Reincarnated One Last Time

Chapter 57: Fight for Their Lives

Chapter 57: Fight for Their Lives


Today, the townspeople live their lives as usual. The soldiers on the wall can be seen laughing and talking. With a master mage here, they don’t need to be afraid of the monster tide.


"It’s the monster tide sounding the bell!" On the horizon, numerous monsters come out of the woods.


The whole town can hear the bell alarm. However, rather than panic, they slowly return to their home. The brave ones ignored the warning and continued their work. In the past few days, they have been attacked, and once the master mage came out, the monster tide retreated again.


"Where is the master mage?" Asked one of the soldiers.


"Don’t worry, he will come ready with the arrow!"


The archers line up on top of the wall, pull the bowstring, and are ready to fire.


Hundreds of arrows fall from the sky, and the monsters that get hit fall to the ground. However, the monsters from behind did not stop and stepped on the carcasses.


"Keep firing before the master mage arrives!"


Some of the soldiers begin to throw rocks down the wall, seeing that the goblins are trying to climb it. However, they feel something is strange. Where is the master mage?


While the soldiers on the wall focus on the monster tide. Below the ground, something is moving.


Inside a house, a family is waiting for the monster tide to retreat.


"Don’t worry, when the master mage attacks, we can go out again." The father comforted his scared children. He is confident that today's outcome will be the same as yesterday's.


Suddenly, the floor begins to crack and collapse into a large hole where the dining table is located. The man quickly takes his family out of the way. When the dust settles, they can see the hole.


"What happens?" The father peered into the dark hole, and an arrow pierced straight through the man's forehead.


"AH." The wife and children scream in fear while watching the man's lifeless body fall into the hole.


Next, a green-skinned, grotesque creature the size of one of the kids comes out of the hole. The starving goblins attack and eat anyone that they see.


A similar thing happens in several buildings.


By the time the captain guarding the wall knew what had happened, it was already too late. The monster had entered the town and was coming toward the gate. Once the gate falls, the monster tide outside can enter the town without a problem.


"Where is the master mage?"


"We don’t know if even the mayor is gone."


Captain, the monsters are at the stairs!"


"Stop them!"


The monsters outnumbered the soldiers guarding the wall, and after a few hours, their faces were pale. "The monster tide had breached the gate!" Blood flows down the wall, and the scavenger birds fly around in the sky. Among them are undead birds.


Inside the inn, the mercenary creates a barricade to stop the monsters. Regan is not vigilant enough. He had heard about the monster tide digging a tunnel to enter the Cirean Kingdom, but he thought it was only at the border. To think they would create another tunnel and attack this town


"Regan, I suspected they had a monster that could dig a tunnel." The mercenary leader spoke.


"Guild leader, what should we do?"


Regan was silent and gazed at the faces of the mercenaries that he brought along, but after a while, he spoke. "Don’t worry if we are in danger; I have this." He takes out a golden scroll.


The mercenary leader's face changes because he knows what that scroll is. "Regan is that."


"Yes, this is a master-rank magic scroll called Lightning Giant Guardian; it’s a lightning element spell." Regan doesn’t want to use this scroll, but his daughter is dead, and the people that come here are because of him. His only regret is not giving this magic scroll sooner to his daughter.


Hearing that the mercenaries’ eyes gleam with magic scrolls is expensive, especially for the master rank, which can cost around 1000 gold coins. The reason the master-rank magic scroll was rare is because it was hard to create.


Just gathering the right material to store the master-rank attack or spell energy takes time and money. Not to mention, the magic scroll maker needs the help of the master rank to create the scroll. Now in front of them is the rare lightning-element master-rank magic scroll.


"Don’t worry if the reinforcement doesn’t arrive in time; I shall use this scroll to help us escape."


When the gate falls, numerous monsters enter the city, and the mercenaries and people in the inn fight for their lives.








A few of the mercenaries had revolver guns and killed the monster coming in through the door. However, the monster is too many.


When there was no hope, Regan used the magic scroll. A flash of lightning comes out of the magic scroll, and any monster near the door gets electrocuted and stops moving.


But rather than disappear after activation, the lightning transforms into a giant humanoid protecting them. Every time a monster comes near them, a bolt of lightning comes out and electrocutes the monster to death.


None of the monsters can survive even one attack from the lightning-giant humanoid. The monsters can only watch the humans escape.




As time passed, several undead birds entered the chamber and landed in front of Levi. After that, the undead birds fly out of the chamber again. After a long time, he opens his eyes; the town has been destroyed. He even saw the survivors of the monster tide that managed to escape; one of them is the brown-haired girl that climbed on Ben's body.


The monster tide has left the town; now is the time to make a move.


Levi and the rest leave the chamber that he made. Before that, he covers the hole's entrance with earth to hide it.


The town gate has already opened, and blood and dead bodies are scattered everywhere. Except for Jason, everyone is fine when pale.


Levi turns any dead body he comes across into a death point. He even discovered money and goods beside an emaciated corpse. Without hesitation, he stored them all inside his spatial storage spell.


Soon they arrive at the mansion and enter, Blood and mutilated corpses are on the floor, but they don’t show any reaction.


Clara walks in with confidence. "Follow me; I know where they hide their treasure." She can guess where people hide their valuables. Because she interrogated many corrupt nobles and merchants before killing them. Most of them cooperate, while the others would rather die than tell her anything.


Ever since Clara, the blood witch followed Levi, her bloodlust had calmed down. She doesn’t know why—maybe because of the food.


She begins to walk inside a study room; the furniture is scattered. "I found it." She pushes against the wall, and a door opens beside the bookshelf.


They see wooden chests and inside are many golden and silver coins. Levi touches it, and the wooden chest disappears. After that, they explore the town until the morning. There are many things that he wants to take, but his spatial storage has a limit. The only way to make his spatial space bigger is to advance to a fourth-tier mage.


Jason is happy because his pocket is full of gold and silver coins. After that, he hesitated but soon took a deep breath and spoke. Master, here, I give you all my money. I want to buy my freedom." In his hand is a bag full of gold and silver coins. He doesn’t want to be a slave.


"I don’t need the money; you are free." Levi initially wants to refuse Jason's freedom. But he knows there will be resentment later and has decided to take a gamble.


"Master, thank you, thank you." Jason cry. Nevertheless, he still wants to follow Master Levi to learn more about magic.


"Let’s go to Leston Kingdom." It’s time to leave; although it was risky, it is better than staying in the Cirean Kingdom.




The Cirean Kingdom began to move its resources to wipe out the monster tide. The master rank, who had been in seclusion and refused to help at first, realized that the situation was dire and began to protect their home.


In one of the villages, the old man that people thought was just a hunter turned out to be a master-rank warrior. But most places are not so fortunate.


When the weather became warmer, the monster tide retreated into Podover Forest. However, this time the damage and casualties in the Cirean Kingdom are the worst. By the order of the king, the kingdom began to make several reforms to strengthen itself. But the result can only be known in the future.


While some people are mourning the loss. The others are happy to be alive.


Ethan, when the flying ship service begins to operate again, quickly leaves the kingdom with his family.


The news of what happened to the Cirean Kingdom spread to other kingdoms. They found out about the monster tide using a stone eater to make an underground entrance to enter the kingdom. Because of that, the royal, aristocratic, and general begin to discuss the countermeasure against the stone eater.


Their solution is to bury a landmine or mana bomb deep underground along the border as a warning system and use an earth mage to detect and collapse the entrance underground.


Most kingdoms prefer the former plan because mages are expensive and the border is long, requiring many mages to patrol the border. With that, the kingdoms that suffered from the monster tide began to rebuild and clean up.


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