Reincarnated into Two Bodies

Chapter 2: Two Bodies, One Soul

After gazing into space for a few seconds, the people in front of me told me to rest and headed out of the room. I looked into their faces as they left and I could immediately tell, the four of them were my parents.

I looked at my surroundings, trying to get a bearing on my situation. To put things simply, I could see two rooms at once.

My visions felt like they overlapped. If I had to describe how it felt, it would be as if your left eye was in a different room than your right eye. I could still see things clearly though and it wasn’t headache-inducing.

In one vision, I found myself in a simple, a bit run-down room with wooden shutters, a plain door, and a homemade shelf. Though it was my first time in this room, I felt a calming sense of familiarity, as if I had been living here my whole life.

It wasn’t an ideal room, I could hear every creak for every footstep inside the house, suspiciously clearly mind you, but it was at least more spacious than the apartment room I had in my previous life.

In my other vision, it was the total opposite. An opulent room so large you could fit a house in it. With a glass door leading to a balcony, white walls adorned with gold accents, and a golden chandelier that was almost blinding to my eyes.

I never thought I would ever step into a room like this, let alone live in one. The most amazing thing in the room would probably be the canopy bed I was sitting on. It was so firm yet so soft and fluffy, I wouldn’t mind sleeping there for eternity.

The sheer difference in living conditions and wealth between my two visions was pretty jarring. It was clear I was no longer in my original world.

I raised my arms. Both of them were slender, yet one of the pair was a bit more pale and thin. I looked down at my body, one wore an elegant white nightgown, and the other wore a simple shirt.

Okay, so I was reincarnated… or transmigrated? I didn’t know. I should have been shocked by the fact that I was alive in the first place, yet I was confused more than anything.

Two sets of vision, two sets of hands in front of me, two senses at once… It didn’t take long for me to figure it out.

““I have two bodies?!”” Both of me shouted.

Not wanting to catch the attention of my parents who just left, I quickly closed my mouths simultaneously.

How did this happen?! I knew about reincarnation and stuff but this was different! I ended up not in my own body, but in two bodies at once!!

Was it related to Luke and his girlfriend? Did I “steal” their spot in the reincarnation line? That was the most possible theory I could think of. But how was this even possible?

One soul, two bodies? How will I live like this?!

But I set that aside, as another jarring problem arose within me.


Inside me, I could read, no, feel three distinct memories of the lives “I” lived.

First, there was a memory of a soulless secretary working for a company with no future, AKA, my past life. Ignoring that depressing part of my life, I looked into my other two memories, ones belonging to this new world.

One memory, belonging to the body inside the modest wooden house, was that of a farmer’s son, Feyt. A fifteen-year-old with sun-kissed blonde hair and eyes as blue as the summer sky. I had a moderately well-built physique for a teenager, definitely from the farm work.

I tried digging deep into my memories inside this body and they came naturally to me, showing me a life where I lived a modest yet cheerful life. Tending the fields, laughing with my family, saving every copper we could.

I had both my parents and an older sister who traveled outside the village a lot. Other than that, I didn’t remember any other relatives.

Sounds like a relaxing, yet labor-filled life.

The other memory, belonging to the other body that was nestled in luxury, was that of a duke’s daughter, Carine Sareid. Fifteen years old, the same age as Feyt, she has hair as dark as the night and sharp green jade eyes. This body felt a lot more fluid than Feyt’s but still had some strength built into it.

Unlike Feyt’s more simple life, Carine’s memories showed me a life dedicated to etiquette, courtly intrigue, and the way of the swords.

As the sole heir of the Sareid Duchy, I was trained since birth to take over the Sareid’s famous sword style as well as its vast territory and political power.

As for relatives, my family tree was huge and had tons of branches, but when it came to the main branch of the Sareid family, it was just my parents and me.

Seems like a busy life…

I was oversimplifying things, but that was the gist of the lives I had. A farmer’s hand, and a sole heir to a big name.

These memories, reliving them felt as natural as breathing and I began to wonder…

Had I always been Feyt and Carine reincarnated and only just received my previous life’s memories?

That doesn’t explain how these two bodies didn’t have any memories of ever sharing senses.

Then I was transmigrated then? But even that didn’t explain how familiar I was with everything around me. Or maybe it did? I wasn’t exactly an expert in this sort of stuff.

I shook my heads, dismissing those questions. I couldn’t give a concrete answer anyway, so I moved on to my next problem:


When I tried turning one of my heads, both of my heads moved. When I said something, again, both of my mouths moved. To put it simply: I couldn’t control my bodies individually.

It was as if I was holding a single controller, simultaneously plugged into the first and second player ports. Any movement I made with player one would be copied by player two.

How could I live a normal life, let alone a double life like this?! I needed a solution, fast.

Surprisingly, the answer was simple.

After several experiments, I noticed that focus played a key role. By basically ignoring Carine’s presence, loosening my focus on her, any movement I made as Feyt was barely mirrored by her.

It's like unplugging the cable connected to the player you don’t want to control.

This was far from a perfect solution, I needed a new alternative quickly.

As I was trying more stuff to see how I would control myselves, a knock came from Carine’s door.

“Lady Carine? Are you awake?” A monotone, feminine voice sounded from beyond the white wooden door. “May I enter? I have brought your breakfast.”

Breakfast? Damn, I didn’t even notice I was starving.

I was about to let the woman outside enter until I heard a set of floor creaks and another knock, this time from Feyt’s room.

“Feyt, honey? Mommy’s coming in, alright?” A bubbly voice said behind the wooden door. “I brought your favorite soup for breakfast!”

The mention of “my favorite soup” perked up my ear.

““Come in!”” I said simultaneously in an accident. I immediately palmed my mouths shut.

I really need to learn to act independently.

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