Reincarnated As Young King of Meteor City(Meruem-HxH)

Ch93- Exploring Emotions

Canary then asked, as she hugged her knees, the fabric of her dress crinkling softly under her touch, "What do you think is out there, Haruto? Why haven’t we seen anything yet so far?" Their proximity caused a gentle warmth to flow between them, his shoulder brushing against hers.

He took a moment, his eyes reflecting the distant stars above as he pondered. "We haven’t fully understood our own world yet. Think about it – the very existence of Nen is hidden from ordinary people by nations and the Hunter Association. The known world map we see? Just a lake in a vast, unknown terrain. Space, I presume, follows a similar pattern. There might be a council or an unseen leader that shields this world. Or perhaps, it's nature’s design."

The subtle weight of her head, leaning against his shoulder, caught his attention, but he didn’t mind. It felt natural. "Nature’s order?" she whispered, her voice tinged with curiosity and exhaustion.

His arm, moving almost instinctively, found its way around her, providing her a sense of security and warmth. "Nature has a unique way of protecting her creations," he began, his voice low and comforting. "We might be considered weak in the vast canvas of the universe. There might be a barrier or a protective order that conceals or safeguards us from potential threats. Only when someone from our world grows strong enough, will that barrier shatter. It’s nature’s way of ensuring balance."

He could feel her breathing, slow and steady, and knew she was drifting into sleep. Yet, he continued, drawing her closer, "Think about it. For eons, we've looked at the sky, searching, wondering. Maybe we're protected, kept hidden until we're ready to venture out or perhaps until someone from the beyond thinks we're worthy enough to approach."

His fingers gently stroked her hair, the action soothing for both of them. "But then again, knowing our world and its secrets, would we really be left unguarded?"

The silence that followed was peaceful, filled only with the distant chirping of night critters and the soft rustling of the wind. Haruto continued to gaze at the vastness above, pondering their place within it, while Canary, lulled by his voice and the tranquility of the night, nestled closer.

Sighing, Haruto softly lifted Canary and brought her to the bed. The celestial glow bathed them in a soft luminescence, turning the contours of their forms into delicate silhouettes. As he tucked her in, her arms hugged him, a whisper emerged, "Huggy, Haruto."

His eyes widened momentarily, a tidal wave of childhood memories flooding his senses. Canary would utter the same words when they were small, her toddler self clinging to his five-year-old form. She had been kidnapped and the nightmares from that ordeal often invaded her slumbers, rendering her unable to find peace without him nearby. He could still remember the slight tremble in her tiny form, the grip of her small hands, and the way she nestled closer to him in search of solace.

A gentle smile graced Haruto’s features as he, without a word, embraced Canary, burying his nose in her hair. The fragrance of her hair seemed to weave a tapestry of shared moments, of unspoken bonds. Silence wrapped around them like a soothing blanket as Haruto, allowing the edges of sleep to envelop him, drifted off beside her. Canary, now in blissful sleep, wore a serene smile, a silent symphony of contentment playing in her dreams.

The moon bathed the sleeping duo in its tender glow, their synchronized breaths whispering tales of silent confessions and gentle camaraderie to the night. This wasn’t a domain of spoken words, nor was it a realm of declared feelings; it was a dance of silent understandings, a melody of unuttered affections.

Waking up the next day, Canary felt two strong arms holding her waist. She opened her eyes and saw Haruto's face, her cheeks immediately flushing. So flustered, she didn't even know what to do. In panic, she closed her eyes and feigned sleep. She hoped Haruto would get up and leave, allowing her to rise without making things awkward. Yet, as minutes passed, Haruto didn't wake up—or so she thought.

Summoning courage, Canary cracked one eye open and found Haruto smiling knowingly at her. Her face deepened into an even darker shade of red; she felt utterly embarrassed.

"You can stop pretending, Canary. Sleep is hardly convincing when your pulse betrays you," Haruto whispered.

Canary opened both eyes, meeting his gaze. "You were awake?"

"Long enough to know you were doing a poor impression of Sleeping Beauty," he replied, his smile never leaving his face.

Canary looked away, mumbling, "I just didn't want to make things awkward."

"Awkward? Is it awkward for you to be close to me?"

She hastily stuttered, "N-no, that is not what I mean. I like when you hold me." Realizing her slip, she looked away, adding, "I mean, it was fine."

Haruto tilted his head, taking a moment to absorb her words. His fingers lightly grazed her cheek, compelling her to meet his gaze. "You don't have to downplay your feelings, Canary. Saying one thing and meaning another— it's unnecessary."

She hesitated, her eyes searching for an adequate response. "I— I didn't mean to. I just…"

"You just what?"

She sighed, finally gathering her thoughts. "I didn't want to presume that my feelings were reciprocated."

He raised an eyebrow, a smile quirking the corner of his lips. "And what would those feelings be, exactly?"

Canary felt her face flush a brighter shade of red. "You're not making this any easier, Haruto."

He chuckled softly, his grip around her waist tightening ever so slightly. "But I could, if you'd let me."

She took a deep breath, leaning her forehead against his. "I like being close to you. It feels natural, like— like this is where I'm supposed to be. It's both comforting and nerve-wracking at the same time."

"Ah, the duality of human emotion," he mused. "So, you're nervous because…?"

"Because what we have—it's special, and I don't want to ruin it."

Haruto's eyes softened. "If it's special, why would acknowledging it ruin it?"

She thought for a moment. "Because sometimes putting feelings into words makes them real, and reality can be… fragile."

He leaned back to look at her, his eyes thoughtful. "Fragility is a part of life, Canary. It's what makes moments precious. The question isn't about avoiding fragility; it's about whether you're willing to embrace it, knowing full well that it comes with risks."

Her eyes widened at the depth of his words. "You make it sound so simple."

"Do I? It's anything but simple," he said, his voice tinged with a gravity that seemed to pull her even closer. "The real question is, are we brave enough to take the risk?"

Before she could reply, a soft knock on the door interrupted them. Haruto lifted his gaze toward the door, his brow furrowing momentarily before he sighed. "I suppose duty calls."

He gently extricated himself from the tangle of their limbs and stood up, casting a look back at her as he headed toward the door. "We'll continue this later. Unless you'd prefer to leave it unresolved?"

"No," she found herself saying before she could even think, "I'd like to resolve it. Very much so."

He nodded, his eyes betraying a hint of pleasure at her response. "Then later, we shall."

As Haruto opened the door to greet whoever was on the other side, Canary couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation run down her spine. Haruto was right; they were standing on the edge of something fragile yet incredibly precious. And for the first time, she felt brave enough to embrace the risks that came with it.

Machi was on the other side of the door, holding a small envelope. "A message from the council," she said, handing it to Haruto.

Haruto took the envelope and glanced briefly at Machi. "How urgent?"

"Urgent enough to interrupt your morning," she replied.

"Very well," Haruto said, the weight of his responsibilities settling back onto his shoulders. "Let's attend to it."

As he closed the door behind him, Canary lay there, thoughts swirling like a tempest. But amid the whirlpool of emotions, one thing remained crystal clear: she was ready to embrace whatever came next, risks and all.


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