Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Chapter 15 – Curse Mark

In a dark room you could see a boy that look to be 13-14 sleeping. Moving from side to side, the boy kept grasping his neck, as if something was biting him. Cain grimacing to the pain he was feeling was slightly shaking. The temperature seem to have rise causing Cain to sweat profoundly.



Cain was having trouble breathing making him go to manual breathing. The bedsheets were getting drenched in Cain's sweat. The smell of the room started to turn sour, if anyone were to enter they would pass out of how humid and gross it was.

The reason why Cain is feeling this way is because he is having a dreadful dream. A nightmare to be exact.

-Cain's Dream-

A dark-haired boy fell to his knees and was groaning. The boy had two holes and blood coming out of it. Then 3 commas formed on Sasuke's neck.

"Aaaaghh!!" Sasuke screams in agony as he clutches his neck.

'Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit' Cain thinks to himself as he starts feeling the pain as well.

"You! What did you do to Sasuke!" A pink-haired girl said as she glares at the man-woman? Who was smiling and laughing.

"I just gave him a parting gift~"The man-woman who's skin was falling apart says as he starts sinking to the ground.

"Agh! Ahhhh!!" Sasuke Uchiha screamed in pain. A pink haired girl was holding Sasuke as she tries to comfort Sasuke but to no avail he was still screaming.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!' Cain thinks to himself as the pain starts to worsen. Though Cain couldn't do anything since this was 'Sasuke Memories' , he could still feel the same thing as he is.

Soon Sasuke couldn't hold his pain and started crying.

"Sasuke-Kun! What is it? What's he done to you?! C'mon Sasuke-Kun!! .....Naruto!!" The pink-haired girl roared for Naruto's help.

"Sasuke-Kun is hurt! Please Naruto! I need you!" The pink-haired girl screamed for Naruto's help as she hugs Sasuke's body.

'Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless! Useless!' Cain thinks to himself as he sees that Sakura wasn't doing anything to help him. Though he couldn't blame her since she still hasn't learn any medical ninjutsu. Cain didn't think too bad of Sakura but he didn't like that she kept putting Naruto down. Playing with his mind, playing with his heart, people like her are useless to Cain. They serve no purpose in life. Luckily Kishimoto was able to fix that, but even so Cain wasn't pleased with Sakura.

Back to the dream, Sakura started crying while hugging Sasuke's body. She couldn't do anything and this was made her feel weak, she could only cry as she hugs her crush.

-Cain's Dream Ended-

Cain woke up from his dream and everything that he felt in the dream was real. While trying to contain his groans, Cain hurriedly grabbed the sealing tags that he left on his drawer and placed them around his room. Soon Cain's groans turned to screams. The seals were able to contain his screams, Cain didn't want Gran Torino to come to his room since he didn't want to explain what was happening to him.

"Mgmmgm! Aaagh!!! Fucking shit!!!!! Ahhh!!!!" Cain screamed as he bangs his head to the bed. His face flushed in red and gritted his teeth. The pain felt like it was eating him from the inside specifically the neck.

Cain while panting went to the bathroom and looked at the mirror. He sees 3 black commas on his neck. Cain banged the mirror with his fist causing it to shatter.

Cain looked at the tub and turn on the water and put it on hot. Cain quickly took of his drenched clothes and threw to the basket .The hot water might lessen the pain or atleast take the pain he was feeling off him is what Cain was thinking.

"C'mon !cmon !c'mon!" Cain said as the hot water starts to fill up the tub. As soon as the tub was filled, Cain's body dropped to the tub causing the water to splash.

"Ahh" As the water hit his body, Cain sighed in relief as he sees that the pain started to lessen. Cain closed his eyes and held his breath and submerge himself to the water. As he was submerging he started to think what was happening to him.

'Curse mark, I had already knew this was going to happen but to think the pain was this much is insane. This pain was way worse then getting electrocuted! And that's saying something! Good thing I had made seals beforehand or else Torino would have taken me to the hospital. The doctors wouldn't be able to do nothing and would just ask questions. They might even say I was faking it! Sigh what to do? What——to——-do?' Cain thought to himself as he brings his head out the water.

He then looks at the mirror and sees that the mirror glass were slowly coming off. "Sigh shit what am I going to say to Torino when he sees this...." Cain thinks to himself as he tries putting the glass shards back up but they keep falling down. "Oh well" Cain says as he leaves the bathroom.

Cain then checks the time it is and sees that it's 5:45 A.M, Cain kept massaging his neck. Cain then grabs shorts and a shirt from the closet and quietly gets out of the apartment.

