Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 11 (1)

Dear Diary,

New cycle! We're hobgoblins!

We’re also all solo players this cycle. I'm going slower since I don't have Level 100 teleport any more, but not all that much slower. 

I hope next cycle I get to be in a party with Avi. Three days wasn't nearly long enough to be with him after a full cycle apart. And yeah, we could try and keep up with each other this cycle, but I really want to see how much longer it takes me to get to the end this time than it did when I had maxed out teleport. 

Plus Fire is all by herself on Floor 1. I kinda feel like I should finish as quickly as possible to get to her. Not that she’s in any way my responsibility, but… I don't know. If I were stuck on Floor 1 by myself, I'd appreciate someone hurrying to the end so I didn't have to be alone. 

In other news! This cycle the Director introduced mounts!

What are mounts, you ask? They are things to ride around on!

First there’s an electric moped, which requires yellow lightning magic to recharge. Then there’s a carpet, which requires charm or psychic magic to use. Then there’s a cloud, which requires water or ice magic. And lastly there’s a thing that kinda looks like a hamster wheel with chairs inside, that requires brown or orange (earth and transmutation) magic to run.

Needless to say, Avi and I are very disappointed. We will continue to kidnap wolves and ride around on them.

A part of me is disappointed that no mount works with green or silver magic, but I'm not exactly sure how those would work. I mean, silver magic is illusions. The point of illusions is that they’re not really there. I guess the Director could give Avi a bicycle that looks like a fancy motorcycle? I don't know. And something to ride around on that’s made out of poison just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

So it looks like I'm not going to get a real mount any time soon. Oh well. It’s not like the mounts go much faster than a normal walk, and teleport doesn't work on them.

Anyways. Something feels kinda weird with the NPCs this cycle. Like, I show up and offer everyone food like normal, and they’re not sure what to do. Kinda like back on the second cycle. 

They’re still nice and polite, just kinda awkward. I wonder if the Director told them to not take food from me.

No, that’s not it. If she didn't want people to take food from me, she probably would have told me to stop offering them food first. It would be a lot easier to ask one person (me) to stop doing something than ask everyone in the whole dungeon who isn't me to stop doing something.

I mean, she never did tell me why she brought me to her office that one time. Maybe that was it? I don't know. 

But people keep accepting the food, so I'll keep making it for them until someone tells me to stop. Because I'm a chef, and that’s what chefs do. 


Goodnight, Dungeon!

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