Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Chapter 17 – Middle School Ends

Today is the last day of middle school. Some people were very excited while some were sad that school was ending already. As for me, I was excited since today is the day that All Might appears and the beginning of the main story line. I wasn't a fan of All Might but I did have 'some'respect towards him.

Throughout the years, I've noticed the big things that All Might has done and realize why people idolize him. Even Gran Torino praised him. Like I said before, I'm not a fan of him. He an I are different, he is the pillar of hope, the symbol of peace. Whilst I'm the opposite, I rather destroy things and bring down terror to people. Peace? Ha! that's just an illusion that people believe. Peace doesn't exist, but I do have to hand it to All Might, he does put a show to make that a reality.

If you want to get true peace, then you'll have to force it though necessary means. That reminds me, the infinite tsukuyomi. Obito and Madara wanted to put everyone in illusion to creat this peace. While some people think it's wrong, I believe it is right. Wars and hardships would end. Sigh too bad their plan failed.

As I was saying today is the last day of middle school and right now I'm in my last class. The teacher is talking about the people who are applying for UA.

"It appears as Cain, Bakugo, and ....Midoriya are applying for UA! Good luck boys!" The teacher says as he gives a smile. The students hearing this were pressing the three and talking amongst themselves.

"What! Cain is applying to UA!"

"He's for sure going to get through the exam!"

"But we haven't seen his quirk....he might be quirkless like midoriya"

"Nah fool he's strong! Even if he's was quirkless he can still beat Bakugo!"

"Hahah! You're right! Cain can probably pass the exam without even trying! Bakugo is dogshit compare to him!"

"Hahah for real!"

"Hey losers! Stop fucking talking trash about me!" Bakugo said as he makes sparks in his hands making everyone scared.


"Well kids off you go" said the teacher as students start leaving. Everyone had left except me, deku, and Bakugo as well as his friends.

Midoriya start packing up his stuff but then Bakugo came and grabbed his notebook. Bakugo then skim through the pages and laughed.

"Hey! Katchan hand that back! That's mine! Please!" Deku saids as he tries grabbing the notebook back.

I stood here watching and listening through this. Honestly it's been so annoying trying to stop those kids from fighting, especially Bakugo who's been being an ass everytime. His dumbass still wanted to fight me, even though he would always come out being bruised or even with broken bones, but he just won't stop.

"Hahahah! What is this shit?! Fucking loser! You think you can apply to UA?! You're fucking stupid!" Bakugo says as he sparks his hands and lits the notebook on fire, Bakugo then throws the notebook out the window.

"Noo! Katchan why did you do that?!" Said Deku as tears start falling from his eyes. He then ran and check where the notebook fell and had noticed it had fell on the trash can. "K-Katchan why?" Deku muttered as he turns around and faces Bakugo.

"You think a quirkless kid like you can join UA?! Hahahah what a loser! Even Cain hasn't used his quirk and he's still strong. Tch, but you! You haven't done nothing! All you do is whine and cry!" Bakugo said as his friends start laughing.

Midoriya was shocked and felt hurt from what Bakugo had said. But he knew that he was right. He hasn't done anything to get strong, he hasn't done anything to prove to be a hero.

"Go take a swan dive of the roof. Maybe in the next life you can get a quirk." Bakugo said as he grins and walks out the room.

Midoriya collapse to his knees and started balling out. "Why? Why am I so weak? What did I do to deserve this?!" Deku said as he cried and wipes the tears.

Honestly I don't know what I'm doing. Should I have helped? Should I have train Deku? Nah. That would be pointless, he'd still find a way to become a Hero. Not only that All Might would have train him to be strong. And truthfully, why would I help someone who doesn't even help himself. But I'll try to give him so motivation, even I still have a heart.

"He's right you know" I spoke to Deku. Deku looks up to me with tears in his eyes. His pupils shaking, his body shaking as well. He then lowered his head in shame. 'Even Cain thinks I should kill myself....maybe I'm better off dead' Deku thought as his eyes start losing hope.

"That's if you're weakling. There are other options besides suicide." I said as Deku looks at me. As if a fire have been ignited in Deku's heart he stood up and smiled.

"Y-You're right Cain! I-I'll get strong! And one day I-I'll prove to everyone that I can be a Hero!" Deku says as he smiles and runs out the classroom.

"Sigh that kid is weird." I muttered as I start walking out the class. 'Hmm all might is going to show up and save Deku from that sludge villain. I wonder if I should make an appearance and steal the spotlight? Hmm the entrance exams start in 9 months so that gives me plenty of time to train. My fire jutsus needs some work, and I should probably have new variations of the chidori. Sigh I wonder if deku is with all might by now...' I thought to myself as I go to the store.

I then buy a soda and pay for it. I then start leaving the store and that's when I saw smoke coming from a building.

'The sludge villain is already on the city. That would mean that either Deku or All Might should be near here.' I think to myself as I start speeding to where the smoke is coming from.

Getting there I see Heroes trying to fight the slime. Unfortunately they weren't able to do anything since the slime villain had kept a boy captive, and that boy was Bakugo.

"Agh! Let me go you peace of shit!" Bakugo said as he uses his quirk to explode the slime. The sludge villain was just laughing and was

"Don't worry. I'm just stealing your body, calm down. It's only going to hurt for a while" The sludge villain says as he starts eating Bakugo.

"Hey villain! Let the boy go!" A hero says as he tries to get the villain to hand the boy over them. The heroes seeing that the villain wasn't going to let the boy go, they had no idea what to do.

"Oh my god that poor boy! Why won't anyone just save him!" Civilians say as they stare from distance.

Many of the villains weren't strong enough to stop the sludge villain. That's when one boy with broccoli hair ran towards the sludge villain.

