Reincarnated into Two Bodies

Chapter 22: Kidnapped

I was blindfolded and gagged, but through Carine’s eyes, I could still catch glimpses of what was happening. Feyt’s vision, on the other hand, was completely pitch black.

The horses finally came to a stop and I felt the bandits hoisting us up like we were cargo. I should have had experience with being manhandled like this due to Sis, but I soon realized that she was a lot gentler no matter how she held me.

These guys were taking us deep into the forest, far away from the village. By the time we reached the edge of the trees, the sun had pretty much set. The forest looked dark and creepy, and I was stuck wondering what kind of nightmare awaited us.

I wiggled and squirmed, but the ropes were tied so tight that they were cutting into my skin. The more I struggled, the more hopeless it felt.

I get it if they were after Carine, I was the daughter of a massive family, I’d be good ransom material. But Feyt? What were they planning with that version of me? 



Or could it be something worse?

No, wait, if they were planning to ransom Carine, my family might be able to pay it. Then, I could convince them to save Feyt as well!

Wait, Father and Mother probably wouldn’t even consider that idea. To them, Feyt was just a random nobody from the boonies. Should I inform them of my two-bodied condition then?

Things weren’t certain, I couldn’t tell what plan would work or not. The best I could do was try to escape this situation.

I tried to shout, hoping that someone out there might hear me, but all that came out were muffled grunts. 

I could hear one of the bandits yell, “Oi! Shut yer’ traps! We don’t wanna damage the products, so sit still and be quiet!!”

Products? Oh, great. They’re really treating us like cargo!

My panic grew, and I redoubled my efforts to get free, but it was no use. The ropes just wouldn’t budge.

As we trudged deeper into the forest, the sounds around us changed—crunching leaves, distant animal noises, the whistling of the wind.

Then I heard one of the bandits talking quietly. “You think the boss’ll be happy with today’s haul?” he asked.

“Yeah, of course he will! Not only did we get the commission target, we got another one as a bonus!” the other replied.

Commission target? Bonus? They’re talking as if this is a business or something!

Suddenly, the bandits stopped moving. Through my blindfold, I could see a dark entrance to a small cave.

They unceremoniously dumped us onto the ground and walked outside, I could hear them muttering about whether they were followed or not. I turned my head around to look inside the cave. It was shallow, and from what I could tell, it was pretty empty too—just cold, damp rock all around.

Soon, the two bandits returned.

I could hear the sound of one of the bandits scraping against the wall, followed by a faint grinding noise. It wasn’t long before I noticed a hidden wooden door slowly revealing itself from behind a cleverly disguised section of the rock wall. My eyes widened in shock. How in the world did they manage to hide a door like that?

The bandits spoke in low voices. “Get the door open. We need to make sure everything’s set before the boss arrives.”

The door creaked open, revealing a set of crude stone stairs leading down deeper inside the cave.

“Alright, let’s get them inside,” the other bandit said. The two of them grabbed us again, this time hauling us down the stairs.

The descent felt like it took forever. Every step echoed, and I could feel the temperature drop as we went deeper. The door above shut with a heavy thud, plunging us into near-total darkness.

After a moment, I heard the rustling of fabric and the flicker of a lantern being lit. The light was dim but enough to make out our surroundings. We were in a large room furnished with wooden tables, shelves, a carpet, and torches flickering along the walls.

It was surprisingly well-furnished for a cave. They must’ve lived here for quite some time.

The bandits headed deeper inside with us still over their shoulders. Then, we were thrown into a small and damp room, decorated with nothing but a single unlit candle. It felt like a jail cell without the iron bars.

“Let’s get the gag off the girl, we don’t want any bruises on her,” one of the bandits said.

“Aight, aight…”

Why are they singling Carine out? Is it because I’m from a rich family? Then they’re really trying to ransom me, right?

I felt the gag loosening around my mouth before falling down completely, allowing me to take a deep breath of the damp air. The blindfold followed soon after.

I immediately took the chance to ask them a question. “W-What are you planning to do to me?!”

One of the bandits dismissively told me, “I told you to shut up, didn’t I? And don’t get any ideas, no one can hear you here, so don’t bother screaming all night long.”

I felt my frustration rising. “Then at least tell me! What are your plans?! Do you want to sell me off?! Hold me for ransom?! Or are you–”

“He said shut up, didn’t he?!” The other bandit shouted. He raised his foot, the sole of his right boot aimed straight at my face. 