The sky was still dark and the weather was chilly making Cain breathe the air. Cain then starts jogging to the park. A couple of cars kept passing by as Cain jogs, giving Cain thumbs up.

As Cain gets to the park, he sees that no one was here. Nodding to this Cain went to the Forrest and started meditating.

After a couple minutes Cain stood up and took a deep breath.

"Ok let's do this!" Cain says as he closes his eyes and activates the curse mark.

Black markings started forming on Cain's body. Then glowing red but then goes back to black. Purple-Dark chakra started coming out of his body causing the leaves to blow away.

Cain felt as his body started to change his strength, speed, and ,chakra get amplified by five times. Cain feeling this could only devilishly laugh.

"Hahahaha! This power! With this power I can do anything! I can get rid of anyone who's stands in my way! I can make everyone bow down to me! I will no longer need to feel pain..." Cain says as he laughs. Then Cain forcefully deactivates the curse mark.

"Holy shit! That felt amazing....but that power might consume me if I don't get careful...." Cain says as he once again starts massaging his neck.

Cain then grabbed his phone and check the time.

6:35 A.M

Cain's eyes slightly widen seeing the time. Cain then jogged back to the house hoping that Torino was still asleep.

As he opens the door , he sees an old man glaring at him. Cain gulped and walked inside."Yo!" Cain says as he waves.

"Where were you?" Torino says with a demanding tone.

"I went for a jog, you know exercise is good in the mornings. Besides if I'm going to be a Hero someday I'll have to do this, you know.." Cain says as he scratches the back of his neck.

"Mhm very well. So want something to eat?" Gran Torino says as he goes back to being happy. Cain then gave a silent sigh as he sees that Torino isn't asking him anymore questions.

"Uhh sure. What are we having?" Cain asks as he goes to the kitchen with Gran Torino.

"Taiyaki!" Gran Torino says as he takes out a box of Taiyaki and places 2 inside the microwave.

"Of course we are" Cain says as he rolls his eyes.

"So Cain, do you want me to give you a recommendation for UA? You're going to finish school this week and next year starts classes for UA" Gran Torino says as the Taiyaki finishes from microwaving and grabs a piece of it and eats it.

"Hrmm a recommendation would be good.....but I'd rather take the entrance exams. I want to test myself and it seems more fun that way." Cain says as he grabs a Taiyaki.

"Hm it's up to you. Anyways what are we doing tomorrow for your birthday? Is there anything you want?" Gran Torino says as he looks up to Cain.

"Uhh there's really nothing I want but if you want to really give me something then you can give me more shurikens... and uhh I'm inviting Toga tomorrow, we'll watch a movie here." Cain says as grabs a water bottle.

"Alright then. And when are you going to ask out Toga-Chan?" Gran Torino curiously asks.

Cain hearing this cough of the water he had just dranked. Cain's cheeks had a hint of pink. "W-wha w-why?" Cain says as he tries to calm himself.

"Hmm I'm just asking since you two been getting close and you're not doing anything." Gran Torino says as he takes a bite to his Taiyaki.

Cain sighs and starts thinking for a bit. "I don't know honestly. I like her but I'm afraid to opening to her. What if she one days leaves me? What if she betrays me? Ah I don't know what to do..." Cain's says.

"You dumbass!" Gran Torino says as he hits Cain with his walking stick.

"Agh! Hey that hurt!" Cain says as he massages the spot where Torino had hit him.

"You won't know unless you ask her! You have to trust her! If Toga-Chan were here she would have been heartbroken. If you keep thinking like this you won't get nowhere!" Gran Torino scolded Cain.

Cain could only hear his grandfather words as he just stay still. Cain knew Torino was right. Toga wouldn't want him to be like this. Cain then remembers the time when he had once had a crush in his past life. That girl had made fun of him once he told her his feelings. Ever since that day Cain has been reflecting on what love meant.

Cain shook these thoughts and pictured Toga smiling. Cain formed a small smile. 'Toga isn't like those girls. She's better than all of those girls' Cain thinks to himself. Cain then looks at his grandfather.

"You're right! I'm gonna ask her out tomorrow!" Cain says as he clenches his fist.

"Atta boy!" Gran Torino said as he takes another bite to his Taiyaki.

(A/N: No orochimaru doesn't know about Cain, if that's what you're going to ask. R-18 scene tomorrow??!?? Leave down your comments if I should do this. Also sorry for not posting.)

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