Reincarnated into Two Bodies

Chapter 18.5: The Guardians

As Feyt’s only older sister, I had the moral obligation to protect him from any harm. 

Of course, I was rarely home, but whenever I was, I needed to make sure that he stayed in shape. Thankfully, he was. Ain’t like I was going to cut back on his training though.

All we needed to do was to get him a Talent Scroll and I could start helping him build towards the career that would fit his talent.

But, judging from how I had trained him for the last few years, I began to get worried. 

He got tired easily during jogs, so scratch [Enhanced Stamina]. He definitely couldn’t pull his own weight most of the time, so scratch [Enhanced Strength], and I didn’t find anything remotely strange happening around him either, so he probably doesn’t have [Fire Bloom] or the sort.

The only notable thing I could pick up from him was his determination and his sharp ears. The former probably wasn’t a Talent, and the latter was just [Enhanced Hearing], a painfully basic, common Talent. 

It was basically useless. Sure, you could hear things better than most people, but only slightly. As for how I would know that was because I had [Enhanced Hearing] myself.

I began to wonder, did he have Talents or not? If he ended up with only [Enhanced Hearing], his life would be a bit tough… He would probably be stuck as a farmer for the rest of his life. 

Would he be satisfied with that kind of life? I definitely wouldn’t. I would try my best to support him if that was true, though. 

He needed strength and resilience if he wanted to live without meaningful Talents. Thankfully, his determination to get stronger was already there, all I needed to do was train him.

Some might call my methods brutal, but it was the best way I could improve him and also test if he had any Talents at all.

I rejected Mom and Dad’s offer to buy me a Talent Scroll so they could focus entirely on Feyt’s. After all, I already knew mine… Probably best not to tell them though.

If worst comes to worst, hopefully, the money I got from my “side gig” could allow him to live a comfortable life even without a job.

I looked out my window out to the fields. Feyt was trying his best to carry water buckets from the well onto the house’s porch. He had been going at it for the last week, impressive.

But he still needed a long way to go if he wanted to reach my level.

“Hmm, I guess I can help him out.”

I got up from my bed and made sure my artifacts were safely hidden under my bed. If any of them found any of this, I’ll be dead.

Heading out of my room, I headed to the fields in order to tease– I mean, train Feyt.

Lady Reina had planned a more intense schedule for Lady Carine ever since her injury. It was to the point even I felt a small concern for Lady Carine’s wellbeing.

“Perhaps, Lady Reina seeks to train her even more?”

What was her reason for that, I wonder? I'm not sure, but my role as Lady Carine’s personal maid is to support and protect her.

Today was a day like any other. I woke Lady Carine up with the usual breakfast and delivered her today’s schedule.

Her face remained expressionless as I spoke, but her silence was clear. Even she, who excels in study and training, seemed overwhelmed.

“Understood, Leila. Shall we get it over quick, then?”

My eyes widened. Even after seeing her schedule, Lady Carine was still determined to get things done. As expected of her.

“Very well,” I said. “Perhaps we should start the day with a quick bath?”

“Yes, that would be great,” Lady Carine replied.

“Would you like me to accompany you, My Lady?”

Lady Carine stood silent for a moment, as if pondering. “N-no, that won’t be necessary, Leila.”

“Then I shall stand by in the changing room with your change of clothes.”

With that, I began my day with Lady Carine.

I observed her as she attended each class with supreme precision and perfection. The only class I had ever seen her struggle with was private tutoring.

I still wonder why she struggles with private tutoring. In other subjects like history or math, she seems to breeze through just by reading a single textbook.

Thankfully, there would be no private tutoring this week. Professor Karvin sent a notice that he would be attending to the Third Prince, who was working on another reformation of the education system. 

He wasn’t called The Scholar Prince for nothing, after all.

Lady Carine seemed relieved when she heard the news, or at least I think she was. Her stoic expression made it hard to be sure.

During Lady Carine’s various classes, I would either accompany her in the training or be elsewhere helping the other staff keep up with their tasks.

