Reincarnated With A Glitched System: Why Is My MP Not Running Out?

Chapter 1259: Exploring The City

Chapter 1259: Exploring The City

Beautifully paved streets, large houses made of brick and metal, steam everywhere, several smithies per block, the slight smell of sulfur in the ambiance, and the sound of metal being smacked and motors running.

There was barely any horses or normal carriages in these streets, every single moving "carriage" moved on their own using magic technology, powered with Mana Crystals and Spirit Crystals. I saw giant carriages moving all around, usually ride by one or two dwarves in the front.

Most of these were enormous, made to carry tons of materials around the many streets. I saw some carrying giant crystals, piles after piles of ores, and others giant monster carcasses.

People were moving everywhere, dwarves, humans, elves, and even demons all living in a harmony I didn't even see in the elven capital.

And yes, there were demons! And lots of them! And they weren't just temporary visitors, it didn't look like that, a lot of them looked to be clearly inhabitants.

There was no discrimination, there were no children begging for money in the streets like it was usual to see in the human cities, the city's streets were clean, there were no red-light districts or anything shabby either.

It was a city full of harmony, and of satisfied people working hard to earn their keep, but not necessarily struggling. Geniuses gathered together, inventors of all kinds chatted, engineers, blacksmiths, alchemists, magicians, and even adventurers.

"Welcome to Evercraft, girls, this is a big city! Well, Felicia doesn't live here though, she lives in an adjacent mountain, but we scheduled to meet her here," my father said.


Celeste and Celica were amazed as they saw so many people, especially members of their kind. "W-What is this?! So many demons everywhere! And there are... half-demons too?!" Celeste kept gasping and looking at people, who looked at her like a weirdo.

"T-There are a lot of people like me too, a lot of blue skinned demons..." said Celica, amazed. "So many!"

"Hahah, yeah! This is one of the few cities around the world that has fully integrated many cultures together, it is all thanks to the King of Elves, this city was his personal project, a "utopia for all inventors", which he made sure to enforce strong laws against discrimination," my dad said. "This is probably one of the freest cities in the world, and one of the few where you'll see humans, elves, dwarves, anima, and demons talking and being friendly with one another without holding grudges or hating each other... Well, the capital is getting closer to that too, and most of the Elven kingdom has changed to the better!"

"Grandad did all of this?" I wondered. "H-He's really amazing..."

"See? You're not the only one that has dreamed about seeing such a scene, your grandfather dreamed about its thousands of years ago," my father laughed. "He was discriminated because of his views back then, the elven family was still quite strict, but he slowly raised to the top, became the new hero and king, and slowly started to make a change. This is a rather recent city in comparison, but it is one of the things that make him the proudest."

"So that's why he said that I would love this city before we left..." I giggled. "Grandad..." "It's amazing, your grandpa's amazing for making this a reality!" Celica said.

"I thought I would never see a half-demon like me..." Celeste giggled. "I guess I was totally wrong."

"I'm glad you girls like the place!" I smiled, holding their hands and then hugging them. "I want to tell you that I love you two a lot, you're my best friends, and I want the world to be like this city in the future! So let's work hard together to make a better future!"

"s-Sylphy..." Celica blushed a bit. "Hehehe, okay! I'll do my best! Thank you so much for being so nice! I love you too as my best friend!" she hugged me back.

"Y-You're so mellow..." sighed Celeste, crossing her arms and getting embarrassed, she was as red as a tomato. "But fine, sure... Lead the way princess, I'll be by your side. I got a big debt to repay anyways."

"Buuhh, do you have to be so serious all the time, Celeste? Just say "ok"! I know you want to say that!" Celica teased Celeste. "Don't try to act cool!"

"Y-You little brat!" Celeste pouted as she tried to catch Celica, but Celica swiftly ran around, teasing her and laughing.

"You can't catch me, heheh!" she giggled.

"Come here!" Celeste roared.

Well, they sure looked happier than before.

"Alright girls, enough sightseeing for now, as you can see this place's really busy," he said. "Come now, we agreed on meeting with Felicia at a cafeteria near here... It was called Cafeteria Chocolatie or something... they specialize on chocolate-flavored treats and snacks." "Ooh? Really?!" Celica was excited by the news.

"Damn, alright, let's go then," Celeste didn't like to admit it, but she also loved chocolate.

"Let's!" I nodded.

As we made our way there, we saw all kinds of amazing sights. Giant golems carrying all matter of things. Demons, dwarves, elves, and humans in large teams laughing and bringing forth sacks of ores and other things from the mines.

Very varied adventurer teams also coming out of some nearby dungeons, bringing forth a lot of monster carcasses. And also children! There was a big plaza nearby, and kids of all races gathered together playing.

They were taught from a young age to not be discriminatory of other people's appearances, because they were all playing without issues.

It was a pretty adorable sight!

A country with happy children is a good country, as my mother sometimes said.

"I'm sure Mist would love this place," Celeste smiled. "It's a pity we couldn't bring her


"Yeah!" Celica nodded. "We can visit here with her later, right?"

"Sure, I wouldn't mind that either!" I nodded.

"Well in a couple of years you'll all be young adults, so you'll be allowed to move around as

you please anyways," my dad said. "Oh, she's over there!"

He pointed at a distant place, a small cafeteria at the corner of one of the streets near the


And from here, I could see her.

A young-looking woman with long clear blue hair, calm, slightly lazy eyes, wearing a dark

blue dress and wearing a dark blue witch hat.

The Aura she exuded...

It was tremendous.

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