Reincarnated in a Shounen Manga

Chapter 182: Nap Guy

My subordinates, who I found quite endearing, arrived for their first meeting where they would finally start earning their pay. While Wis lacked strong political backing compared to her other siblings, and her ruling the country wouldn't offer many benefits to me directly. Having the freedom to utilize her authority could prove advantageous.

As Avalon Island Arc drew ever nearer, a certain "gift" would soon arrive from the island, announcing itself to the world. This gift demonstrated seemingly impossible things, even according to Ord's standards. It would act as bait, luring countless exorcists to the island—a trap in disguise. Sacrifices were needed to create God.

Despite my foreknowledge, which terrified me, we had to take the bait; otherwise, things could become extremely dangerous. While we had survived the Shuten Doji disaster, all our efforts could end up in vain. In the original story, Shuten Doji was the one who brought humanity to its knees, but he wasn't responsible for their decision to flee this side of the world.

Avalon Island bordered the Dragon King's barrier, making it the closest we could get to the outside world without actually venturing beyond. It was a peculiar place, where logic and the laws of physics were at best mere suggestions. Past, present, and future converged there.

"So, Captain, what are we here to discuss?" Pan yawned. "I was in the middle of binge-watching a great TV show."

"Well, it's time for us to start working in earnest," I replied with a smile. "Our mission is to protect the princess from any external threats. You might not be aware, but the current leader is old and without a regent. The princes and princesses will be competing for power."

"They would even kill their own sister for power?" Pan's usual laziness faded as he woke up, his gaze sharpening at the implication.

It was easy to forget his circumstances due to his typically laid-back attitude. However, he had made more sacrifices for his family than any of us, including Miku, who sent a considerable amount of money back home to support her younger sister and sick mother.

"Why should we involve ourselves in this?" Miku questioned.

"Who knows? But I think I may have developed feelings for the princess," I said with a smile. Miku narrowed her eyes, clearly unconvinced. Pan, on the other hand, seemed indifferent but also seemed to have seen through my lie.

Bear, on the other hand, bowed his head. "Congratulations, sir. If you need help with anything, just tell me."

"Perhaps you could play the role of a raging grizzly bear, and Nok could act the valiant knight," Pan suggested, smirking knowingly. "Girls love that knight-in-shining-armor stuff. Perhaps he could even pretend to be injured to earn some sympathy points."

"An Elite Exorcist injured by a grizzly bear?" Miku shook her head. "What a foolish plan."

Pan frowned and seemed ready to argue, but I raised my hand.

"Whatever the attack may be, I want all of you to stay alert. Watch out for traps and poisons, and keep an eye on any nearby entrances that lead to the black market. That's the easiest way to acquire an untraceable poison," I said, leaving them with enough leeway for improvisation. I didn't consider myself capable of predicting everything and claiming it was all part of my plan. It was better to acknowledge that there were smarter people out there. I always assumed my enemies were smarter than me and planned accordingly.

"What if a fight breaks out? I'll be honest, I'm not the best at fighting," Pan admitted.

"If it comes to fighting, don't worry. My tamed demon will assist you," I reassured everyone.

"You're a Master?" Bear asked, astonished.

"Yeah, why?"

"I always thought you were a warrior. They usually have a lot of Ord and are physically strong," Bear mumbled.

He considered my Ord to be substantial? Well, I supposed that by current standards, even 10% of my Ord was significant.

After further discussion, everyone left, except Miku, who stayed behind. She had a determined look in her eyes, and as soon as the door closed behind her, she began speaking. "Pan seems suspicious. I saw someone fleeing from his window when I went to fetch him. He could be a spy sent here to harm the princess."

Those were bold words, and I had read Pan's file, knowing that wasn't the case. Contrary to what most assumed, Pan wasn't merely a lazy individual who slept all day for no reason. I would describe him as someone who had sacrificed his life and ambitions for those he cared about. Nevertheless, I couldn't dismiss the possibility that he was a traitor. "Please explain in detail what you witnessed."

She did just that, and after her explanation, she headed towards the exit. It wouldn't be wise to remain alone with me for too long, as it might give others the wrong impression.

