Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Bakugo’s House

-Name: Cain
-Age: 13

Today was awfully quiet, not that I'm complaining though. I even heard Deku whispering "K-katchan" all the time which caused to me to look where Bakugo's desk was, and, lo and behold Bakugo was missing. This is was the first time I've seen him not go to school. Bakugo isn't the person who would miss school so this was quite surprising.

Bakugo isn't stupid to say the least, he was fairly smart for his age and would even cause the teachers to look at him highly but that was mostly because of his quirk. Bakugo would get praise all the time which actually made me jealous. There were times where he would get in trouble and get detention but his grades would overtake any troubles he might get into.

The same thing could be said to me. My grades are outstanding which they even talked to me about what schools to apply for and even recommending me to UA on my second year. My looks are above average which causes both male and females to look at me with different emotions, like envy, admiration, and sometimes even looking at me like they want to take a bite. I still haven't shown anyone from school my "quirks", but since I knew martial arts many people respected me.

Even Deku has tried befriending me to teach him martial arts. To which I would deny saying that I'm not suited to teach anyone. Deku has been watching me and Bakugo fights, and would always see that Bakugo would always lose. Deku would always admire Bakugo, and would always follow him even if Bakugo would always beat him up. To him it was his childhood friend that would never lose, but it all went down when I came along and trashed Bakugo.

Deku is way smarter than Bakugo by a lot, probably as smart as me. Deku doesn't get as much attention as Bakugo since he is quirkless. Many students know that he is getting bullied by Bakugo but wouldn't say anything. I mean I tried to defend Deku but he Deku would sometimes say "no please get away" . At this point I'm beginning to think he's a masochist.


Class just ended and all the students were beginning to leave the class.

As I stood up from my I heard the teacher say my name.

"Cain-San" The teacher said. This teacher was weird and would sometimes joke around with students.

I cocked my head to look at her and I noticed she had papers in her hands. "Hm? Is there something you need?" I said.

"Yes there is, you see your friend Bakugo didn't come to class today and I need you to give these assignments to him" The teacher said.

'What friend? Since when am I "Bakugo's Friend?" , wait where's Deku he could take these to him.' I thought as I look around to see if I can see Deku but to my surprise he already left. ' shit...shit....shit....'

"Here you go and here's his address. BYE!!" The teacher said as she waved goodbye and runs out the door.

"W-wait...*sigh* " I said but it was already to late. I looked at the paper and the address she gave me. 'Hm? His house is not that far from here, wait why am I doing this? I could just throw these in the garbage.....*sigh* I'll just give this to him , I'm not doing anything today and it's getting pretty boring just playing games on my computer' I thought as I put the assignments on my backpack

I then walked out the classroom and immediately I got surrounded by girls.


'Oh boy I should do something about this' I thought as I kept getting pushed.

*Henge no Jutsu*

I transform myself as a ordinary boy and the girls looked confuse at what happened.

"Who is this ugly loser ?" A girl with freckles said as she looks at me with a disgusted face.

"Where is he?"

"Where did he go?

"Let's go find him!"

The girls who were once surrounding me ran the other hallways.

*sigh* 'glad that's over, let's go to Bakugo's place. I thought as I walked towards the exit door.

As I got outside I undid the Jutsu going back to my previous body. I then looked at the address that was on the paper and started to walk where his house is.

After 7 minutes I finally got to see Bakugo's house. His house was quite big and looked like a mansion.

I then looked at the address once again to make sure that this was the correct house.

"I guess this is his house.... damn I wish I live in this house' Cain thought as he thinks about the apartment he's living right now, and this cause him to have a frown on his face.

"Oh well that'll change soon" Cain muttered with a he grins.

I then walked towards the front door. I took a deep breath and knocked the door.


I then waited for 3 minutes and got no answer. 'Hm? Maybe no ones home? I'll knock again just make sure' I said in my mind as I knock the front door again but this time I knock a bit hard.


'I guess no ones home' I internally thought as I turn my back but then I hear the door open.

"Hi is there something you need kid?" Said a femine voice. I then turn to look at the person and I realize that the person was Bakugo's mom. I mean they look almost identical.

