Reincarnated in a novel as a maid

Chapter 57

Chapter 57

As Ellis approached the leader of the Elf Traditionalists, an arrogant elf named Zoran, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. Despite his imposing stature and fearsome reputation, she knew that she would have to tread carefully if she wanted to gain his support. He was a prick.

Elves don’t like to associate with those they mark inferior, and demons were one of the inferior ones, but using her connections with the other faction’s leader and some greedy elves, she was able to set up a small meeting with their leader,

She soon reached the clubroom, where the elf was drinking tea from a fancy white cup.

"Greetings, sir Zoran," Ellis said, bowing her head in respect. "I have heard that you need a skilled spy in the demon faction. I may be direct, but I believe I can be of use to you, sir."


Zoran looked her up and down with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "And what makes you think a weak woman like yourself can be of any help to me?" he growled. He was here for other stuff, but since he was free and his underlings set up a meeting with this demon girl, he just made her entertain him so that he could enjoy tea; he was not interested in this in reality.


"I may be small and look weak, but I have some influence and power in the demon faction and knowledge about some operations or campaigns they might set up in the upcoming future," Ellis replied calmly. "I have access to some dark attribute demon spells that can aid you in your goal for the presidency."


Zoran considered her words for a moment. This did seem like a bit of a deal. While he would just give her some small support from their faction, he could also obtain valuable information in return. He had some spies in other factions, but the demon faction was quite guarded, and it was difficult for him to breach it. Having a demon spy work for him could be a good idea.

As for the loyalty of the girl before him, he won’t give her any decisive power, so he does not need to worry even if she betrays him, and worse to worse, he could just cripple her using loopholes in the academy rules. He took some time to ponder before finally nodding his agreement. "Very well, I agree to your terms. But know this: if you betray me, I will not hesitate to crush you."

‘What a foolish man... Ellis thought she could easily guess what was going on in this dumb elf’s brain.


Ellis nodded, hiding her relief. She knew that Zoran's confidence in his strength made him less suspicious of her; in the novel, his overconfidence and his thoughts about women being weak and helpless led to his downfall, and she would be able to use this to her advantage. As she left the meeting, Ellis couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt at the thought of using the powerful and arrogant elf to further her ends, even when she was sharing rooms with the elf princess. But she knew that in this cutthroat political game, she had to do whatever it took to come out on top.

‘I will make it up to Kris later; she will like my gift." Ellis decided to buy Kris a present as a sort of compensation for taking advantage of her race. While Ellis was sure Kris would not mind her using some arrogant jerk, she still wanted to make her happy.


With the elf faction now on her side, Ellis turned her attention to the Beast Alliance, a notoriously insular and ferocious group. She knew that winning their support would be a difficult task, but she was determined to do whatever it took to secure her position.

‘If things are as in the novel, the leader of the beast alliance is a cunning man but quite open-minded; it won’t be difficult to get his support." Ellis exhaled as she made her way towards their next location. She was kind of tired of dealing with all these greedy bastards and mentally exhausted; she will take a good, long nap after this is over.

As Ellis approached the leader of the beast alliance, a wolf-kin named Prince Xander, she was relieved to find that he seemed more open-minded than the other faction leaders. Despite her demon heritage, he seemed willing to listen to her proposal and consider her a potential ally.

But things couldn’t be so easy now, could they? Ellis’ luck was shit after all.

Things took a turn for the worse when Gabriel, a dragon-kin member of the Beast Alliance, stepped rudely into their private meeting. How this woman got knowledge about their secret private meeting is unknown. She was notorious for her cruel and sadistic nature, and she took great pleasure in demeaning and belittling others.

As a dragon-kin, she had the highest authority among beast-folk, and even Prince Xander must listen to her suggestions seriously, even if he is senior to her.

Of course, Xander could easily deny her as the prince of the beast empire, and she wouldn’t be able to do a sh*t to him, but he didn’t want to become on bad terms with her family and instead saw this as an opportunity for himself as well.

He will gain the trust of Gabriel and thus the support of her dragon-kin family, a powerful ally in the future who could help him take one step closer to the throne while also gaining a powerful spy.

It would indeed be a good test for this half-demon if she could pass Gabriel’s test and get approved by her; this way he could also ensure his trust in her abilities and could have a huge advantage over other factions in the academy, and it would be gold if he could win the position of student council president as well.


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