Reincarnated into Two Bodies

Chapter 19.5: Father’s Love

I woke before dawn, as I always did, to the sound of the chirping birds outside my window. My wife, Reina, was still sound asleep beside me.

I wanted to lie down with her for a few more moments, but knowing my schedule for the day, I refrained.

I pushed the heavy covers aside and swung my legs out of bed, stretching my legs before walking to the dresser.

Today was the day I needed to get ready for the journey to the village with Carine, and there was quite a bit to prepare before we could set off. I dressed quickly in my training gear, knowing that the best way to kickstart my day was with a good sweat.

I made my way to the private training room adjacent to our quarters with my sword in tow, the familiar scent of polished wood greeted me as I entered.

I placed my sword down on a wall and began with basic stretches, loosening the muscles in my body as I went through my routine. Then, grabbing a nearby wooden sword, I quickly set up a wooden dummy in the center of the room and took my stance.

I practiced my strikes and movements on it with practiced precision. It was nothing like a real battle, but it kept my blood flowing at the very least.

As a small bead of sweat formed on my forehead, I shifted to sword drills. Drawing out my trusty steel sword, I felt its familiar weight in my right hand. I focused, treating the sword as an extension of my will.

I started with the basics: vertical cuts, horizontal cuts, diagonal cuts, wide swings, and heavy swings. Once I had those down, I moved on to the more intricate sequences, following the Sareid style in all its complexity.

I may not be as great as Mother when it comes to these techniques she crafted, but I could still hold my own, enough to be called a master.

After about an hour, I could hear the servants beginning their morning tasks, chattering casually as they walked by. I finished my session for the day and sheathed my sword.

A quick shower followed, washing away the sweat and easing the tension in my muscles. Returning to our quarters I found the bed neatly made and Reina absent.

Figuring she was already on her way to the dining room, I promptly got dressed in my formal attire, making sure nothing was out of the norm in my reflection.

“Hair, check. Beard, check. Collars, check… All set!”

I headed to the dining room where a light breakfast awaited. Reina was already there, seated and giving me a warm smile. “Good morning, dear,” she greeted.

“Good morning, Reina,” I replied as I took a seat across from her. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yes, thank you. Are you ready for your journey with Carine?”

"Almost," I said, reaching for a piece of pastry. "There’s just one more thing to take care of before we leave."

“Well then, make sure you and Carine are in good shape before the journey,” Reina said, a hint of concern in her voice.

Reina could be quite strict, even harsh at times, but I knew it came from a place of deep care and love.

“Are you sure you don’t want to bring Leila with you? I chose her as Carine’s bodyguard for a reason, you know?”

“Don’t worry about us, Reina. Carine will be safe with me. Besides, Leila’s worked tirelessly for us; it’s high time she got a break.”

“I suppose you’re right…” Reina nodded, taking a sip of her wine.

After finishing breakfast, I stood, giving Reina a quick kiss on the cheek before heading towards Carine's room.

On my way to Carine’s room, I bumped into Leila.

With talents like hers, she was the ideal bodyguard and maid. I couldn’t think of anyone better suited to care for my beloved daughter.

“Good morning, Leila. Has Carine woken up yet?”

“Good morning, My Lord. She just has, and I’m heading to the kitchen to bring her breakfast.”

“Very well,” I said, stepping aside. “Please prepare Carine for the journey.”

“I will, My Lord.”

“And after that, make sure to take some time to rest. You’ve earned it.”

Leila flinched slightly. “Y-yes, My Lord…”

She bowed and headed down the hall, slowly descending the steps.

She must be really tired; I was glad I could give her a break.

I didn’t want to disturb Carine who just woke up, so I headed back to my room.

I began packing my clothes in a small briefcase.

“Is this enough for three days?” I mumbled.

“Of course not. That would last you a day at most.”

Reina had entered the room behind me. Without even turning my head, I asked her, “Can you help me out, Reina? I’m not good at organizing clothes.”

“You’re hopeless, let me handle it.”

I stepped away from the briefcase and Reina began her work. In a matter of minutes, my briefcase was filled with neatly and tightly packed sets of clothes, more than enough for three days.

Reina had always been an advocate for perfection, and the briefcase she just touched exemplified that.