She had fair skin that look very good, even better than most women her age. Her hair was the same as Bakugo , and her she had bust body to which I didn't really care much.

Bakugo's mom noticed I was checking her out and made had a grin on her face.

"Ara ara , what is a pretty boy knocking on my door? *GASP* " Bakugo's mom said as she begins to get lost in her mind.

I looked at her and bow. "Hi I came her to give these to Bakugo" I said in monotone as I opened my backpack and handed her the papers.

To say the least Bakugo's mom had a disappointed face but quickly change it. I was able to see that but I didn't know what she was disappointed of.

"C'mon in!" Said Bakugo's mom as she grabs my shoulder and brings me inside her house.

"Ha w-wait!" I said but it was already to late 'Damn her grip is hard' I thought. I then began to look around her house.

"Here have a sit, I'll bring Katsuki down" said Bakugo's mom .

"You don't have to, I just came here to give those papers you have in your hand to him" I said but it was already to late since she had already left to go get Bakugo.

'Oh my god this women doesn't let me finish talking' I thought as I began to rub my temples.

After a minute I hear yelling.

"GET OUT YOU OLD HAG!" said Bakugo.


I was able to hear this from the living rooms and I had a sweat dropping down my face. 'Oh boy , glad I'm not him' Cain though.

I then see Bakugo walked down the stairs and after he sees me he had a frown on his face.

(A/N: I'm not gonna put caps anymore since it's getting me annoyed)

"What are you doing here?!" said Bakugo as he starts walking towards me.

"Now now be nice Katsuki, or else" said Bakugo's mom causing him to swear.

"I came here to give you, your assignments since you didn't go to school today" I calmly said as I pointed towards the papers.

Bakugo grunted and then grabbed the papers, he then turn to look at me and said "Ok not get the fuck out of my house?!"

"Katsuki!" Bakugo's mom yelled and slaps Bakugo head.

"*Tch* Why did you do that old hag!" Bakugo screamed back. This cause her mom to get mad and as she was about to slap Bakugo again I said " I don't think she's old, in fact I thought she was your sister"

"Ha?!" Bakugo said with a perplex expression on his face.

"You thought I was his sister?" Bakugo's mom said as she stares into my eyes.

I then smile warmly and said "why yes , you don't look a day over 20"

After I said this Bakugo's mom had a hint of pink on her cheeks.

"Hey! That's my mom your talking to!" Bakugo said ruining the moment.

"Shut up Katsuki! Cant you see I'm talking to this fine gentleman!" Said Bakugo's mom as he scolds Bakugo.

"*sigh* where are my manners, my name is Mitsuki Bakugo but you call me Mitsuki" Mitsuki said as she gives a wink.

I then blush a bit before looking at Bakugo who had a scowl on his face and glaring at me.

"*COUGH* well my name is Cain, it's a pleasure to meet you Bakugo-San" I said as I gave a small bow to her.

"Don't call me Bakugo! Call me Mitsuki!" Said Mitsuki as she pouts.

I then look at her and form a smile on my face. "Very well then Mitsuki" I said calmly.

She then nodded with an approval expression .

"Alright now get out!" Said Bakugo causing Mitsuki to slap his head.

'Damn this woman is crazy' I thought as I look at her.

"Cain will be joining us for dinner" said Mitsuki as she looks at me.

"I will?" I said with a questioning expression. I definitely did not want to stay here any longer but if I say no, I don't want to imagine what could happen to me.

"Yes! Now go to Bakugo room and play around for a bit before I get the food ready" Mitsuki said as she walks to the kitchen.

Bakugo grunted and look at me with a frown, he then said " c'mon follow me!"

I then followed Bakugo to his room. Bakugo then opened his room and immediately i saw that he was playing games on his tv. I then looked at the walls and noticed he had posters of All Might and figurines.

Bakugo noticed I was looking at them and he immediately ran and took the posters down and throwing them in the garage can he had there.

I then looked at him with a disapproval expression. "Why did you do that?" I said as I shake my head.

"None of your business!!" Said Bakugo as he gets the game control.

