Reincarnated in an Otome game as the ugly character in the background

Chapter 23: Emperor

Once the battle against Xerxes was over, we were rescued by the forces of the empire.

They came to ask what the hell had happened.

Obviously, no one knew what to answer.

They questioned all of us.

It has been three days since then.

It took two whole days to carry out the investigation.

Even a few holy wizards came in person to find out what happened.

All I said was the same as everyone else.

"It came out of nowhere."

No one could contradict us.

The news of a creature almost coming to the capital to destroy it was a bombshell no doubt.

The newspapers are like mad to find out more.

Unfortunately, I couldn't tell them it was a game event.

No one would believe me anyway.

"Razel, what's wrong with you, do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Cid, who was standing next to me asked.

"No. I'm fine. Just tired. I want this day to be over already."

In the morning today, we came to the imperial palace to meet the emperor himself.

We committed an offense against a member of his family. To a prince in the line of succession.

Soon there will be a ceremony for those who died in battle.

Their families were rewarded the same day.

Many were happy to receive money, others sad to lose their loved ones.

Early in the morning the survivors came to give their testimonies.

including the girls.

I, one more bother and Cid, came after noon to give our testimony for what happened.

"Of course it will be over soon this day. But for you guys."

Said the most annoying person of all. Regulux, the idiot who accused us.

By accused, I mean he named us as the cause of everything bad that Xerxes did.

The others were in a coma, and not because of the blows said the doctors.

It seems that the shock of losing was so great that they refuse to wake up.

He woke up because he only received a little damage.

Right now, the three of us were well dressed in front of a door so big. It looked like the entrance to a castle.

The place was like a British museum.

All very clean and shiny.

Pictures of former members of the imperial family.

Emperors and their wives.

The white color made me almost blind.

"Regulux, stop your hostility towards us."

"Shut your mouth, son of a mistress! When father finds out, you'll see what he'll do to you!"

The face of the prince of the game was like that of a dirty lying bastard.

It was attractive, but it was disfigured by how much of a jerk he made of himself.

Cid, meanwhile, was calm.

My face is already ugly, so there's nothing to do. I combed back my hair so my unruly hair wouldn't look offensive.

The red door was beginning to open.

The light was blinding us, so we took cover.

Once it was fully open, I visualized what I never thought I would see in my entire life.

The interior of the emperor's hall was after the chamber of ministers we passed.

The last and highest place in this immense castle was destined for the most important man in the country. And, therefore, of the world.

The room was as big as a soccer field.

Both left and right were the men and women who run this country.

The ministers, officials and temple members.

To enter this place when the emperor is present, it doesn't matter what faction you are in.

You just have to put your butt on the steps that look like huge staircases.

There was not a single empty space.

In the center of it all.

There was a red carpet with golden edges. It was so big, it almost looked like a freeway.

It went up a staircase in the shape of a Mayan pyramid.

Step after step was decorated with marble statues.

At the top, which you could not raise your head without permission, lay the highest authority of thisplace.

The emperor.


Said a masculine, strong-sounding voice.

We entered at the same time.

Cid was trembling slightly, despite being calm.

Regulux was smiling.

I was wanting to go to the bathroom.

No kidding, I didn't have any breakfast precisely because of that.

I'm hungry and I want to let out a very big brown baby.

We walked almost a block only to stop at the spot where a funny hatted official was standing.

Once we got to where he was, we knelt down.

No one raised their head until that person ordered them to.

I had no idea what to do, so a few hours ago, a minister brought me to a room to practice.

Discourtesy against the emperor was death itself.

"Raise your heads. I allow you to see me."

The loud, imposing-sounding voice said that.

I slowly raised my head.

At the very top were magical spotlights that illuminated everything.

In order to be able to see his face, they lowered the intensity of the brightness.

There, at the very top, sitting on a golden throne encrusted with diamonds, with one leg on top of the other and with his elbow resting against the hand rest so that his fist touched his cheek.

There was watching us the man who never came out in the game.

