Reincarnated into Two Bodies

Chapter 25: Darkness My Old Friend

With the bandits distracted by their argument, I was left with a crucial task: find a way to disable the lantern without getting either of us killed in the process.

We were still caught up in the fight, parrying and dodging attacks as our arms grew increasingly fatigued.

The first bandit was swinging his dagger like a man possessed, forcing me—Carine—to dance around his blows while trying to keep him at bay.

Meanwhile, the second bandit was treating his crossbow like a machine gun whilst I—Feyt—ran around the room dodging his shots.

“Stop moving around, you brat!” the first bandit shouted, clearly frustrated. He lunged at us with a wild swing, and I barely managed to dodge it. He quickly recovered and lunged again like he had infinite stamina.

“Stand still, damn it!” grunted the second bandit as he tirelessly reloaded his crossbow. With Carine’s eyes and Feyt’s ears working in tandem, I could predict where his arrows would fly. But no matter how I dodged, he seemed to be a step ahead, already aiming his next shot directly at my face.

I can’t keep up with this! Is this [Enhanced Agility]?!

Sweat was pouring down our faces, not just from the intense physical exertion but also from the oppressive heat. The walls were getting a lovely new decoration of scratches and arrows, courtesy of our wild melee.

Any movement made close to the first bandit would be countered with a fast swing of his dagger I could barely dodge. And the second bandit wouldn’t let me get close either with his unrelenting crossbow shots.

If I can’t attack the lantern directly, then it’s time for another plan.

I maneuvered Carine towards the first bandit, who was still focused on her. I could see the first bandit’s arm holding the lantern clearly.

I kept up the charade of dodging and parrying, all while keeping one eye on his lantern arm. Then, I spotted a pattern: every few seconds, he’d raise his arm higher with each swing. Could this be my ticket out of this mess?

With each swing of his dagger, the bandit’s lantern arm would momentarily rise up. If I could position myself just right…

I focused my attention on Feyt, dodging the constant shots of arrows like a pro. I could get used to this, but I was getting tired already. If things went out just for a bit longer, I wouldn’t be able to dodge.

But I used this moment to fully focus on his attack pattern. No matter where I moved, his aim was precise.

Perfect, I can use that!

The first bandit was getting frustrated, his strikes becoming wilder and more desperate. To further this plan of mine, I decided to provoke him further.

“What’s the matter?” I spoke as Carine. “Can’t catch up to a kid?”

“Urrrgghh!! You’re pissin’ me off!!” he roared, clearly not enjoying my game.

He stomped his way towards me and launched another attack. I parried and parried, each parry hurting my arms even more. I slowly led the first bandit to the spot where I wanted him.

Timing was crucial. I provoked the first bandit into an attack as I leaped up as Feyt, dodging yet another arrow, which zipped by so close I felt a breeze.

Heck, I could actually see a few strands of my blonde hair being cut by the arrow through Carine’s eyes.

The first bandit raised his left arm, positioning the lantern just right. Through Carine’s eyes, I saw the arrow strike the lantern with pinpoint accuracy.

The lantern fell, hitting the ground with a crash. The room was immediately plunged into darkness.

Carine’s eyes adapted instantly. The bandits, now effectively blind, were stumbling around, trying to make sense of their new predicament.

“Oi! You shot my lantern, you son of a–!!” one of them yelled.

“No, I didn’t! You’re the one who stood there!!” the other bandit snapped back.

They were apparently more interested in arguing than, you know, dealing with the two kids holding swords in front of them?

“Why didn’t ya’ bring a lantern too, ya’ idiot!”

“Why are you blaming me?! You were the one who dropped it!”

“Ya’ shot at it!!”

They really forgot I was here, huh?

The room was now a pitch-black abyss. The same way it was when I entered the room for the first time. I saw the two bandits clearly through Carine’s eyes, and I could tell where they were by their breathing through Feyt’s ears.

“Tch, just go grab another lantern!” The first bandit shouted.

“I would but–! Where’s the door?!” The second bandit was feeling up the wall in confusion.