I then released a sigh and remembered that he didn't go to school. "Hey why didn't you go to school today" I said as I find a place to sit.

"I didn't want to, and it's also none of your business!" Bakugo said as he starts playing.

"*sigh* what do I do now?" I muttered but Bakugo was able to hear it.

"Here play! I want to see if your trash at playing video games as well!" Bakugo said as he hands me his controller.

I then hold the controller and looked at the game he was playing and realized I also played this game. I then grin and cracked my fingers.

After 30 minutes of playing I gave the controller back to Bakugo. He was staring at the tv with a shocked expression.

"H-how? How?! " Bakugo said as he takes a better look at the screen.

"I'm just good" I said as I stand up and stretch out my arms.

Bakugo's face was now showing a angered expression, there was even sparks coming out of his palms.

"Tell me how you did it! I wasn't able to beat this level!" Said Bakugo as he grabs me from my shirt.

I then knee kicked him on the stomach causing him to fall down on the ground. He then stood up and activated his quirk but then he heard his mom calling him.

"Katsuki! Cain! The food is ready, come down here!" Said Mitsuki.

I looked at Bakugo with a stoic face and Bakugo looked at me with an annoyed face and grunted.

We then walked down the stairs and headed towards the kitchen. I then see Mitsuki with an apron on as she puts 2 plates on the table.

"You old hag I didn't want this food!" Said Bakugo as he sees the food he's going to eat.

"Don't call me an old hag or you'll get a beating you won't forget! And I don't care if that's not what you want to eat! Your going to eat it whether you like it or not!" Said Mitsuki as she slaps Bakugo's head. Bakugo then sat down on his chair and glared at Mitsuki.

I flinch seeing her hit Bakugo. 'Damn that look like it hurt' .

"Here Cain-Kun you can have a seat" said Mitsuki with a cheerful tone.

I then sit down on the chair and looked at the food and noticed it was miso soup.

Mitsuki than sat down on her chair and brought her hands together.

"Itadakimasu" Both Mitsuki and Bakugo said and I mutter the same.
"So Cain-Kun tell me about yourself. When did you meet Bakugo?" Mitsuki said as she stares at me.

I looked at Bakugo and saw that he had a frown on his face.

"Hmm I met Bakugo at school and he always tries to fight with me" I said.

"He what?!" Mitsuki said as she glares a Bakugo. Bakugo then had a scared expression and looked at me for help.

"But its all good, he's just playing according to his friend "Deku"" I said and she nodded. Bakugo release a sigh and got a bit mad as soon as I said the word "Deku".

"Ok tell me about yourself" said Mitsuki as she takes a spoonful to her mouth.

"Well I live with my grandpa" I said and Mitsuki had a curious expression.

"What about your parents?" Mitsuki said as she stares into my eyes.

"I don't have any parents" I said as I lower my head.

Mitsuki then noticed she cause Cain to be upset. Bakugo didn't care so he just kept eating his food.

"I'm sorry I didn't know?" Mitsuki said with an apologetic look on her face.

"It's ok, what about you? Don't you have a husband?" I said and she immediately had a disgusted look on her face. I then looked at her with a confused expression. 'What's going on?' I thought, I then looked at Bakugo who had his head down.

"He's working but that doesn't matter now." Mitsuki said as she try's to change the subject. "So what are you going to be in the future" Mitsuki said.

"Uhh, I guess I want to be a Hero" I said as try not to cringe.

Bakugo then grunted and began to glare at me.
"I'll beat you and become number one Hero! " said Bakugo as he stands up.

"Sit down your not finish done eating! want to be a hero Cain? What school are you applying for next year?" Mitsuki said.

"I'm thinking of applying to U.A" I said and she had a big smile on her face.

"Bakugo is also thinking of applying there! " Mitsuki jumped and I could see her boobs jiggle.

"Is that so?" I said as I look at Bakugo. I mean I already knew this but I still have to make it as I don't know.

"Hn" Bakugo grunted.

"C'mon tell me more about yourself " Mitsuki said as she looks at me with eyes full of curiosity.

After an hour of talking I finally was able to leave the house. 'Hm it wasn't so bad' I thought as I start walking towards my house.

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