Reincarnated One Last Time

Chapter 51: Mercenary Group.

Chapter 51: Mercenary Group.


Inside a cave, an average-looking man with brunet hair opens his unfocused eyes. Although he has lived in Tianxia's world for several years, only several minutes have passed in Acheron's world.


The first thing Levi sees is a black-haired, scarred-faced woman named Clara, a bald-headed man named Otis, and a three-horned black bear named Ben sleeping near the fire pit.


Different from the first mission, this time there is no vortex of mana being absorbed by him. Because the reward is different.


["Transmit information."] Levi heard a monotone voice in his mind.


After that, various information about the advanced magic element manual transmits inside his brain. Thanks to his adept mage brain, he doesn’t feel any pain from the sudden flood of knowledge. He also remembers many martial art manuals, breathing qi manuals, and miscellaneous books from Tianxia World that he read. Although most of them are useless, they might come in handy later.


What Levi is interested in is the light movement technique, which can make the body as light as a feather and run faster. Because of his dragon turtle body in that world, he cannot practice the human technique.


Levi sits cross-legged and reorganizes the information. The advanced magic element manual is different from the basic magic element manual. Rather than having five ranks: apprentice, adept, master, grand master, and legend.


The advanced magic element had nine tiers. The first and second tiers are equivalent to apprentice ranks; the third and fourth-tiers are adept ranks. The Fifth and sixth tiers are master ranks. The seventh and eighth tiers are grand master ranks, and the ninth tier is the legend rank.


The benefit of advanced magic elements is that they can store more mana, sense elements proficiently, and provide other benefits. However, it still depends on whether you have talent in magic or not. If he is lucky, maybe he can sense space elements and use spatial storage spells, which means he doesn’t need to carry a heavy backpack containing cooking utensils and food supplies everywhere and can store everything inside the spatial space.


The problem right now is that he needs to imprint and create a magic diagram in his mind with a magic circle rune. Each magic circle rune is equivalent to one tier, which meant he needed to create nine to reach nine tiers. However, it required more mana in each tier. Fortunately, he already has an adept rank, and maybe he can reach third-tier mage status.


["Do you want to fuse with the lesser azure dragon bloodline?"] Levi heard the monotone voice inside his mind again. ‘Not now.’ After saying that in his mind, he stands up and goes outside the cave. It will be terrible if they get startled and accidentally attack him while fusing. He still doesn’t know what will happen either his body will become stronger or he will turn into a monster.


Why does he still want to fuse with the bloodline? So far, the voice hasn’t done anything that will directly harm him.


Clara and Otis sense that Levi is leaving the cave and continuing to sleep. They thought that he wanted to relieve himself. While Ben is already in a deep sleep, unless he is in danger or eating, it will be hard to wake him up.


Levi came out of the cave, and a group of undead monsters and humans followed him. The flying undead birds fly in the sky to scout the area. Too bad he needs to destroy them once he leaves the forest except for the undead bird. Most humans have a prejudice against necromancy.


As he enters the woods, several pairs of eyes are watching him in the dark. But when Levi gazes at them, they can sense something dangerous and flee the area. Levi had lost count of how many humans and demonic beasts he had killed in that world. Because of that, his killing intent is strong. Too bad he can’t bring the dragon turtle's qi energy to this body. If he can, he has already reached the peak of adept rank as a mage and warrior.


"This place is far enough from the cave. Fuse the bloodline." Levi sat cross-legged on the ground and spoke.


After saying that Levi's body turns like a boiling lobster and steam comes out of it, His skin gradually turns into azure scales like a lizard and covers his entire body except for the face. Levi's brunet hair also turns an azure color. When he thought the transformation was over, his face began to change into a dragon's head, his hand turned into a sharp claw, and a tail grew from his back, ripping his pants.


Levi can feel his body strength is stronger and can even fight a peak-adept warrior to a tie. But without testing his body, it was just a guess, and he is not stupid to challenge Peak Afflicted Warriors for a dual.