Before she walked out, she turned towards me, her eyes gleaming with an inscrutable glint. "I owe you a lot, and I wouldn't want to let a traitor in our midst. If you need me to, I can be the one to kill Pan."

It was astonishing to see how far she had come. Just a year ago, she was a chubby, insecure girl who couldn't even harness her Ord to accomplish anything. Knowing that she was originally meant to be a background character destined to die, but had now evolved into a capable exorcist, filled me with pride.

"Don't worry, I won't ask you to kill a comrade," I assured her, shaking my head. She was someone I had saved, someone whose fate was supposed to end on that training field, but she had defied it. Because of that, I always kept a watchful eye on Miku. After all, fate seemed to have its own plans whenever I was around Agon. If anything strange happened to her, it could happen to me as well.

Once she left, I entered my office and opened the drawer. Amidst the clutter of meaningless documents, I retrieved a couple of files about Pan.

There was nothing remarkable in his professional record; he hadn't even defeated a middle-class demon. However, he had encountered one when he was fifteen, coinciding with the death of his twin sister. Some believed that his special ability had manifested at the moment his sister passed away.

Twins… they were often an abnormality when it came to Ord. Perhaps they were the exception to the rules of special abilities, as it appeared that twins could manipulate the system to their advantage. Just like Velma, who absorbed her twin while in the womb.

That was why I found Pan so intriguing and had invited him here. I didn't need assistance or someone strong by my side—I wouldn't trust them, even if they possessed great power. Miku was powerful enough as a subordinate, and Carpy was more than capable of handling everything else.

The special ability section of the report was left blank, which was understandable. An exorcist's special ability revealed much about their strength and, in some cases, their personality.

Pan's sister died in his arms, and it was believed that his special ability emerged from that moment of unimaginable grief. It was undoubtedly an uncontrolled manifestation born from immense anguish.

Furthermore, one detail stood out in the report: his sister's body was never found.

This was starting to feel like a conspiracy.


Yara's worry grew as she observed the unfolding events. She couldn't shake the feeling that the princess was making a grave mistake by trusting this unknown man named Nok.

Nok appeared to be intentionally hiding something, though he wasn't particularly subtle about it. Yara wondered if his apparent transparency was part of a larger scheme to conceal his true intentions. The thought left her frustrated, as she was ill-equipped to handle such intricate problems. What bothered her the most was the realization that she wouldn't be able to stop Nok if he decided to act against them.

"Princess, are you certain it's wise to meet him in such an isolated location?" Yara voiced her concerns as they approached the distant wooden cabin.

The princess nodded absentmindedly, seemingly unfazed by Yara's warnings. Princess Wisteria had been ecstatic to discover someone who shared her passion for anime, and was blinded to the potential dangers.

Yara couldn't help but speculate if Nok was already aware of the princess' eccentricities. It would explain everything and paint the exorcist as a skilled manipulator. However, such a notion was preposterous, considering his inability to track them with his Ord. Yara had the expertise to uncover any master's stealth methods unless Nok had managed to establish a substantial sensory barrier, which he hadn't had enough time to set up.

Another possibility was that he possessed a tamed demon with exceptional senses. Yet, Yara had never encountered a demon capable of extending its sensory abilities to cover an entire town.

Undoubtedly, Nok possessed strength, but he displayed the demeanor of an ordinary person who remained unaffected by his powers, never abusing them. This suggested that, despite his abundant Ord, he likely possessed a weak special ability. After all, exorcists weren't known for their humility.

Beneath her apprehensions, Yara secretly hoped that Nok was a genuine ally. Princess Wisteria needed as many protectors as possible, especially since her siblings enjoyed their powerful backing and personal royal guards.

As Yara pondered Nok's true nature, the space around them suddenly twisted. Yara recognized it as a teleportation barrier, a rare ability accessible only to one of the four great clans. Before she could fully process the situation, a group of over a dozen white-haired children surrounded them. Their vacant gazes and distorted limbs, with manifestations of wings, tails, and grotesque appendages, sent chills down Yara's spine.

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