Reincarnated One Last Time

Chapter 90: Unknown Being.

Chapter 90: Unknown Being.


Edric heard a footstep heading his way and quickly covered himself with the webs again.


A three-meter-tall humanoid primate stops in front of the barred cell that is made from wood.


“How long are you going to pretend to sleep?”


Hearing a human voice, Edric stands. “Help me get out of here.” Because of the darkness, he can only see a vague figure. He thought it was a hunter.


“The prison cell doesn’t even lock.” Levi opens the wooden cell.


“What?” Edric slowly walks into the dark space and goes out of the prison cell.


“Do you have extra night vision goggles or an M.O.D. activation bracelet?”


“No, follow me.”


"Wait, walk slower; I can’t see.”


Levi guides Edric through the various tunnels until they reach a large chamber.


“Where is this place?”


“My room.” After saying that, the chamber becomes bright. There is a light device made of M.O.D. core energy and other material above the chamber ceiling that creates the light.


Edric closed his eyes and slowly opened them. He hasn’t seen light for a long time and needs to adjust his eyes. However, when he can finally see, a three-meter-tall humanoid primate is standing in front of him with a smile.


"Who are you?" Edric wants to activate his M.O.D. power, but he forgets that his bracelet is missing. But his body is already at the chamber entrance, ready to flee.


“The one that saves you, calm down and eat first; you must be hungry.”


Edric still has a wary gaze around the chamber and can see many books on the large table. There are foods with unknown ingredients, but the smell is good.


His stomach is grumbling; ignoring whether the food is poisonous, he eats it. To his surprise, the food tasted delicious.


After finishing eating, Edric talks to the large humanoid primate named Levi.


“Your life is hard.”


“I know.” Edric sigh.


“I will ask one of my followers to send you out of the dark territory tomorrow.”


“Thank you!”


“Let me show you your room later.”


“Thank you,”


“This is my advice. Don’t venture out of your room if you don’t want to be eaten by the M.O.D.”


“Yes, I understand. Where is this place? Are there any other humans?”


“You are the only human here; this is a M.O.D. nest.”


“Whose M.O.D. nest?”


“Me.” Levi grin.




In the deepest part of the dark territory, there is a mansion. A white-haired elderly woman opens her purple-colored eyes. She gets out of bed and walks in front of a mirror. Her skin is wrinkled and doesn’t look like she can live long.


“It looks like an outsider has arrived in this world,” I spoke to the elderly woman. But no one replied. In her dream, she can see a humanoid primate that can speak human language and build an army. She knows her monster of darkness can’t understand human language. That was one of the limitations that she had to prevent humans from taming the monster.


“Maybe I can use him to complete my revenge.”


The elderly woman waves her hand and creates a floating dark ball with one eye.


“Go find the outsider.”


The one-eyed, dark ball flies out of the window.


The elderly woman gazes out into the dark sky. Her body and the mansion are emitting darkness that spreads through the surrounding environment and half of the world.


in human territory.


A man with white hair tending his farm gazes into the dark territory.


“It looks like, sis, wake up again. Let’s hope the damage this time is minimal.” The white hair man continues to do his farm work. Every time his sister wakes up, the human world will be in chaos. He tries to advise her to stop centuries ago, but she refuses.


Well, it’s all human fault for taking something precious from her.




Professor Ken's group had been separated. Although they could send a message telling them they were safe, The new communication device still had flaws and couldn’t send them their exact location. Sitting in the same place is dangerous because they don’t have enough hunters to protect them.


“Professor Ken, we should return to human territory.” One of the hunters suggested


“I agreed; everyone gets ready to return home.” Although Ken is reluctant, he has no choice. The hunter leader team and their team are the only ones that manage to contact each other. For the rest, they had gone missing or dead.


Kate managed to survive and gaze at the surroundings using the night vision goggles. Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure and got excited.


"Professor, my friend is here; maybe he can help.”




“He is on his way here.” Kate moves near the woods and takes out a whistle that makes a bird sound.


Soon all of them saw a large, three-meter-tall primate moving their way.


"Kate, is your friend a M.O.D.?”




“Impossible M.O.D. can’t communicate with humans.” Professor Ken murmurs.


“Professor, how should we proceed?” The hunter asked.


“Don’t do anything; we will wait and see.”


“Levi here!” Kate waved her hand.


After some conversation, Levi offers her to come to his palace.


Kate told Professor Ken about it. In the end, his spirit of exploration wins, and although it's dangerous, he is eager to find out about M.O.D.'s nest.


Along the way, Kate becomes a middleman between Levi and the expedition team. When they first heard that Levi could speak, all of them were surprised. However, they are still wary of Levi; maybe he is leading them to an ambush.


Soon they go through the woods, and suddenly a large termite nest as tall as 100 meters appears in front of them. Many M.O.D.s are building and guarding the place. One of them is a huge pincer spider.


“Mimi, there are friends,” Levi said to the huge pincer spider. “Please follow me.”


The huge pincer spider finds a way to let them through. The human, afraid, moves closer to Kate. The hunters are ready to attack, but even if they attack, many M.O.D.s are guarding the area; they can’t escape far.


Following through various tunnels.


Levi guided them to a chamber that had a large dining hall, a table, and furniture made from marble. The hall had light from the light device that Levi created.


Humans seeing the bright room is a surprise because they never thought that M.O.D. could create light devices.


“Please sit first while I prepare the food."


Once Levi left, Professor Ken began to ask Kate many questions, most of which involved the talking humanoid primate.


Kate can only answer the things that she knows.


Professor Ken takes a deep breath. If he works together with Levi, he might gather more information about dark territory.


After a while, Levi came back, and behind him was a group of tiger-sized black ant with six mandibles. Each one of them brought a large plate of food.


“I am sure you are hungry from a long journey. Eat first, then we talk.”


The black and put each plate on the table.


The humans at first are wary of the food except for Kate, who is hungry and has eaten Levi's food before.


Seeing that there is no problem, all of them eat.


"Delicious, what is this?”


“Eat slowly; we had many of those foods.”


One of the humans stops eating and whispers to Professor Ken. "Professor, do you think they are fattening us before eating us alive?"


“Don’t worry, according to Kate, Levi doesn’t eat humans. We still had our weapons if anything happened.


“There is another human that gets lost here; tomorrow I will send him out of the dark territory. You can follow him if you want to get out of here.” After Levi arranges everything, he goes to stay in his chamber.


“Now my first step is complete, but to bring chaos outside of the dark territory is hard.” Levi is also not crazy enough to subdue the rank 3 M.O.D., and he still has not found the M.O.D. that spreads darkness.


If he can spread war and chaos, a hero will be born, and one of them will be on top and become the greatest hero. Rather than raise one, it’s better to gamble; even if he fails, he can start all over again.


While he is thinking, a black ball with one eye come out from the earth wall.


“What type of M.O.D. is this?” Levi is not afraid, but at the same time ready to cast spell.  


The black ball floating in the air, wants to transmit the information directly into his brain. Levi can block it, but he is confident to handle it if there is a trap.


Some information enters his brain.


“Interesting.” Levi smile. To think he can get help from the dark territory owner.


“I agreed.”


The black ball with one eye enters Levi's forehead, and a third eye appears on his forehead. Various information about the twilight world's dark territory enters his brain. After an hour, Levi opened his eyes, and the third eye disappeared.


“My army is still too weak, and I don’t have enough information about the human world.”


With this new information and power, Levi is confident in implementing his plan. For the promise that he made to the dark territory owner, he will do it once he invades the human territory.

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