Oh shi–

But before he could kick me, the other bandit stopped him.

“Oi! The boss told us to keep her clean, didn’t he?! The client will be pissed if they find a single bruise on her!”

The bandit with his foot raised remained still for a few moments, his face twitching in anger. Then he slowly lowered his foot.

I let out a relieved sigh.

But before I could even let out all the tension in my body, the bandit rushed towards Feyt with a wicked smile plastered on his face and raised his foot.


Thanks to my [Enhanced Sight], the kick was easily telegraphed. But, since I was tied up as Feyt, I couldn’t dodge it properly. I was forced to watch myself being kicked cruelly in the stomach. Every detail of it was delivered straight to my eye, and my senses.


My body was thrown back due to the sheer force of the kick. My whole body groaned in pain, but due to the gag, my scream was muffled. Meanwhile, I slumped down in pain as Carine, hands on my stomach.

The pain–!! It’s shared–?!

No, it wasn’t shared. More like it was just so intense, I could feel it even in my other body.

“Haha! The boss doesn’t care ‘bout that one, yea?” the bandit chuckled. “Listen closely girl, if you don’t behave…” The bandit pointed at Feyt. “He’ll be the one getting hurt, ya’ hear?!”

Consumed with intense pain, I could only manage a small nod.

“Should’ve learned to listen to us in the first place, kid. Now sit still, and don’t even try to escape. There’s only one door in and out of here.”

“Oh, and one more thing,” the bandit that kicked me said. “We ain’t ransoming ya’. Someone wanted to buy you specifically, so don’t hope to ever meet your parents again, hahaha!!”


“Y-You’re lying…”

If I wasn’t going to be ransomed, I wouldn’t be able to talk with Father and Mother about rescuing Feyt, let alone be rescued by them. In other words…

We’re doomed?!

The bandits laughed together as they began to move out of the room, leaving us alone. I could hear the murmur of their voices fading as they walked the corridor..

I took this moment to recover from the pain. My body wasn’t frail, mind you, but that kick nearly shot my spirit out of my body. After a series of deep breaths, I calmed down and the pain subsided slightly.

With no hope of being saved by a ransom, there was only one option, escape.

I perked my ears up to listen to what those two bandits were up to.

“Who’s cooking dinner tonight?”

“Boss, I guess. He said he wanted to cook some meat.”

“Wait, we’re cooking it here? Inside the cave?”

The bandits were chatting about inconsequential things, which meant they were distracted. This was my chance. I needed to act fast.

Using Carine’s [Enhanced Sight], I checked for any loose ends in the ropes or potential escape routes. With Feyt’s [Enhanced Hearing], I tried to pick up any details about the layout of the underground base or the location of any guards. The more I could learn, the better my chances of finding a way out of this nightmare.

Despite the dark nature of the room, I could still see clearly as Carine. The walls seemed rock solid since they really were just rocks. But the ropes were a bit loose on a few parts. I could probably undo them with my teeth.

As for the layout of the base, I couldn’t hear any breathing besides us and the two bandits by the entrance. The only source of wind I could hear was also from the entrance, they weren’t lying when they said there was only one exit.

With that information, there was only one plan. Fight them head-on.

How though??

Both of me were only fifteen. Physically, we were significantly inferior to those two bandits. One serious kick from one of them could knock us out instantly. 

Besides, they had daggers and darts and such. We were barehanded!

No, let’s not be pessimistic here. It’s the only plan I have, got to make it work somehow.

I spent a few moments brainstorming a few ideas. Then, it hit me.

When they brought us to this room, I could see a hallway leading deeper through the blindfold. If this was their base, they might harbor something useful. A weapon would be the main priority.

Yeah, this could work.

I took deep breaths and I steeled myselves. 

This was life or death. Couldn’t afford any mistakes.


Alright! Let’s go!!


Heya! I have a special surprise for you all! Leila concept art by Purplehorn!! (Full res in my discord!) (Also ignore my lousy handwriting)



Leila seems like the fan-favorite character right now, and rightfully so, I love her too! Thankfully, Purplehorn portrayed Leila pretty nicely in this concept art! I hope you like it as much as I do!

Fray is soon to come, stay tuned!

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