Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 6 (6)

Dear Diary,

Something happened to Avi. He isn’t responding to my messages.

I messaged Frog this afternoon and asked what was wrong, and he said something freaked Avi out. Avi isn’t talking at all, and just… keeps hiding.

I don’t know what to do. I don’t know how to help.


This might be my “think the best of everyone” side talking, but I don’t think Lily is responsible. If she’d talked to him, he would have talked to Mika, and Mika would have told me. And he wouldn’t be hiding from Frog.

So yeah, it has to be bigger than that.

Which can only mean the Director or one of the Admins caught on that he isn’t a legit player.

If that’s the case, something’s about to happen. I don’t know what, but it can’t be good.

I just hope it happens to all of us, and not just him. And I hope Avi doesn’t get blamed for it. Cuz whatever it is, it isn’t his fault.


I don’t know.

I’m just worried about him.

I wish we were together this cycle.

I need to write about something else, to get my mind off it.


Right! I found Rusty! She’s one of the wolves on Floor 31! At least I think she is. One of the wolves came to a crashing halt when I yelled “treats!!!”, and I’m betting it’s Rusty.

Of course, it might not be. Lots of dogs know that word.

Oh yeah, the goblins! They had keys for us, and were happy with my payment. Octavius still kinda wanted to kill them. Not enough to do it, but he grumbled about missing out on lots of XP.

He’s grumbled about that a lot. I think he kinda regrets being partnered with me this cycle.

But it’s just one cycle. He’ll live. Besides, it’s not like we aren’t making good progress.

Anyways, I should get some sleep.

Goodnight, Dungeon!





Announcement to All Players:

Tonight at midnight some players will be removed and replaced. This will reset the cycle.

The eight lowest players will be counted as the winners.

We regret any inconvenience this may cause.




From: The Director
To: Admin 6, Avi [Player 601], Aya [Player 602], Kimi [Player 603], Lily [Player 604], Mika [Player 605], Nikki [Player 606], Samuel [Player 607], Samurai [Player 608], Staab [Player 609], Y [Player 610]
Subject: Removal

It has come to my attention that Admin 6 has not followed my directions. You aren’t supposed to be here.

Tonight I will send you back to Floor 93 of Quagmire Dungeon and bring ten real players here.

You will be allowed to watch their progress. If they win, they will stay. If they manage to pass Floor 45, you will be returned here. If they fail to reach Floor 45, they will be returned to your dungeon, and your dungeon will be out of the running.

That is all.



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