"Hey someone stop that kid!"

"Hey you're going to get yourself kill!

"Agh! You freaking kid! You're gonna get toast!" The sludge villain said. The broccoli hair kid then threw his backpack at the sludge villains face causing him to stop attacking.

"Katchan!" The boy with broccoli hair known as Deku said as he starts clawing the sludge villain to free Bakugo.

"Why the hell are you Deku!" Bakugo said as he struggles to get out.

"I don't know! My legs! They just started moving!" Deku says as he continues to start helping Bakugo to get out. Unfortunately Deku wasn't doing much.


*chi chi chi chi chi chi*

The sound of a thousands birds was heard. The sound was so loud that it caused everyone who was near to clutch their ears. Heroes jumped in surprise hearing this. Then there was one person who was watching all of this with wide eyes, and old skinny man to be exact.

"Aghhh!!!!!!" The sludge villain screamed in pain as a hand went right through both Bakugo and the sludge villain. "Ahhh!!! Fuck!!!!!" Bakugo screamed in pain. Luckily the sludge villain let go of Bakugo, before any real damage was done on Bakugo.

"K-Katchan!!" Deku screamed as he holds his bloodied friend. Tears started coming out of his eyes as he hugs his 'childhood friend'.

"W-who are you!" The sludge villain weakly said as he coughs off sludge of his mouth.

A boy who looked to be the age of 14 was standing behind the sludge villain with his hand inside the sludge villain body. The boy had a indifferent face and one of his eyes were red with 3 commas, while the other one was purple with a spiral and 6 commas.

The boy pulled out his hand and jumped back. He then held one hand up and took a deep breath.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu" The boy said as a fireball came out of his mouth and went straight towards the sludge villain. The sludge villain immobilized wasn't able to do anything and was hit by the fireball.

"Aghhhhhhh!!!!!!!! It burns!! It burns!!!!" The sludge villain screamed in pain as the audience watched in horror. Nobody said anything, even the heroes were shocked.

Deku looked up to who was able to do this much chaos and his eyes immediately widen seeing who this person was. 'Cain-San!!!' Deku thought to himself as his body shakes in fear. The look in Cain's eyes was something that made Deku pee his pants.

"Stop!! You're killing him!" A huge man said as he runs towards the sludge villain and takes him out of the fire. He then looks up to the person who almost killed the sludge villain and his eyes widen as well. 'A boy?!' The blond buff man thought to himself.

Cain narrow his eyes and made a Tch sound. Cain then did the body flicker technique and left the alley.

"It's All Might!"

"He's going to save the day!!"

"A-all Might?!" Deku says as he stares at his idol.

"Hahah! don't worry everyone! Everything is alright now!" All Might says as he laughs and soon the cops came and put cuffs on the fainted sludge villain. The ambulance soon came and rushed towards Bakugo and took him to the hospital.

Reporters soon then rushed to All Might and asked about the person who was able to beat the sludge villain.

"Who was that person! All Might!" A reporter said as he points the microphone towards All Might.

"Uhhh a future hero!! Hahahaha well I have to go now! Goodbye everyone!!" All Might said as he leaves and soon after Deku left.


Cain had went back to his house and soon Gran Torino was interrogating him.

"That was you huh Cain" Gran Torino said as he speaks to Cain.

"What makes you think that was me?" Cain said as he puts his hand to his cheek.

"Don't think I don't know about your lightning quirk! And I've heard that same noise in the bathroom before!" Gran Torino said.

"Hmm so what if that was me? A boy from my class was about to die, I couldn't just stand and watch now could I?" Cain said as he takes a sip of water.

"Sigh even so you didn't have to hurt the villain that much! And since when did you have a fire quirk?" Gran Torino saids as he scolds Cain.

"I've always had this, I just haven't showed it to anyone. And I don't think I hurt the villain that much." Cain said.

"Sigh you boy is going to kill me someday" Gran Torino said as he starts eating his Taiyaki.

Cain chuckles and goes to his room and starts playing on the computer. 'Hmm I wonder if Toga is busy?' Cain thinks to himself as he stops his game and goes to his phone. And soon enough he gets a call from her.

"Cai-Kun! Was that you on the news!!" Toga said over the phone.

"How did you knew?" Cain said. Cain had told Toga about his quirks but he's never told her about other abilities he could do.

"Dummy! I could recognize your voice! When you said "Chidori!" , I had figure it was you!" Toga said excitedly.

"Hmm" Cain hummed and took his phone to the bed.

"So when where you going to tell me you had a fire quirk?!" Toga said as he pouts over the phone.

Cain hearing this chucked. "Honestly I forgot, I was planning to tell you but like I said I forgot." Cain said as he says the truth.

"Mhmmm. Anyways I've told my parents about you! They were mad when I mentioned I gotten a boyfriend...." Toga said as she gets a bit sad.

Cain knew this was going to happen since Toga's parents were strict and didn't like anyone with a low status.

"So they told me to tell you to come meet them.....but I think my parents are also inviting some rich family, and they might be planning to arrange a marriage with me and the boy from that family. I don't want to get married to someone else.... the only person I ever want to get marry is you! If they do this then I'm going to kill that family!" Toga said as she starts getting mad.

Cain hearing this was a bit mad that Togas parents were trying to marry her off to someone else but he kept his calm. "When do you want me to meet them?" Cain said calmly over the phone.

"Tomorrow at 5:00 pm..." Toga said as she gets a bit nervous.

"Hmm ok I'll be there, don't worry I'll make sure you don't get married to someone else. I won't let nobody take you, and even if they try I'll destroy them." Cain said.

"Eeeeh!! Okay bye love you!!!" Toga said as she squeals and hangs up.

(A/N: lol this is cringy af. Anyways sorrry this chapter was bad)

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