Reincarnated With A Glitched System: Why Is My MP Not Running Out?

Chapter 1275: Zephyrus, Mist, Lara, And Faylen's Journey

Chapter 1275: Zephyrus, Mist, Lara, And Faylen's Journey

The bright sun above the skies illuminated a beautiful green valley, a group of four were walking through a paved road, surrounded by nature's beauty. The sky was clean and blue, there were barely a few clouds in the horizon, and the sun was bringing a gentle warmth. Birds and cicadas were singing, and this combined with the gentle warm wind created a nice summer atmosphere.

Zephyrus bright green eyes smelled the air and felt the warmth of the sun, as he looked around his surroundings with a curious expression, this was the first time he was walking through such a beautiful place. The valley was surrounded by a near endless plain full of white flowers, birds and insects flying everywhere.

As he smelled the air, he could smell the sweet scent of these flowers, they weren't normal, but packed with Spirit and Mana energies, every breathe he took here made him feel slightly stronger somehow. Even his Aura of Golden Phoenix Flames was growing slightly bigger every second.

As the red-haired boy glanced back at his mother, a gorgeous blonde and green-eyed elf woman, he grabbed her hand to ask her something.

"Mom, what is this place? We got here like a day ago and we've only been walking through here... Where does this road lead us to?" he wondered. "It's not that I dislike it, the contrary! It feels relaxing... like I'm getting a bit stronger. Weird..."

"Yeah, I was wondering the same thing too..." a cute Jaw Demon girl, with skin as pale as candlewax, fluffy white hair, and spiraling black horns at each side of her head wondered. Her four crimson-colored eyes looking at Zephyrus mother. This adorable demon girl, who often hid the true size of her enormous jaws out of embarrassment, was nobody else than Mist. "There sure are a lot of Spirits here though! They keep telling me to keep walking, and that we'll get there eventually!" a beautiful Goat Anima girl said, with spiraling goat horns, long, cream-colored hair, and bright golden eyes. Unlike Zephyrus and Mist, Lara was even more relaxed here, without doubting at all anything, because she trusted the Spirits.

"Well, this is the Heavenly Valley, it is a large patch of land, full of these Holy Sunlight Flowers, they absorb sunlight and release it as rich mana and spirit energy," Faylen explained. "The path to the town where the Saintess inheritance is located at is very far away from here, but it's a straight-line walking through this road, also there's very little danger. So we can walk around and train while doing so. The air, you feel it's quite thick, isn't it?" "Yeah, why's that?" Mist wondered.

"It is because as I said, these flowers imbue the air we breathe with rich mana and spirit energy," said Faylen. "This entire valley, the road itself, is often called a "Saint's Trial", where you must walk through the path and bear down with the weight and exhaustion that'll come from your body absorbing too much riche energy. Eventually you will get used and become stronger as a result. It is the perfect training method for all of you. The only thing you need to do is walk! Isn't that convenient?"

"Only walk? Really?" wondered Zephyrus. "Isn't that too easy, mom?"

"Perhaps it is, but it is what works," his mother nodded. "Don't worry, it's not like it will be a short walk either... It will take several days, from here to there, perhaps a week or two."

"That long?!" Mist and Lara ended reacting at the same time.

"Indeed, we could get there much faster through flight, but that would defeat the purpose, right? For now, I will teach you ways to better absorb this atmosphere's energies and cultivate them," Faylen explained. "Zephyrus, you too, follow your mother's steps."

"O-Okay..." Zephyrus nodded.

Faylen then instructed the younglings, breathing in and out, the bright light particles within the air entered her lungs and then slowly spread through the rest of her body.

Her Aura of Magi slowly became stronger as a result, growing in size and strength, however, for her it was only a little demonstration.

She had grown strong enough already that this area didn't increase her power anymore.

"While you breathe like this, make sure to continue walking. Once we stop walking, you'll need to switch to a much slower, calmer walk, something that will not make you feel suffocated, do you get it?" Faylen asked.

The children nodded, finally understanding a bit better how this was done.

It was not a method of cultivation they had ever seen, it was in fact, much calmer, relaxing, and nice than anything else they had experienced before.

But it felt nice, nonetheless, really nice.

"Mom, you said there was a town in the inheritance? Is that true? Who lives there?"

Zephyrus asked a normal and natural question, the two girls were curious, but weren't as direct as Zephyrus with Faylen because they saw her as a more authority figure than the child, who first saw her as his mother.

"It is an Ancient Town run by the Guardians of the Saintess, they are Fairies, like your grandmother," said Faylen. "But of a much holier Fairy Tribe, their wings are glistening and bright, almost completely made of light. They are one of the most long lived of all races created by the Gods, and also the closest to them."

"What? Really?" wondered Mist. "That's interesting... How are they called?"

"They are known as the Celestials, once we finally meet them, I hope you three can behave," said Faylen. "Its not that I fear them or something, they're good people at heart. And don't directly serve the Gods anymore. But they're guardians. And must-see worthiness within you to allow you to enter the inheritance. There might be tests made by them too."

As Faylen explained this, the children nodded while keeping their breathing as she had showed them, eventually, the night had already arrived, and they decided to camp for the rest of the night.

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