“Hey!” I shouted as Carine, my voice echoing slightly. “I'm still here, you know?”

“The brat?!” the first bandit shouted near the shattered lantern’s remains. “Ya’ think you’re funny, kid?!”

Before the bandit could respond any further, I moved Carine quietly to the first bandit’s side. I slowly lifted my sword and aimed a strike at his arm.


“Argh–!!” The bandit yelped as my sword struck him, knocking away his weapon. He stumbled backward, holding his wound and cursing under his breath.

He quickly rushed forwards to hit, but I gracefully dodged his tackle with a back step, causing him to stumble.

The second bandit raised his crossbow in a panic after hearing the first bandit's yelp. He looked left and right, but I was sure the only thing he could see is darkness.

“Where’d you go, you little—?!” The second bandit grumbled while aiming his crossbow at nothing.

"I'm right here!” I called out as Feyt.

“You’re dead!” The second bandit shouted. He shot where he thought I was, but unlike before, he was way off the mark.

“Gonna need a better aim than that!” My2

“Tch–!” I heard him reloading his crossbow once again, this time considerably slower.

I could practically see the gears turning in his head, trying to figure out what was going wrong. I didn’t even need to dodge anymore. I could just taunt them all day if I wanted.

“I’ll kill you!!!” the first bandit roared. He was now wildly swinging his fists in the dark, trying to fend off the attacks I was launching.

I ducked under his fist easily, causing him to stumble once again.

“Enough of this!” the second bandit yelled, he threw away his crossbow and pulled out a dagger from his belt. “I’m coming for you!”

I could hear him fumbling, trying to navigate the darkness.

“Careful now,” I called out. “Wouldn’t want to trip over anything.” I moved to the bandit’s side and tripped him as I said so.

“Ugh–!!” He hit the ground face-first, his dagger skittering away.

Hmph, serves you right...

The bandits were in disarray. The second bandit was scrambling to get up, while the first was still clutching his wounded arm, cursing and stumbling around in the dark.

“Where are you, you little—?!” the first bandit’s voice was filled with rage and pain. “I’m gonna make you pay for this!”

“I’m right here!” I shouted as Carine.

“Or maybe I’m here?” I shouted as Feyt.

“Stop playing around, you brats!!!”

Was teasing them really the best idea? I mean, you could argue that it’s childish, maybe even a bit cruel.

But let’s not forget, these bastards kicked my stomach without a second thought. They were willing to even kick Carine in the face, holding back only because of worry they might anger the boss!

I’d say this was a perfect amount of payback, no?

I decided that it was time to wrap things up.

I moved behind the first bandit as Carine. With a quick lunge, I swung my sword, aiming to knock him out.

“Hah!!” I shouted as I swung, striking the bandit. He crumpled to the ground, groaning in pain.

Meanwhile, I approached the second bandit as Feyt, he was slowly getting up but couldn’t find his dagger. I slowly raised my sword and aimed the blunt side of the weapon at his back.

“Urgh–!!” He shuddered before slumping down.

With the bandits subdued, I quickly headed to another room as Carine while I had Feyt keep watch with his ears, trying to hear if they got up or not. Thankfully, all I heard were the sweet sound of their painful groans.

I found some rope from the room with books meant to tie the books together. They were old and frayed, but sturdy enough to do the job.

I headed back and worked swiftly, tying up the first bandit’s wrists and ankles, then his torso. I made sure the knots were secure. I did the same to the second bandit.

The two bandits were now tied with each other. Unable to move.

I let out a sigh of relief, I managed to get out of the fight pretty much unscathed.

I'm pretty strong in the dark, huh? I guess you can say... Darkness is my old friend...

Bad puns aside, I was ready to head out and go back to the village.

Just as I was about to exit the room though, I heard a sudden change in the wind. The door in the entrance was opened and I could hear heavy footsteps descending the stairs.

"Hey, I'm back," a rough voice echoed from down the hallway.

There’s another one?

Heh, no prob!! I'll just lead him to this room and fight him here!



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