Reincarnated with a Lust System: A Multiverse Adventure

Chapter 5 – The Unexpected Date and Fubuki(1)

Fubuki was not having a good day. Her sister and she were enjoying their time on the cruise, when he got on board. Fubuki was immediately smitten with the boy. Once she saw his beautiful black hair and those shining cerulean eyes, she could barely control herself. He was way too beautiful for even men's standards. 

Her sister nudged her to go talk to him, something she finally did after downing a lot of alcohol. Unfortunately, that didn't end up going too well. The boy, whom she later found out was named Yuto, freaked out when she approached him. That led him to slip and hit his head, knocking him unconscious. 

She barely saved herself from his mother's wrath. Fubuki was feeling down. She couldn't believe she caused a fragile boy like him to hurt himself. It was weighing down on her consciousness. When she heard that Yuto was released from the infirmary, she quickly went to apologise to him. 

Fubuki was still a bit scared that he would blow her off. But she had to apologise. What she didn't expect, was for Yuto to actually accept her apology. 

" are not mad at me anymore?" Fubuki said in a hopeful tone. 

"It's fine. That was an accident and was definitely not your fault anyway. I overreacted. I'm sorry." Yuto said bowing down a bit. 

Yuto remembered how things played out, and it was honestly pretty embarrassing. It felt natural for him to just apologise. 



'W...why is he apologising?! What is going on?! He..he is so freaking cute!' Fubuki was confused, flabbergasted...horny, all at the same time. 

It was all too much. Yuto's looks and his pheromones, both were sending the woman's senses in overdrive, 'Calm down Fubuki! He's just being nice! D..don't think too much!' She quickly calmed herself down, not wanting to make a fool out of herself. 

Yuto shivered feeling the cold morning air hitting him. The temperature was pretty low. He stared at Fubuki, who had a deep blush on her face, 'Isn't she cold? She's wearing practically nothing.' 

"Um, Fubuki-san," Yuto said, his voice tinged with a slight tremor from the cold, "let's go somewhere else. It's pretty cold up here." 

Fubuki's eyes widened, 'He truly forgave me! And he's even willing to spend time with me...alone. Hehe.' she thought with a perverted smile. 

" about we go get something for breakfast? Th...there is a pretty good cafe here. I...I mean, if you want that is!" She said with hesitation. 

Yuto smiled at her antics. The woman in front of him was absolutely drop dead gorgeous, but was acting like a high school girl in love. Yuto knew he loved this world even more now. 

"Sure! Let's go. I'm pretty hungry too." Yuto said with a cheerful smile. 

"Amazing! F...follow me!" Fubuki jumped up in excitement, making her bazongas jiggle beautifully. 

'Oh god! Control yourself, Yuto.' He had to use all his willpower to stop himself from bricking up. 

Yuto caught up to her and the duo started moving towards their destination in silence. While Fubuki was elated at finally getting to reconcile with her crush, Yuto was doing his hardest not to jump at her. 

"Y...Yuto-san. I...I'd like to apologise once more. I didn't mean to freak you out. I'm sorry." Fubuki said with a downtrodden tone. 

"It's fine Fubuki-san. It was just...too sudden. Please don't be too hard on yourself. Also, I didn't get hurt too bad." Yuto tried to console the woman. 

'Wait. Now that I think about it, the previous Yuto actually did get hurt pretty badly. In fact, he straight up died. Forget it, she doesn't have to know that.' Yuto shrugged. There was nothing he could do about that. 

'He's so kind! Oh! I'm falling in love with him!' Fubuki had hearts in her eyes. She licked her lips as she stared at the boy in front of her, 'I'm going to make him mine!' 

Fubuki initiated small talks on their way to the cafe, while Yuto responded with enthusiasm. He learned a lot about her and the world in general through their conversation. Fubuki was a mechanical engineer, something Yuto found a bit funny. The woman, who could've easily been the greatest model on earth, was a mechanical engineer here. 

He actually found the way she talked about her career, quite admirable. 

They reached the cafe Fubuki was talking about pretty quickly. The cafe itself was actually some a distance away, but he enjoyed Fubuki's company quite a bit. 

The place was pretty small, far from what he had expected. But it had a very cosy feel to it. They barely had seats for twenty people. 

Fubuki and Yuto sat down in a seat next to each other on a seat facing the sea. They ordered a simple breakfast, with Fubuki getting a coffee and Yuto getting a hot chocolate. 

As they waited for their order, Fubuki broke the silence, "So, Yuto-san, do you... um, like, have a favorite... type of bread?"

Yuto blinked, slightly taken aback by the random question. "Uh, I guess I like sourdough?"

"Oh, sourdough," Fubuki nodded vigorously. "That's... that's interesting. Did you know it's made from wild yeast?"

"Yeah, I did," Yuto replied, smiling awkwardly. "Pretty cool, huh?"

Fubuki looked relieved. "Yes, very cool! And, um, do you... do you prefer your toast with butter or jam?"

"Usually butter," Yuto said, trying to keep the conversation going. "How about you?"

"Jam. Strawberry, specifically," Fubuki said, looking a bit more confident. "Strawberries are actually, um, not really berries. They're accessory fruits." 

Yuto chuckled softly. "Is that so? I didn't know that."

There was a moment of silence before Fubuki tried again. "So, Yuto-san, do you have any... hobbies?"

'What did 'Yuto' like doing?...Holy crap! This dude had no hobbies. He was such a lazy bum.' He mentally sighed and decided to just go with a safe option. 

