Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 11 (5)

Dear Diary,

Yep, today was a much better day than yesterday!

I made baked alaska with Fire. She has amazing heat control. I doubt anyone in the history of ever has made such a perfect baked alaska.

Tomorrow I'm gonna see if we can make the perfect creme brulee. And bananas foster. And… what other deserts get set on fire… cherries jubilee! Yeah, that should be fun!

I also taught Fire how to eat with chopsticks. She said she doesn't like nachos cus her fingers get dirty, and anyone who eats nachos with a fork is a heathen, but chopsticks kinda act like finger extensions. So they’re perfect. It took her a little while to figure them out, but she caught on faster than some people. Aya tried learning and never did figure them out. 

Oh, apparently Kimi has asked Fire to inform her if anyone tries making an energy drink again. A part of me kiiiinda wants to do it, mostly cuz Kimi’s not the boss of me and I'm an adult who can cook whatever I want. But really it’s just a silly thing that I don't need to do again.

Hmmm, maybe I should try making a night-night drink. The opposite of an energy drink. Something that would make whoever drinks it immediately pass out. That would be specifically doing what Kimi asked. 

Ok, yeah, I’m gonna ask Y to help me make a night-night drink when he gets here. He should be here tonight or tomorrow, he wasn't too far behind me. 

Oh, since we’re on Floor 1, Fire got access to the “mount” things. She’s been trying to practice with them, but she says she prefers wings and wolves. Next cycle we’re gonna be fairies, so she won't need a mount anyways. 

I think, if I had a choice between mounts or the shape-changing belts from our old dungeon, I'd take the belts. They weren't restricted to magic type. And running around as a cheetah was super fun.

…And I'm definitely not talking about those things to avoid talking about how I'm still kinda shaken up about everything that happened this week. Not avoiding that topic at all, nope. I absolutely didn't have nightmares last night or anything.

I just… I need to be with Avi. I need him to tell me it’ll all be ok. 

But until then I can just focus on cooking and talking with Fire. Fire is a good person to talk to. She really thinks before she says anything. And sure, her suggestion that we incinerate the Director might not be viable, but it’s certainly a very her suggestion. 

I hope Avi gets here tomorrow. I hope the catgirls on Floor 60 don't do anything mean to trap him there. If they do I might not be nice to them the next time I go through.

I won't be mean, because that would be mean. But I will be… exceedingly polite. Being pointedly polite is almost as bad as being outright insulting. Sometimes. I think.

But before that I have to wait for Avi to get here. 

Goodnight, Dungeon…

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