"Be honored to be in the presence of Emperor Loic V."

He introduced himself as Loic V.

It was just as in the game, but his real name was not that.

It was, Wilhelm Malcolm von Bryes.

A man dressed in elegant clothes, rings, an expensive watch, gold chain with the flag of the empire forged on it. The most detailed feature of his body was not his preeminent well-shaped muscles nor his hairy chest that stands out, or his big arms like trunks.

Seriously, why do the parents look like something out of a martial arts anime?

The detail that amazes you the most is his head. His hair is golden blond and long-haired.

He looked like a lion instead of a man.

His beard was short but pointed.

His eyes were feline, sharp looking and red as fire.

He was an imposing man without a doubt.

And beside him were two other equally important figures.

To his left was his escort.

And to his right was the second most important person of the first.

The emperor's younger brother and twin, the prime minister and the only grand duke in the entire empire.

Rudolph Alan von Bryes.

A man identical to the emperor. But he wore more ceremonial and non-revealing clothes.

His hair was combed back as well.

He had a thin, feline-like mustache.

His eyes were closed, but they were blue in play.

His manses were behind his back and on his left shoulder was a ribbon that said he was the prime minister.

Reminds me of that beautiful women of the world contest.

On his right, just like the emperor, was a mantle with the flag of the empire.

The reason why the emperor is called by another name. It goes back to the first emperor of the Bryes dynasty. A man named Loic.

Whenever there is trouble, a member of the imperial family chooses to change rulers, but never, of the never, allow dukes to enter that position.

The members are from a secret family.

That emperor had an idea so that there would no longer be assassination attempts among them.

This was never addressed in the game, but there was a comment in Kwitter, saying that the lineage of the imperial family was dirty because of all the blood spilled centuries ago.

Very scary all around.

That same emperor made another decision, it was to elect a new prime minister.

The title of grand duke was only for secret relatives, but he eliminated it.

Instead, he made only one person to be prime minister and grand duke, all, to avoid unnecessary fights and to prevent ministers from having so much power.

For that reason, only the crown prince and his possible replacement are entitled to have a middle name.

It is interesting how much trouble they go to just to annoy others and save themselves trouble.

The emperor looked at us.

He sighed a long sigh.


I didn't know what to reply, neither I nor the others.

"The great me has been all morning listening to testimonies of what happened. It's boring, my life as emperor is being taken over by trifles. For that reason, don't tell me that nonsense about it coming out of nowhere. I'm interested in the mourning thing."

I swallowed a little saliva as he looked at both of us.

His beard rose almost to a mustache, his mouth twitched in disgust. But I don't know what kind of disgust it is.

"Father, it's so obvious!"

Regulux stood up to blame us.

"The only truth you should know is mine, your beloved son's! That raggedy nobody and your untitled son were responsible for disrespecting me! They deserve the ultimate punishment-!"

Before I finished speaking, an incredible magical pressure surrounded the atmosphere.

My eyes went to that person.

It was the one who provoked this.

"You... you dare to disrespect me?"

Golden hair swayed like an octopus in the sea.

His golden eyes were shining brightly.

The ministers were making a scary face, the spotlights were going out one after another.

Does this guy have enormous magical power?

Regulux was puzzled.

His face showed a bit of sweat and fear.

"But... father... me. I am your precious son. The third heir in line to the throne."

"I have many sons, unacknowledged. Answer, which son are you?"

"Are you Anabelle's son?"

Regulux did not answer.

The emperor was looking at him menacingly.

Without moving his gaze, he addressed his voice to the man on his right.

"Younger brother."

"Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Tell me, son of what woman is this whippersnapper."

The prime minister without moving, nothing but his mouth.

"He is the son of Alyza, Your Majesty. The children of the late Empress Anabelle are over there."

"I see." Said the emperor without turning to look.

"... By the way, say that again."

"What thing?"

"What this buffoon said before I interrupted him."

"He said he was third in the line of succession."

His anger stopped.

Regulux seemed happy that his father remembered him.

