Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 19 (4)

Dear Diary,

Well, I tried being nice to Lily. We’ve held a few brief and civil conversations.

I thought things were coming along nicely. 

Aaaand then today she said I should “let” Avi go back to being Via. As if I'm forcing him to be Avi. As if I care at all.

She basically insinuated I'm a horrible person who controls my partner against their will. 

So yeah, I tried being her friend, and I give up. 

For now, at least. In ten cycles maybe I'll feel sorry for her again and try to be nice. Because I’m just a nice person, dang it! I just want everyone to be happy and have friends! Even people I don't like!

This whole thing is just frustrating. 

Iiiiin other news, the Sams have decided to turn the first floor into a beach floor next cycle. The Director said “such shenanigans” when she told us to not throw a party again, and a beach day is a completely different type of shenanigan. 

Their other reasoning is, what more can she do to them? Which… is very sad. But true. I don't think she can do anything worse than cut them off from Samantha. 

Unrelated, but I really like the word “shenanigans”. It is a very good word. If we get to the new world and have to choose last names, I'm gonna suggest Shenanigans as our last name. 

If Avi doesn't like it then I'll just use it as my middle name. 

It makes as much sense as a name as “Y” or “9”. Or even “Frog” or “Bacon”. And as far as last names go, the English ones are usually pretty boring. Just a job or a color, or “Blanks son”. “Shenanigans” would be a way more interesting last name. 

I wonder what Avi’s last name was. I never asked. I don't remember what my last name was, so I doubt he remembers. 

Oh! Samurai asked around, and it turns out half of us have access to silver magic. Avi (duh), me, the Sams, and Staab. 

The Sams requested it a few cycles back; they were going to both be silver and also the same gender, and see if anyone could tell them apart. But then they remembered players can see each other’s names and health bars if we focus. So they didn't use it. 

Staab said he asked for it back when we were in our old dungeon. He never really liked using magic, he always said it just felt wrong to him. But he was a melee NPC, and he suspects part of that job was a feeling of magic being bad. So he asked the Admin to let him have silver magic, which is all illusions and not real or permanent, to see if he got the bad feelings while using it. 

He says he did. Less so than with other types of magic, but the feeling was still there. So he only stayed silver one cycle. 

The point of all this is, silver magic is supposed to be special. So we should all try to get it, then all turn silver on the last cycle to show off how awesome we all are.

Tomorrow we’re going to figure out why everyone deserves silver magic, and ask the Admin for it. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!





Admin 6 looked at the nine messages he’d received. They were… certainly something. 

He knew the Director read all his messages, so he couldn't respond in the affirmative. In fact, she’d probably prefer he not respond at all. 

Next to him, Admin 5 stretched and summoned a cup of tea. 

He slowly smiled. “Hey 5, mind if I use your station for a minute?”


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