Reincarnating As Sasuke Uchiha in MHA

Elementary School

*Beeb *Beeb* Beeb*

The alarm went off waking up Cain from his 'dream'.

"Nng what time is it?" Cain groan then looked at the Alarm. His eyes then widen looking at the time.

7:30 A.M

"Ah shit I completely forgot I'm going to school today.....*sigh* ****!" Cain screamed making Gran Torino barge into his door.

"HEY WATCH YOUR MOUTH!" Gran Torino said throwing a backpack at Cain's face.

"Hey don't throw that in my face *sigh* anyways why are you in my room.." Cain said rubbing his face.

"Well you have school today and I wanted to make sure you go there, I already put your supplies inside the backpack. Take a shower and dress up today's the day" said Gran Torino leaving Cain Room.

"Tch I already hate school" Cain mutter getting off his bed. Cain grabbed a white towel that was hanging on his closet, after that he walked towards the bathroom. Taking a 5 minute hot shower, though he usually took longer. Cain then walked back to his room, his room was small but it was enough for him to move around. Cain got a black shorts , underwear, socks, white shirt, and quickly put them on.

He then looked at the mirror and was quite surprised at what he was seeing. 'Holy smokes my hair looks like a ducks butt' Cain thought. After check himself out he walked to the kitchen and found Gran Torino eating his Taoiyaki.

"How do I look?" Cain said pointing himself.

"Eh- you look alright now here's almost time for school" Gran Torino said placing a plate on the table.

"*sigh* whatever" Cain said sitting down and eating his breakfast.

"When you go to school make sure to make at least one friend..." Gran Torino said making Cain frown.

"N-*sigh* why? I mean can go to school but is making friends really a thing you want me to do? Cause I'm not the type of person who wants to make friends..." Cain said with an apathetic tone.

"Alright then, but at-least try to talk kids your age" Gran Torino reply with a half hearted smile.

"Hmm" was the only thing Cain said after putting his plate on the sink. Cain then looked at the clock and noticed it was 7:45 which cause Cain to grunt. Cain then put on his shoes on and black hoodie, he then grabbed his backpack and went to the door not before looking at Gran Torino.

"Alright I'm off I'll see you after school, WAIT! where is this school I'm going? You didn't tell me where it's located at!" Cain said in a panic voice causing Gran Torino to chuckle.

"I'm taking you there, here let me put my sandals on" Gran Torino said smiling.

"Take your time" Cain said, he definitely did not want to be early for class.

"Alright let's go" Gran Torino said walking out the door while looking at a map.


After 10 Cain finally got to his school. The school was fairly big with a symbol on the top of the school.

"Hey are you Cain?" said a unknown voice.

Both Cain and Torino looked at who was talking and saw that it was a women in her 40s that had deer horns on her head.

"Hn" Cain Replied staring at her horns.

"Ahh you must be his grandfather, we spoke on the phone yesterday" said the women speaking to Gran Torino.

"Who are you again?" Gran Torino said in a confuse tone. Though Cain already knew he was just joking.

"Ehh! We spoke on telephone just yesterday of how much you wanted your Grandchild to go to school. Don't tell me you forgot who was the one who allow him to enter school" said the women putting a finger on her chin.

"Hmm I must be getting old" said Gran Torino.

"Oh well, Well my name is Ito Shika, I'm your principal. C'mon follow me Cain let's get you set up for class, class is about to start in a couple minutes." said the principal offering her hand to Cain, to which he didn't hold.

The principal realize that he didn't want to hold her hand. 'He must be the shy type' the principal said to herself. The principal then walked towards the building and Cain followed.

"Alright Cain you probably already know your way back so make your you check twice before crossing the street" Gran Torino said in a loud voice so Cain would able to hear.

After Cain entered the school he realize that nobody were in the hallways and saw that the school had many colors which made him cringe.

'*sigh* I forgot I'm in elementary school... oh boy' Cain thought to himself.

The principal the walked to the door that said 'Class 2-A' .

"Ok wait here I'll tell the teacher and she'll come get you" The principal said as she opens the door and talked to the person who is going to be Cain's teacher.