"At last you remembered me father!"


His tone was relaxed unlike before.

Regulux was smiling as if victory was in his favor.

But then, his father's look and tone changed to a threatening one.

"So, tell me, 'son'. Who authorized you to cancel your engagement?"

For a second, I felt a cold sweat.

The air felt heavy.

"F-Father, that was because that woman!"

"I said... tell me. Who authorized you to cancel an engagement? That it was approved by me personally. And not just any approval, one in person."

This time the one breaking out in a cold sweat was Regulux.

"I remember that day. Duke Rosenberg had made many requests for us to meet and sent many gifts. Those gifts were gratifying, so I accepted. You remember it don't you, younger brother?"

"Yes. I remember it well."

The atmosphere was beginning to feel heavy.

"You signed a document in your own handwriting and not a magic pen that could recreate it. There was also a photo with the former duke back then."

"There you go."

Once again, the emperor's hair was shaking, this time it was violently.

"I, Loic V, signed and approved an engagement. But... what was it that I learned today? That you, a son of my current wife, annulled an engagement that the I, the emperor himself, agreed to."

This time, for some reason, only Regulux's breathing could be heard.

"But... father... I am your son."


The emperor opened his mouth as wide as he could, and a tremor from the magical power he emanated shook the place.

It was very big.

It reminded me of when I saw Amy's level 5 magic.

She is a very strong person by the looks of it.

It's not for nothing that he's the emperor.

"You dare cancel an engagement that was signed by my fist, handwriting and my presence! You tell me your reason for doing so before I rip your head off with my own hands!"

Regulux was frightened.

His mouth opened, but not a sound came out.



The emperor was extremely furious.

His red eyes looked like those of a demon king.

"Your Majesty, if I may."

The prime minister spoke.


The emperor answered him.

"I know the reason why he did. I conducted an investigation into every detail involved."

"I see."

The emperor calmed down and his hair returned to normal.

"Tell me."


The prime minister day stepped forward as a magic microphone floated.

"The third Regulux prince called off his engagement to the Rosenberg´s daughter due to their financial problems. Everyone should know."

Some didn't know what they were talking about, but Regulux's panicked face slowly returned to normal.

"It is true that Rosenberg Household has requested a loan from the imperial family. Which has not yet been repaid, in addition to the fact that the former duke fled leaving a huge debt to his household."

"For those reasons, it is for those reasons that Prince Regulux made a public clarification about his engagement cancellation."

This time, Regulux moved his mouth.

"As expected of my uncle. Always a wise man."

In my situation it was bad what he said. If they ever said anything to make Regulux look like he was right, it would have all been for naught.

"So, a duel was held, Prince Regulux being the winner. That being the case, the broken engagement with her is official."

(Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!)

(The situation is really unfavorable for us!)

(At this rate... the end of Eli and her sensual mother will surely come!)

(... Even, if the worst happens. And, the situation is bad. I will never allow anything bad to happen to Eli and her lush mother!)

Before I braced myself for the worst and ran away, I heard a strange thing.

"But, the engagement won't be cancelled because of that."

"... !?"

We were all puzzled.

"The reason is because in my investigations I discovered that Prince Regulux has done unseemly things in public. Which have led to disconcerting rumors about the imperial family."

"Excuse me!"

We all said.

"The rumors are..."

The prime minister said a big list of things this guy has done. All of them are for a normal person to be sent to jail.

... Wow, so he's not a saint.

"Therefore, the imperial family has been disgraced by his actions. Their engagement is cancelled so as not to embarrass Rosenberg Household."

This... is something I never saw coming.

"With that said, we will move on to the next ones. The verdict will come in the end. But before that, younger brother, were there those who knew of the duel?"


"Did they notify you or did they try to cancel it?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Good. Send them to the gallows and hang their heads outside. Their families will be fined for those imbeciles and demoted one rank... no, make that two ranks. There's no baron rank in the court is there?"

"Yes there are."

"Right. If there are barons, they will be commoners."

