understanding. "Exactly. His energy resonates with untamed potential, an unrefined essence. It's as if he's a mix of human and... something else, something we haven't even begun to grasp."

"A magical creature, perhaps?" Canary suggested, her tone a mix of intrigue and wonder. "Maybe an entity we've yet to encounter, something unseen and undiscovered?"

"It's certainly a possibility," he conceded, his eyes reflecting the infinite mysteries of their world. "This world is filled with countless secrets, countless unexplored paths, all waiting to be uncovered, waiting to be understood."

Then, as though a thought newly crystallized in her mind, she turned to Haruto. "And our voyage?" Her inquiry lingered in the air, unfinished, yet he grasped its essence instantly.

"That," he replied, his gaze remaining intense and contemplative, "is precisely what occupied my thoughts as you entered." He paused, his eyes seeking hers, delving deeper into the layers of the unknown. "For decades, explorers have ventured into those lands, most returning empty-handed... if they return at all. It raises questions—were those deemed casualties truly victims of the wild terrain, or were they perhaps the aftermath of guardians defending their territories?"

He leaned back, his gaze seemingly piercing the space between them, exploring unseen territories, uncharted realms. "If there is an alternate human evolution out there," his voice carried a subtle undercurrent of thoughtful inquiry, "are they civilized? Have they developed societal structures, advanced knowledge?"

In the ensuing silence, Haruto's voice emerged once more, disrupting the tranquil atmosphere. "From my observations, this young lad doesn't strike me as particularly brilliant in an intellectual sense. He appears to rely on his intuition and instincts, almost like a creature of pure, unwavering instinct," he shared, with a thoughtful undertone.

He paused to savor a sip of his tea, letting the flavors meld as he contemplated further. "Considering the terrains we're planning to traverse, it's as if he's perfectly attuned to such environments. It raises an intriguing notion that this particular branch of humanity may have traded some of their intellectual prowess for more primal attributes that align with their surroundings."

Another sip of tea, and his mind continued to churn with the warmth of the liquid. "The boy's progenitor, on the other hand, seems to possess a disposition quite unlike his offspring. Insights from Shalnark suggest a mind that may rival Pariston's in terms of depth and calculation."

Canary listened intently, her eyes gleaming with fascination and wonder as she absorbed his analytical deductions, weaving a complex tapestry from what seemed like nothing solid.

Haruto's fingers interlocked, resting atop the table, a sign of his deep contemplation. He broke the momentary silence, "Inform Koshiro," he began, "to closely observe this young one's relationship with Killua. There's a dynamic between them that I find... intriguing."

Canary tilted her head inquisitively, seeking clarity. "How so?"

He met her gaze with a thoughtful expression. "From what I can see, he's incredibly loyal. When he forms a bond, it seems unbreakable. And if anyone threatens those he cares about, his reaction, I believe, would be primal, almost instinctual."

Canary’s eyebrows rose slightly. "A bond stronger than just friendship?"

He nodded, a small smile forming. "More like the bond one shares with a beloved pet. A loyalty that goes beyond reason or logic. It's raw, instinctive, and sometimes unpredictable."

A look of realization crossed Canary’s face. "So, if Killua is ever in danger..."

"He would tap into his hidden potential," Haruto finished her thought, "acting on impulse and emotion. His current strength may not be apparent, but there's immense potential within him, perhaps even surpassing Killua's prodigious abilities."

She was silent for a moment, processing this insight. "That's... rather intriguing."

Haruto offered a wry smile. "Indeed, intriguing. If the region we plan to explore is home to individuals like him, our expedition could be more challenging and enlightening than we thought."

Taking a deep breath, Canary nodded, "I'll relay your observations to Koshiro right away."

"As you should," Haruto affirmed, watching her gracefully rise from her chair. His gaze followed her until she disappeared from his view, and then he delved back into his thoughts once more.

Considering the uncharted territories ahead, Haruto found himself reflecting on the young, energetic boy. If this boy represented the people of that region, they needed to be prepared. The boy might seem unassuming now, but his hidden potential was undeniable. It was potential that could potentially surpass even Killua’s remarkable abilities.

A subtle furrow creased his brow as Haruto lost himself in contemplation. A world where the underdog could rise to challenge the established order, where loyalty could eclipse reason, and where untapped potential could disrupt the status quo.


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