Reincarnated into a Time-Loop Dungeon as a LVL100 Catgirl Chef!

Cycle 9 (6)

Dear Diary,

Kimi thinks that next cycle we’ll be stuck on Floor 1 again, fighting something there. I'm not thrilled about PVP fighting, but a break from running through the dungeon would be nice. We need more vacation cycles. 

I bet it's nice for the NPCs, too. Knowing they have a whole cycle where they don't have to fight or kill. Altho they might not know it. I hope the Director tells people when there’s a cycle where we don't leave Floor 1. 

Oh! I forgot to say we kidnapped two of the dire wolves! We’re going through the dungeon with Siri and Floofles. Fire asked permission to kidnap Bear and Wolfie McWolfpants, and we agreed in that case it would be good for Steel to kidnap Balto and Linda. That way they’re all on adventures, and the pack at least partially gets to know Fire and Steel better. 

So yeah! We’ve got giant doggos with us. Avi is super jealous. Mika is happy he hasn't tried forcibly making pets out of anything new. 

Next cycle, or whenever we’re together next, Avi and I want to kidnap a cat or two off the lavender floor. Just to see how well it works. I don't have very high hopes, but who knows! Maybe some cat will follow us and not die. 

Now that we don't have Level 100 skills any more we’re going at the pace of the other players, and a little slower. We’ll have to actually work hard if we want to win all the cycles. I don't think it'll be too much of a problem, but it will be something we have to keep an eye on.

A part of me wants to do a solo run again, cuz I totally won that one, but that would leave Avi behind. Besides, my teleport has been cut in half, so I'd be going slower. It wouldn't be such an easy win. 

Kimi wants another cycle where we’re in a party of ten again. I agree that would be fun. I hope it happens at least once before we leave. 

Hey, next cycle is Cycle 10. There will only be 30 cycles. So we’re a third done!

It doesn't feel like we’ve been here ten whole cycles. Well, ok, we weren't here for a cycle, but still. I think part of it is that our old dungeon has 100 Floors, while this one only has 60. That’s a big difference.

I wonder what it would be like in a dungeon with 200 Floors. It would take forever to get through. With that I really would need to fill a notebook with everyone’s favorite foods, cuz my memory doesn't last that long. 

And I think a dungeon with only 40 or 50 Floors would be too short. It’d get repetitive and boring super fast. 

I need to double-check that I have enough meatballs in my inventory for the wolves’ breakfast. 

Goodnight, Dungeon!





From: Athena
To: Gigi
Subject: (empty)
Well? It’s been a day. What do you think?


From: Gigi
To: Athena
Subject: Re:
Selectively. Nikki and Aya were always nice to me. I won't do anything against any party they’re in. 


From: Athena
To: Gigi
Subject: Re: Re:
Favoritism might target them. 


From: Gigi
To: Athena
Subject: Re: Re: Re:
I favor them because they’re good people. That might give everyone else a clue. 


From: Athena
To: Gigi
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re:
Most excellent point. Do it.


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