There were several cries of ministers begging for mercy, the number was not low.

"You! The one in blue! Who the hell are you?"

He was addressing Cid.

"Yes! I am the fourth prince Your Majesty! I am Cidfert, son of Marianne!"


"That name sounds familiar..."

"Oh, Anne! I see, I see. You are his son, she is a fine woman. Much better than the others I have."

That comment caused Cid to show a vein, but he thought nothing of it.

"So, how is she?"

"She passed away a long time ago."

"I beg your pardon!"

For the first time, the emperor's expression changed and he stood up.

"... I see, it was a long time ago."

His serious face showed an expression of sadness that was unimaginable.

"Tell me, son of Anne, why did you accept the duel?"

"Yes! I could not bear what my half-brother, Prince Regulux was doing before his betrothed."

"I have already been told what he said. Go on."

"Yes. For that reason, I decided to fight, to make him apologize. Even if it's true that it's a ruined house, she was still his betrothed."

"I understand. That's enough. Now you, son of a toad."

I turned around looking for who he was referring to. But there was no one.

Wait, he meant me?

You miserable son of a bitch!

When you're in agony, I'll make sure no one saves you!

"Yes. It is an honor and a pleasure to be in front of you, Your Majesty, I am-"

"I didn't ask you for an introduction, just tell me why you agreed to fight."

I was starting to get annoyed, you're looking for me to tell Amy to destroy this castle.

"Y-Yes. As you may have heard I-"

"Boring, get straight to the point."

Several veins popped up on my forehead.

"... I just wanted to defend my childhood friend from her abusive fiancé. Nothing more and nothing less. I couldn't tolerate him insulting her, and even more so with both of them being men."

"Leaving aside that, according to reports, you defeated the sons of three houses and then lost to this buffoon. Is it true that you defeated that creature?"

"No, Your Majesty."

"No? You say."

"I mean, it wasn't just me, there were other people who fought bravely against that creature. Many died, the sword saints put up a great fight to defend the ships. And, a friend fell in combat to give us a chance to defeat it."

"Boring. Just say, who defeated him?"

"It was the two of us."

I pointed to Cid who looked like he didn't want to be involved.


He made that sound, as if analyzing something.

"Younger brother, is that true?"

"According to the reports, there were strange lights that couldn't be explained, but what is certain is that the fourth prince and the young man there were the key piece in their defeat."

"Well, it's time for the emperor's verdict."

He stood up, and took the microphone.

"This is the emperor's verdict. But before that."

His eyes focused on me.

"You, toad-face, answer this curiosity truthfully."


"What would you be able to do for that girl?"

His red eyes seemed to want to devour me, but I would not waver in my decision I told Eli.

"I would take over her debts if she would hand over her title to me."

For a moment, I thought I saw a smirk.

"I will say only three things; the first is..."

He pointed to Regulux.

"This fellow will as of today cease to be the third prince in the line of succession. At the same time, he will be stripped of many of his advantages of being prince. All support from his faction is hereby removed this instant."

Regulux could not believe his ears.

Neither could I.

This was not part of the game.

At the same time, I didn't know whether to feel happy or sad about it.

"But, Father, I am your-!"

"Shut him up."

He snapped his fingers, and I blinked for a moment.

The man to his left disappeared, and when I opened my eyes, he was standing in front of Regulux.

He, himself didn't even realize what happened.

Least of all Cid who was still in awe.

The armored man raised his hand as if to ask a question.

"Shut up say the emperor."

And that same hand came down at a great speed, making it disappear, what, if I could see, was that Regulux was hit and his face was embedded in the ground.

A large hole was there, his squeegee raised as well.

As I blinked again, the guy in front of him disappeared.

No, more like teleported or something.

He certainly terrified me.

I wasn't saying it because of his red colored armor, or that his helmet has horns like an ox, or that his eyes are black from this covering.

It was because of the speed of what he did.

This guy.

This fellow was none other than the strongest knight among knights, the only sword saint ranked in the history of the empire as the strongest of all.