Cain waited 30 seconds before she came out and left, leaving Cain in the hallway then seconds later the teacher open the door and motioned me to come inside. As I walked inside I saw that there were lots of kids there staring at me with curious expression. I wasn't able to pinpoint if they were kids from the story so I immediately counted them as irrelevant characters.

"Ok class we have a new student here, c'mon introduce yourself" said the teacher smiling.

"*sigh* well my name is Cain and that's all" Cain said leaving the class dumbfounded.

"Hey what's your quirk?!" Said a boy in a excited tone.

"Yeah what's your quirk?! I bet it's bad haha" said another boy making the whole class abrupt in laughter. I looked at the boy who said that and said " is your quirk being ugly?" Which left the classroom in silence and the boy cried.

"Now now don't say bad stuff to your classmate" said the teacher patting the boy's back.

'Alright I already don't like this class, and this teacher is so goddamn stupid' Cain thought to himself.

"You didn't say what your quirk was..." a girl with braids said making the classmates look at Cain.

"Is it required for me to say?" Cain said to the teacher with a stoic face.

"Ermn no but it's your choice if you want" the teacher replied.

"*sigh* well then I don't have to explain what my quirk is... sooner or later you'll find out what it is" Cain said making the whole class even more curious.

"Why do you have a ducks butt in your hair?" The same boy who insulted me said. At this point Cain wanted to [Chidori] him so bad.

'Oh my god, breath Cain breath there just kids' Cain said to himself.

"Calm down, Cain you can sit right beside the window" the teacher said she's point to where the desk is.

The class then went on session which left Cain bored out of his mind. He already knew almost everything so he just stared at the sky the whole time.


After an hour the class finally ended which Cain thought that school was over but it was just Reece's time.

"Alright kids Reece's time! Go have fun I'll see you guys in 30 minutes!" The teacher said and immediately all the kids ran out the class leaving Cain on his desk staring at the clock.

'I have to be here for 7 fucking hours?! Oh my god' Cain thought as he rubs his temples.

Cain then stepped out the class and followed the kids that were running outside. As he got outside he saw a large playground as well as a big field of grass. Cain then saw swings to which he walked over and swung around.

*sigh* 'what am I doing....' Cain said to himself as he looks at the kids playing together on the playground. The smiles on their faces, completely clueless of what the real world looks like. They don't know the pain, the horrors of what will come in their lives in the future.

His thought were abruptly interrupted by a boy kicking dirt into Cain face, Cain saw this and dodge the dirt coming his way. Cain then looked at the boy and his slightly widen. This boy was none other than Katsuki Bakugo, spiky ash-blond hair with baby fat on his cheeks.

"HEY LOSER! I HEARD YOUR NEW TO THIS SCHOOL!" Bakugo yelled making Cain already annoyed.

"" Cain replied with uninterested look on his face.


This instantly made Cain glare at Bakugo, he most definitely did not like getting yelled at by a kid who thinks everything is his.

"This isn't yours dumbass, how bout you go play with your friends over there" Cain said pointing towards the trash can.

"OH THATS IT YOUR DONE! DIE!!" Bakugo yelled activating his quirk, igniting explosions off his palms heading straight towards Cain. Cain then grabbed Bakugo's wrist his left hand and punched Bakugo on his face.

Bakugo didn't have time to react and was sent back 5 feet. He then looked at Cain with a shocked face, noeone has dared dodge his explosions. His face then turn into rage and went for another attack, to which Cain roundhouse kicked him on the head sending Bakugo flying 10 feet, this time Bakugo had tears on his eye.

Cain was holding back his strength since he might have "accidentally" killed Bakugo, he of course didn't care about him but he still couldn't kill him now since the story still hasn't begun.

"HEY! WHATS GOING ON THERE?!" A random teacher said making Bakugo stand up.

'*sigh* I hope I don't get suspended the first day in school' Cain though to himself

"N-nothing were just playing around" said Bakugo quickly wiping the tears of his eyes.

'Ho? He's not going to tell her I beat the shit out of him? Oh well at least I'm not getting in trouble' Cain though as he looks at Bakugo.

"Erhm alright nice i don't want to call someone's parents..." the teacher and went back to the spot she was.

"Katchan! Are you ok?!" A green haired boy said with a worry tone running towards Bakugo.