If I could I wanted to do both. If only there was a way to be at two places at the same time, then I could work twice as much—I mean, fast. Twice as fast.

Inside the kitchen were various chefs, some trained professionals, others were interns I had handpicked back at the capital’s culinary school. 

If there was no work for me to do, I liked to observe the kitchen and see them prepare lunch and dinner at a breakneck pace. It was a shame I rarely ever got to step foot in the kitchen besides picking up snacks or food for Lady Carine.

The day passed by relatively quickly, I was back in my quarters, with nothing to do yet again. I reluctantly slept, eager to start tomorrow and accompany Lady Carine again


The next few days followed a similar routine: accompany Lady Carine in her classes, observe the staff and the kitchen, then sleep and prepare for the next day. It was a routine I wouldn’t complain about. To do so would seem ungrateful to Lord Kyrat and Lady Reina.

Six days after Lady Carine’s intense schedule was implemented, I was accompanying her during dinner with her parents. They were engaged in conversation.

“Carine,” Lord Kyrat said, “you know about our tradition, right?”

Lady Carine nodded in response. “Yes, Professor Karvin has explained its significance. We’ll be visiting a village, correct?”

“That’s right,” Lord Kyrat confirmed. “I assume he also outlined the benefits of the visit?”

“Yes, Father,” Lady Carine replied.

“Excellent. We’ll be heading out tomorrow.”

Lady Carine’s eyes widened in surprise. “So soon?”

Lady Reina, who had been quietly listening, spoke up. “Both your father and I agreed that tomorrow would be the best time to go.”

Considering they only told Lady Carine of the visit the day before, it was likely a hasty decision instead of a carefully discussed one.

“Understood,” Lady Carine said, nodding. “I’ll be ready.”

A visit to a village with Lady Carine… I’m looking forward to it.

With that, the conversation ended, and the rest of the dinner proceeded in silence.

“Leila, you’ve arrived,” Lord Kyrat said as I entered his office.

“Yes, My Lord,” I replied, closing the door gently behind me. I stood before him, watching as he shuffled through a mountain of papers.

“I trust you know why I’ve called you here?” he asked, not looking up from his work.

“Yes, My Lord. It’s about tomorrow’s visit, isn’t it?”

Lord Kyrat nodded. “Indeed. Carine and I will be traveling alone.”

At that moment, time seemed to freeze. 

“M-My Lord? What do you mean by that?” I stammered.

“You’ve been working yourself into the ground, Leila. It’s time for you to take a break,” Lord Kyrat said, his tone firm.

“Break?” I echoed. “But I haven’t even started yet! This week, I only ever attended to Lady Carine’s needs, helped with the kitchen staff, organized the maid accommodations and budget, and–.”

“Precisely,” Lord Kyrat said, finally looking up. “Which is why you need a rest. You’ve pushed yourself too hard.”

My heart sank. “But—what about Lady Carine?”

“She’ll be fine with me. They won’t dare to mess with the head of the Sareid family,” Lord Kyrat assured me. “Besides, it’s an opportunity for you to recharge. You can’t be everywhere at once, Leila.” He stood up and placed a hand gently on my shoulder. “Everyone needs a break, even you. Consider this your chance to enjoy some time off.”

“T-Time… off?” I stammered, the words feeling foreign on my tongue. It was as if the very ground beneath me had started to give way.

I nodded, still trying to process the news. “Very well, My Lord. I’ll... try not to feel like my world is collapsing in on itself.”

“The world collapsing?” Lord Kyrat tilted his head in confusion.

“Excuse me, My Lord,” I said, taking a deep breath. “I must… think things through.”

“Leila… You really need a break…”

As I left his office, I felt like I was moving through a fog. It was probably the worst day I ever had since I joined this house as a maid…

But, if Lord Kyrat wanted me to rest, then I shall rest diligently and thoroughly, no matter how torturous it might be for me.


Quick note: Side chapters are noted by decimals ("Chapter number"+ ".5") and they usually follow the pov of other characters in first person. They're not really needed to progress the plot, I just like writing them...


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