Reincarnated in a novel as a maid

Chapter 50

Chapter 50

The first lesson was on basic wound care. Lady Aria began the class by discussing the basic principles of healing magic. She emphasized the importance of understanding the nature of injuries and how different types of magic could be used to treat them. Lady Aria demonstrated how to use water magic to clean and disinfect wounds and how to use ice magic to numb the pain and reduce inflammation. The students practiced these techniques on fake wounds created with mannequins, and Ellis was amazed at how effective they were.


In the following weeks, the class delved into more advanced techniques such as using fire magic to cauterize wounds and using earth magic to stimulate cell growth and accelerate the healing process. Aria also taught them about the emotional aspect of recovery, explaining how certain spells and incantations could help alleviate stress and soothe the mind.


The students listened intently. Lady Aria demonstrated various healing spells and techniques, including how to use magic to speed up the body's natural healing process and how to channel healing energy into specific parts of the body. She also taught them how to use magic to restore lost energy and treat emotional injuries like depression and anxiety.


As the class came to an end, Lady Aria left the students with some final words of wisdom. "Remember, the key to successful healing magic is to always be attuned to the needs of the person you are treating," she said. "By understanding their physical and emotional state, you can tailor your magic to their specific needs and help them on their path to recovery."

The healing class was taught in such a way that every person could be of use, no matter what their elements were; as long as they had an aura, they could heal others, so teamwork was also important for healers.


Healing class was one of the chilliest classes, and Ellis enjoyed it a lot every time. Lady Aria was a sweet woman, unlike Nova, and taught us with care and love.

"Hah, these days are so good." She mumbled to herself as she leaned back on her chair and looked at the polished wooden ceiling,



In the dorms

Freya sat on her bed, her head down, as she tried to make sense of the constant headache that had been plaguing her. She had even visited a healer, but they had found nothing wrong.

She had been enduring it for days, but today was the worst; it was at its peak for her.

She clutched her head and groaned in pain as she kicked the table nearby, destroying it to pieces,



As the headache reached its peak, Freya lost consciousness and woke up in a dark space. She could not feel anything, as if she were dead, but she still had consciousness in the darkness. She felt her aura acting up, and a small vortex appeared in the middle of her forehead as something happened.


She was suddenly flooded with memories of her past life. She realized that she had been a haughty, foolish woman, a true bitch in her own language. She saw herself from a third person’s point of view and cringed at how many foolish actions she was taking in her arrogance. In the blank state, her mind was calm and she was able to think clearly; even her darkly attributed aura was not affecting her, and she could feel how much of a trash bitch she had been till now.


She watched with calm eyes how she destroyed herself and those close to her.

She was ultimately brought down by her classmate Aurora, a girl who had already started to pester her since she met her. A fierce glint formed in her eyes as she saw how brutally Aurora murdered her; she butchered each part of her body with her golden sword.


She had been killed for her wicked deeds, according to Aurora in her memories, and as she woke up, she was filled with a deep hatred for Aurora, a girl with no noble background who had dared to kill her.

Her body trembled with rage as she recalled everything from her rise to her demise, gritting her teeth as she whispered with malice, "Aurora...

The dark aura around her intensifying and turning into something even more sinister as seconds passed, the darkness elements feasted on negative emotions and sorrows, and the rage Freya was emitting was refining her darkly attributed aura, making it stronger and stronger,


But as she reflected on her past life, Freya also remembered her maid, the only person who had stayed by her side and never betrayed her, even as all of her friends and servants had turned their backs on her. Freya had always treated her maid poorly, subjecting her to torture and starvation, but even so, her maid had remained loyal to her. In that moment, Freya felt a deep love and possessiveness for her maid and a burning desire to keep her close.

She suddenly felt her eyes getting wet.

"Huh… ? "I am crying. No way." Freya whispered lightly. She suddenly felt alone, hated by all, and she realized that she indeed had done things that deserved extreme punishment. She had allowed her dark aura to take control of her actions, but even so... Her maid, whom she never thought of more than an insect, tried to support her, and she recalled that, even in her last moments, Ellis was there trying to help her.


However, as she dove deeper into her memories, Freya was also struck by a painful recollection of her maid's execution at the hands of Aurora's friends. She remembered the look of betrayal and hurt on her maid's face as she took her last breath in front of Freya. The memory cut deep, and Freya felt a fierce determination to take revenge for both her own death and that of her dear maid.

"Agh, stop these memories. S-stop." She tried to dismiss it, but that look in Ellis’ eyes was not something she could forget, no matter how trash she was; it was a look that had testified to her years of loyalty to her, and yet she was incapable of saving her life.


Freya knew that her maid would likely still resent her, even if she were to humble herself and apologize. In the past, she may have thought that a slave should be grateful for such an apology, but now she realizes how wrong she was. The guilt of not being able to protect her maid, even as she begged for help, weighed heavily on her. As a noble, it was a blow to her pride to admit her own helplessness. She didn't want to offer a superficial apology to her maid but rather express her sincere remorse through her actions. She made a silent vow to make amends with her maid at a later time, but first, she needed to remove Aurora from the equation.


She stood up from her bed, determination etched on her face. She would make Aurora pay for what she had done, not just to her but to her dear maid as well. She walked to the door, determined to start her plan of revenge.

But before she could even turn the handle, she was stopped by a sharp pain in her head. She stumbled and clutched her head, trying to will the pain away. It was then that she realised she had another enemy to defeat—her own memories. They were a constant reminder of her past mistakes and her current weaknesses. She needed to find a way to rid herself of them, or else they would consume her. With this new goal in mind, Freya left the room, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

It was hypocritical of her to try to seek revenge when she was the villain in her old life, but she couldn’t care less; she didn’t really hate Aurora as she killed her, but she had extreme loathing when Aurora dared to kill Ellis in front of her.

Ellis was innocent; she was acting on her orders; they could have saved her...

But they didn't, so neither would she shy away from returning the favor tenfold now.



At the same time that Freya regained her past memories, the world shifted in such a way that its future fate was unknown. Things that were supposed to happen at a particular time might no longer happen at the same time. Situations that were supposed to happen in the future might never happen, and so will many of the important events just because of the new variable called Freya.

Aurora and some other heroines in the academy suddenly had a very bad and suffocating feeling within their hearts that moment; they were all confused and scared for some reason, with a dreadful feeling clutching their hearts.

Aurora in her class tried to ignore the feeling and instead focus on the lesson, but she knew that something terrible was about to happen but she didn't know what.


What will happen now?


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