"Can I turn back into a human?" Levi tries to control his body, but nothing happens. "It looks like I can’t go to any human settlement if I can’t change back to a human." With his appearance and monster tide, the humans will attack him without asking any questions.


In this world, there is half a dragon human that has a draconic feature or body and a Dragonborn race, but they live in a beast-man kingdom or secluded territory. Most human kingdoms don’t accept them, except if they enter the Federation, Mage Nation Manofrea, or Warrior Alliance. This three-nation group had no problem with other races except for some civilians.


While he is thinking about how to change back into a human, his body becomes hot again. "What happens?" The cause of it was the blood and poison primitive magic inside his body, beginning to mutate and fuse with the lesser azure dragon bloodline. This time, Levi feels pain in his entire body and rolls on the snow.


He tries to suppress his shout. But the pain is unimaginable; an hour later, the pain subsides, and Levi's whole body is full of sweat. Levi slowly stood up and observed his body and tattered clothes. His muscular body had become larger, and the azure scales had changed to a dark red color.


"This is no longer the lesser azure dragon bloodline; I should rename it." After a while, he spoke. "From now on, its name is Blood Venom Dragon Bloodline." He also learns something interesting about the bloodline: even without a wing, he can fly and breathe underwater because of the lesser azure dragon's natural ability.


Half an hour later, he returns to the cave in human form, with torn clothes. After much trial and error, thanks to his adept brain, he manages to process and find the solution faster to transform back into a human.


The rest are still sleeping peacefully. Levi quickly finds clothes to change.




The Cirean Kingdom


The monster tide had infiltrated the Cirean kingdom and attacked many human towns and cities. The snow on the ground had become red from the monster and human blood. The monster tide will end once the winter is over.


While the people are suffering, several businesses are flourishing, like mercenaries, weapon blacksmiths, and funeral services.


Today, a group of two men, a masked woman who covers her face, and a horned bear enter the city. The civilians who saw the horn bear quickly ran away or avoided them.


Clara, the blood witch, is a wanted criminal for killing an aristocrat and needs to hide her face. She protested at first, but Levi threatened her with no food. In the end, she relented.


Levi's mission today is to register his mercenary group. Without proper documentation, it will be hard for him and others to enter other kingdoms.


Levi's first thought is to stay in Pondover Forest and get stronger, but he is too naive and underestimates the danger of Monster Tide. Just like he underestimates the martial artist in Tianxia World and almost dies.


"When are we going to eat?" Clara asked. While holding her grumbling stomach.


"I am also hungry." Ben growls and only Levi can understand, thanks to the free language pact.


Otis smiles as he follows them. Levi, in his opinion, is a sensible and ruthless person. Otis recalls the escaped captives who had been poisoned by Levi to poison the pursuer gnolls. Even though the poison is coming from him.


"After we go to the mercenary guild to register our group," Levi observes the building and snowy road and can see a blood stain everywhere. Where they move the monster carcasses and human corpses. If he can find them, he can convert them to death points.


After asking around, they arrive at a large two-story building with a sign that says, mercenary guild. While Ben waits outside, the rest enter the building. Levi thought inside the building would be smelly or dirty, but everything is organized and clean. He goes to the counter, and sitting in front of the table is a rough-looking man who looks more like a mercenary than a receptionist.


"Yes, can I help you?"


"I want to register my mercenary group."


"Wait a minute. Please fill in this form, and it will take a while to process the registration."


After filling out the form, Levi and others wait inside the building.


Levi checks the mission board; most of them are reward-killing monsters and escort jobs to leave this city or the Cirean kingdom. Most flying ships refuse to operate because of the snow and monster tides. Compared to the profit, losing a flying ship will cause the company to lose a lot of money.


The merchants or travelers that wanted to leave the kingdom during the monster tide had no choice but to go by land. Because of that, they required several mercenary groups to make sure they were safe.


"Mr. Levi, your registration is complete; it will be 5 silver coins." The rough-looking man spoke at the counter. The man handed him a bronze metal card engrave with his mercenary name and other information.


[Horn Bear Mercenary]


[Rank: E]


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