Reincarnated in Britain, I go to Hogwarts

024 People under the moon

After casually releasing a bad Obscurus magic to send Peeves away, Ans walked towards the library.

It's been two months since school started, and I've been to the Forbidden Forest. Next, it's the restricted book area of ​​the library.

Not to mention looking for new knowledge, at least it is good to look at the cover to open your eyes.

Easily using catnip to lure Mrs. Norris away, she made a gorgeous turn and slipped into the library. She came to the forbidden book area silently like a ghost - a lock was hung on a rope.

In the movie, little Harry came wearing the invisibility cloak. He entered easily without triggering any warning, and even made eye contact with an evil spirit in the book. If he hadn't packed up the fallen rope, Phil would have Qi won't notice at all.

Raising his hand to reach for the hemp rope padlock, Ans suddenly paused.

"Hmm, so that's it, an illusion?"

That's right, it's a fantasy. Why is there a rope and a lock in the restricted book area?It is to tell everyone that entry is prohibited, but why are the measures so crude and crude, even worse than opening the door wide open?

This is a restriction created by adopting the idea of ​​"dark under the lamp" or "hiding in the city". When people break the ropes and locks, their hearts are excited, but it is this kind of ups and downs of emotions. , will make people ignore the disharmony of falling into an illusion.

Only the sensitivity of a reincarnated person's soul can enable him to detect the real trap and restriction at this age.

Ans softly spoke out the combination of factors he noticed, which stood out in this empty and silent library.

"Unexpected sensitivity...and judgment," a layer of darkness behind Ans faded away like a film of water, revealing a dazzling old man in white in the darkness. He had a long white beard and was the principal of Hogwarts. "As expected of you... maybe you should introduce yourself to me~"

Dumbledore looked at the little badger with the mask on, and the tacit understanding between the two burst out, and he said with a smile.

"Anonymous, you can call me anonymous."

Ans bowed to him, which confirmed that the Harry in the movie was either in a fantasy or the principal opened his mouth. After all, at that time, little Harry was looking for clues about Nick Flamel.

If he is not allowed to enter, maybe not only he is eyeing the restricted book area, but even Hermione will try every means to find an opportunity to get in. After all, there are no clues about that person anywhere, only the restricted book area is the most suspicious.

Therefore, in a forbidden book area, how could a simple rope and padlock implement the meaning of "forbidden"?

"Well, Mr. Anonymous," Dumbledore put his left hand behind his back and raised his right hand toward the door. "We have no sleep at night, why don't we go for a walk together?"

Ans didn't object to this. It didn't matter if he couldn't go to the restricted book area. Anyway, he was only in the first grade and there was still a long time. After thinking about it, he raised his hand and signaled this respected old man to go first.

Dumbledore did not refuse and took the first step. Ans followed beside him and made a statement before Dumbledore could speak first.

"Well, don't ask if there is anything. I've shown you everything I can tell." Ans and Dumbledore ignored Filch who walked quickly past them, as if they were not in the same dimension. "But You are not a person without self-awareness, especially since you once had a close friend who could see the future, and you are also well aware of the dangers of prophecy, so, are you okay? Principal."

"As expected of you, you have a pair of sharp eyes like an eagle." Dumbledore took a deep breath and glanced at the boy next to him who called himself Anonymous. "A Templar who works hard to maintain an order that is beneficial to the people, and a brother who breaks the rules that are not beneficial to the people." Skilled Assassin, in you, I see the harmony of the two."

"I have over-praised the principal. It is our creed to serve the light in the darkness. In this world, there is not only white but also black, and both are indispensable. The reunion of Assassin is inevitable, just like the Tai Chi diagram, in the black There is white, and within white there is also black. The knights and assassins each took sides that were too extreme, which resulted in unnecessary chaos for many years. The overt and covert disputes caused the suffering of many innocent civilians."

The two talked about Anse's inheritance all the way. They didn't stop talking nonsense until they left the castle. In other words, Dumbledore felt that the atmosphere was about the same, so he started to get down to business.

"Mr. Anonymous, in that case, do you know about the ninjas in the Far East?"

"Ninja? The Five Elements Escape Technique evolved from the ancient Eastern Five Elements Technique. It is used to cover up one's own dark swordsmanship and kill people. This was before, and after Pearl Harbor, magic was introduced, but the original roots were not forgotten. OK, since then, there have been various associations under the orthodox magic schools, and they have created countless ninjas who can use magic - Taimanin."

"It seems that Mr. Anonymous knows a little more than I do," Dumbledore said with a sideways smile. He did not expect the origin of the Five Elements Escape Technique. Should it be said that snakes have their own paths and rats have their own paths? "So, you You should have guessed it, Hogwarts train."

"What? Did you choose the Forbidden Forest as the location?"

"You surprised me once again, Mr. Anonymous. I would like to ask, is this a necessary training for the path of Assassin?"

Such extraordinary war intuition.

"It's just a reasonable guess. In modern terms, I'm just a killer. At most, I use my brain more. After all, we are not just sharp knives, we are knives, hands and people."

Ans took a deep breath of the bleak autumn wind and looked at the Forbidden Forest not far away. The big black dog named Yaya ran out to urinate again. He didn't know what he noticed, but there was a trace of the pounding sound coming back. Hagrid's cabin.

"Although the dark and bloody era has only passed for nearly ten years, this does not mean that the magical world has grown in this pool of blood." Ans raised his head and looked at Dumbledore. "You have not grown, but have been severely weakened. Even burying himself deep in the ground like an ostrich out of fear.”

Unlike that time at the dinner party, Dumbledore... couldn't see through it this time.

There is so much depth and darkness in the young man's mind and soul.

"Perhaps Minister Millicent Barnold has the courage to fight hard, and maybe there are people who have the strength to fight hard, but this is not the majority, it can be said to be only a tiny part. Once this information becomes widely known... Deng Does Professor Bullydo know about the two gardens that were burned in the East?"

Didn't Dumbledore know?Of course he knew that even he was heartbroken that a wonderful flower of a splendid civilization was destroyed like this, but it was a pity...

Dumbledore understood why Ans said this. The other party was using this to compare the current British magical world, and this was also the case. If the two sides went to war, two against one or even one against one, Magical Britain may have fallen.

"I need help in exchange for information on the Hallows of Eden."


In the darkness, a pair of scarlet round wheels burst out in Ans's eyes, looking at the old man under the moonlight like a devil's eyes.

"it is good."

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