“Thank you, Reina. You always manage to make everything perfect,” I said, giving her a warm hug.

“W-w-well,” she said, flustered. “You should learn how to pack things yourself so you won’t have to bother me. After the visit, I’ll teach you how to pack things properly, do you understand?”

“Of course, of course.” I released Reina from my hug. “Now then, Leila is taking care of Carine, so I better check on the carriage. Are you going to say goodbye to Carine, Reina?”

“No, it is a mere three-day visit, there’s no need for that.”

“I see.”

I knew deep down she wanted to see Carine off. But there was a part of her that was hesitant to let her emotions talk.

I gave Reina a quick kiss and left the room.

I made my way to the front gate, greeting the servants and guards along the way. The carriage was already prepared outside the gate, and I saw the coachman making the final checks.

“Is everything in order?” I asked the coachman.

“Yes, My Lord. The carriage is ready and we have ample supplies for the journey.”

“Good. Make sure everything is secured properly. We don’t want any mishaps along the way.”

“Of course, My Lord!”

As I stood by the carriage, waiting for Carine, I took a moment to breathe in the fresh air. The sun was rising high, the sky was clear blue, it was a perfect day for a journey.

Shortly after, I saw Carine and Leila approaching. Carine looked elegant and composed, ready for the journey.

Looking at my own daughter all dressed up, every shred of regality I had melted.

So cute!!!! I yelled internally.

No, no. Focus, Kyrat. Maintain your image in front of your daughter!

“Carine, you look as beautiful as ever!” I said, flashing a proud smile. “Now, get in and let us head out. The road to the village will take a while.”

Carine nodded and climbed up the carriage’s small steps. 

She placed her briefcase underneath the seat and looked back to see Leila waving goodbye.

After a brief exchange of goodbyes and safe travels, we set off.

During our ride in the city, Carine kept her eyes out the window, observing the people. 

Always quiet, that girl.

I never quite understood what occupied her thoughts so deeply, but today, I hoped to bridge that gap.


Carine turned her head away from the window and faced me. “Yes, Father?”

“How are you feeling today? Do you feel any motion sickness?”

I was secretly hoping that if she did feel unwell, I could have her sit beside me, pat her head, and offer comforting words throughout the ride. But…

Carine shook her head. “Don’t worry, I am fine.”

"Ah, I see…” She shut down my plan in no more than five words. “Still being brief with words, huh?"

I slumped back into my seat, my perfect posture broken. Then, Carine’s sudden question sparked me up.

Carine, with a slight blush on her cheeks, asked, “What about you, Father?”

“O-oh, I’m fine. Thank you for asking, Carine.”

“That’s… good…?” Carine said, tilting her head.

She actually asked how I was feeling! Oh, how could a father be happier than this?!

I was in bliss. While it didn't show on my face, I was filled with happiness.

I heard Carine clearing her throat. “Father, could you tell me more about the capital city? Why do we stay here when we have our own territory?”

My ears perked up, “Oho! Good question, Carine!”

Hearing Carine ask about our territory filled me with pride. Not only did she start being more talkative towards me, but she also became interested in our family’s legacy! Did the Eight Gods exist after all?

“You know of our prized swordsmanship, right Carine?” I answered Carine’s question with one of my own.

She nodded her head. “Of course.”

I crossed my arms and closed my eyes, enjoying the moment. “Correct, and you know that other students from other families also participate in those lessons, don’t you?”

“Yes, of course.”

“The reason why we stay in the capital instead of our own territory is precisely because of that. Many families seek our guidance in hopes their children can master our swordsmanship. Our letter of recommendation could also launch a new knight up a few ranks with ease, thus the demand for us to stay in the capital.”

“I see,” Carine nodded her head as she listened.

Ahh! She's so tentative about lessons! You are my daughter alright!

Every shred of professionalism inside me had been wiped clean.

“Ah, we’re at the gate already.”

After handling the papers with the knights, the gate creaked open, and our journey continued.

As the carriage picked up speed, I found myself wondering about Carine's reaction to the village. She rarely ventured beyond the capital city, and her only other experience was at our estate in the Duchy when she was young.

Would she be repelled? Curious? Empathetic?

I was sure the answer would come the moment we arrived there. For now, I leaned back and enjoyed the serene landscape with my beloved daughter by my side.


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