The saint of twilight. The emperor's left hand.

He has never left his post.

It was mentioned in the game that he was fighting the main demon king when the chaos in the capital happened.

"Right. Next. Son of Anne."

Now Cid's punishment was coming, he was terrified.

"I take away your title of the fourth prince."

Ahh, it's worse than I thought!

"To bestow this on you; the third prince in the line of succession."

"You have deserved it, for defending the daughter of a duke's house because of a buffoon. At the same time, you will have your own faction in due time."

Cid could not believe his ears, much less me.

The emperor was now addressing me.

"Your punishment will be..."

Uwah, I'm really going to be punished!!!?

"Engage you."


Both, I and the others made the same weird drawing expression.

"What you hear, your punishment will be a reward. Both, you and Anne's son I recognize as knights for defending not only a figurehead of our nation, but also for defeating that thing."

"So, congratulations, I, Loic V. I recognize and in front of everyone declare that you, toad-face, will be the new and official fiancé of the Rosenberg's daughter!"

Wait... what was that he said?

This is real, isn't it? Is it real?

"Wait, what was your rank?"

"Son of a baron, Your Majesty."

"Really? Of such low rank? Anyway, I name you first of all an official baron. So, if you have a male relative, he will take the future of your house and you will take the reins of the Rosenberg duchy. Congratulations."

Wait, he's not kidding!

I... I'm really going to get engaged to Eli?

"If we're done with this, I want to sleep."

The emperor was touching his neck muscles due to the pain he was feeling.

"Oh, that's right, I forgot."

He looked like he had to say something else.

"The reward for defeating that monster, do you want to split it or remain one?"

He was asking us such a normal question in such a casual way.

Cid answered without hesitation.

"I want to leave it to him."

I looked at him as I didn't understand why he did it, together we defeated him.

"Consider it my gift for your engagement."

I wanted to cry and hug him, but that wasn't manly.

"Younger brother. How much is the value of the reward?"

"Yes... the value of the recovered and undamaged materials is..."

The prime minister's mouth moved to say a figure that almost made me have a heart attack.

"It's 550 million crystalia."

"And the Rosenberg Household debt, how much is it?"

"It's 350 million."

The emperor looked at me as if it was obvious that he helped us.

But that was impossible.

"Tell me, toad-face, what will you do with the reward?"


The answer is obvious, but for some reason it terrifies me, it feels like it's a joke or a trap.

"I ask to pay the full debt of Rosenberg Household."

"Younger brother."

"It's all set, the debt by tomorrow will be paid along with the news. The ducat may be repaid if they pay what was invested in them, which happens to be the 200 million left over."

"I- I choose to pay them as well."

"Good. The debts for tomorrow along with the duchy properties will be returned after making a document approving it."

My heart is beating like crazy.

This is so unreal it feels like fiction.

"One more thing."

Said the emperor.

"In order to have no more inconvenience, the palace, at the expense of the useless people who allowed that duel that tarnished the reputation of the imperial family to happen, will have to pay for the engagement ceremony."


"Yes. A ceremony of recognition and a show of regret to Rosenberg Household for what that idiot did."

"It will be this week. So start preparations today itself, send someone to notify the duchess and her daughter of all that has happened."

The emperor stared at me.

"Welcome to the world of nobility, toad-face. Gurararara."

He laughed in an almost feline manner.

It was weird.

But weirder was what happened in the last few minutes.


Cid came up to me to congratulate me.

"Congratulations on your engagement."

He touched my shoulder with a few pats.

But internally I was puzzled.

(What the hell?)

(No, really. What the hell happened?)

(But more importantly...)

(I'm going to get engaged to Eli as soon as possible!)

I must be happy, I wish for a harem and riches.

Being a future duke is good and my little brother will take care of the future of my house without territory.

That's good, but...

My legs are shaking!

I'm only 16 years old!

Something like engagement never crossed my mind!

No, it did, but not like this.

Amy... help me. I'm getting engaged and I'm afraid of marriage.

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