"Well, I enjoy reading," Yuto replied after a moment of contemplation. "How about you?"

"I like, um, fixing things," Fubuki said, her enthusiasm evident. "Like, mechanical stuff. It's... fun."

"That's really impressive," Yuto said sincerely. "I would love to partner up with you in case I'm stranded on an island." Yuto laughed lightly. 

Fubuki blushed slightly, looking down at her coffee. "It's just... practice, I guess."

'Is this how dudes acted on their first dates. Man, I would've fumbled so hard.' Yuto never really had a chance to date anyone back in his world, so he never experienced what it was like to court a woman. It was kinda funny that his first 'date' was while he was on the other side. 

Just as the conversation lulled, their food arrived. A waitress placed a plate with two warm croissants in front of them, along with Fubuki's coffee and Yuto's hot chocolate. She stared at Yuto lecherously, while glaring at Fubuki. 

"Thank you!" Fubuki said with a venomous tone and smiled at her frostily. 

The waitress left, glaring at Fubuki one last time. They continued their meal, sharing stories and laughing, gradually easing into each other's company. The awkwardness from earlier began to fade, replaced by a growing sense of connection, much to Fubuki's delight. 

As they finished their breakfast, Fubuki glanced at Yuto, a shy smile playing on her lips. "I'm glad you came with me today, Yuto-san." This was the first time she was on a 'date' too and so far things were going good. 

"Me too," Yuto replied with a smile. "This has been really nice." 

They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, both looking out at the sea. The first light of dawn began to creep over the horizon, casting a soft, golden glow across the landscape. The dark blue of the night sky gradually gave way to hues of pink and orange, the colors blending seamlessly like a watercolor painting.

Fubuki turned back to Yuto, her eyes filled with lust, "You know," she began, her voice barely above a whisper, "No man has ever been this good to me. They just look at me in disgust. You different. You don't hate me, even though you got hurt because of me. Yuto-san...can I, kiss you?" She whispered lightly. 

Yuto's breath hitched a bit. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine being in a situation like this, with a woman as beautiful as her. He looked at the scantily clothed woman, snaked his arms around her waist and pulled her in his lap. She was a couple of inches taller than her, so having her in that position was a bit awkward, but the duo was too horny to care about that. 

Fubuki blushed, but didn't pull away. Instead, she leaned closer, her breath mingling with his. "Yuto-san, there's something about you that makes me feel... comfortable."

Yuto could feel the warmth of her body, the scent of her perfume filling his senses. "I feel the same way about you," he murmured, his eyes locking onto hers.

Fubuki hesitated, her face flushed with nervousness. She bit her lip, then took a deep breath and leaned in awkwardly, her movements hesitant and unsure. Her lips brushed against his, a clumsy, tentative kiss.


[Ding! 5 LP received.]

'Don't show any the notifications until I tell you to.' Yuto screamed mentally. 

[Ding! Notifications have been turned off until host tells otherwise.]

Yuto ignored it and gently cupped her face, turning the  kiss into something more confident and passionate. 

"Mhmm!" Fubuki moaned in ecstasy, 'T..this is too much. It feels so good!' 

Yuto licked her lips and pried open her lips, something Fubuki accepted with enthusiasm. Fubuki was still inexperienced, so Yuto immediately overpowered her tongue and started exploring her mouth. His hands slipped down, tracing every inch of her tantalizing body, finally landing on her delicious butt. 

'Fuck! She's so soft!' Yuto thought as he began moulding her backside. 


'I...I'm going to...cum.' Fubuki yelled in her mind. She instinctively wrapped her arms around Yuto's neck, pushing herself onto him even more, her chest mashing into his. 

Yuto began grinding his boner into her, sensing her shivering in his arms.

' he hard?! Is this what they call a 'boner'?! Does it mean he's excited too? Men get hard when they are excited right? I can't believe it! I love him!' Fubuki squealed mentally, still engaged in a furious battle of tongues. 

"I'M CUMMING!" Fubuki screamed in ecstasy, her body shaking in Yuto's arms. 

When they finally pulled apart, both were breathless, their hearts pounding."Wow," Fubuki whispered, her expression dropping with lust. "That was..."

"Amazing," Yuto finished, his voice filled with awe. He smiled at her, feeling a sense of happiness he hadn't experienced in a long time. "I'm really glad we did this."

Fubuki nodded, her hand still snaked around his neck. "Me too, Yuto-san. Me too." She said with a hazy look. 

'He's mine! Hehe. I love him!' she thought, her eyes fixated on the boy. 

They were pulled out of their stupor by a feminine voice, "Um, excuse me." 

Yuto looked up to see the waitress from before, staring at them with a red face. He was not sure, but Yuto felt like she was glaring at Fubuki with a rather hateful look.

"Y..y..your bill, Sir." She quickly pushed the bill on their table and ran away. 

"I'll pay." Fubuki recovered quickly and pulled out the amount...from somewhere, and placed it on the table. She turned her attention back to Yuto, staring at him lovingly. 

Yuto grabbed her meaty ass and pulled her closer to him, "We're not done. Let's go to your room." He whispered, planting another kiss on her lips. 

"Follow me, then." Fubuki licked her lips and got off his lap. She motioned for him to follow her. Yuto looked at the wet spot on his pant she left and smirked. He hopped off his seat and slapped Fubuki's juicy butt. They had the whole day ahead of them, it would be a shame if they didn't use it to the fullest.


AN- Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Please feel free to tell me anything I can improve on.

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