"Tch WHAT DO YOU WANT DEKU!" said Bakugo to the short green hair kid.

'No way this is Deku....holy smokes who would of though I would meet them already' Cain think to himself as he looks at Deku.

"W-well y-you're bleeding f-from your mouth" Deku said with a concern tone as he comes closer to Bakugo and gives him a towel.

Bakugo then grabbed the towel and threw it to the ground and stepped on it.

"I DONT WANT YOUR STUPID TOWEL NOW GET OUT OF MY FACE TRASH! AND YOU! THIS ISNT OVER NEXT TIME IM BEATING YOU UP!" Bakugo said as he speeds off running to his goons watching from the playground.

*SNIFF* "why katchan" muttered Deku picking up the dirty towel off the ground.

'Do I feel bad? Hmm not really but I seriously don't like this oh well whatever this is all part of the plot' Cain though to himself as he sees Deku tears falling down this cheeks.

Deku then looked at Cain and walked towards him.

"D-don't hit Katchan he doesn't mean it he's just like that ok" Deku said stuttering as he looks at Cain's eyes, he was scared, his legs shaking.

Cain looked at Deku and facepalmed and release a sigh.

"Ok" was the only thing Cain said as he goes back to the swings. He most definitely did not want to make friends with him, he's a nice kid but he's too outgoing and would annoy the heck out of him.


The bell ring again which was time to go back to class. After 7 more hours of school it was finally over and Cain was glad it was done. The amount of times he wanted to sleep was unbearable.

Cain then exited the school and began to walk back to his house. As he was walking he heard a scream which cause Cain to look where the sound came from. The sound came from a dark alley. As he got closer he saw a small blond hair girl and a boy on the floor.

Cain then scrunched his eyebrows and looked back at the girl. The girl notice someone watch this and widen her eyes. She then notice that the person was just a kid, so she sigh in relief.

Cain was now 5 feet away from her and realize that this girl was Himiko Toga, to which he knew she was a villain in the future. He then looked at the boy who was in the ground and notice that there was blood coming out of his neck. Cain then check what state the boy was by placing his fingers on his neck and came to a conclusion that the person was now dead.

Toga watched with a smile on her face, she didn't expect the boy to be cute.

"You killed him" said Cain in a monotone voice

Toga then got sad, she didn't want to kill the person she just confessed to, but then again people were disgusted by her fetish for blood.

"I don't think he's dead , you should leave kid" said Toga trying to get the kid in front of him to get away.

Cain then looked at Toga with a stoic face and said " you know killing someone is a crime right?" To which Toga nervously nodded. "Then you should know what you did is wrong, I wonder what would happened if I told the cops about this, what do you think would happened to you?" Cain said making Toga to fidget.

"If you do I'll kill you too, so then noeone would know, I wonder how your blood tastes like " said Toga licking her lips.

Cain then pulled out to what look like a phone. "I was recording our talk this entire time" Cain said holding his phone. Toga still stood there with a masked smile , but she was scared inside.

"I know that face very well, you think you can hide what your feeling right now?" Cain said as he takes a step closer to Toga.

Unconsciously Toga took a step back , and her legs were slightly shaking. "What do you want? You must want something right? How are you this smart your just a little kid!" Said Toga breaking her mask off.

Cain chuckled and gave pout "I'm not a kid you know, your a kid" Cain said jokingly.

Toga was dumbfounded , 'he was so serious right now why is he acting childish right now?' Toga thought as he looks at Cain.

"But there is something I do want" said Cain as he takes one step closer to Toga. Toga took a step back but then noticed that there was a wall behind her so she couldn't move any where else.

"W-what is it?" Toga said as she stutters her words.

"Well I just wanted you to be my "friend"" Cain said leaving Toga surprise.

'Don't get me wrong I don't want any friends it that doesn't mean I can't pretend on having a friend. I just merely said that to get Toga to trust me and get information for the future'

"Friend? Right sure I'll be your friend but you have to delete that recording.." Toga said as she finally regains her composure.

"Hmm sure why not" Cain said as he presses the delete button on his phone but little does Toga know that was just a copy.

"Well then "friend" I have to part from here, I'm sure we'll meet in the future" Cain said walking back to his house.

Toga watched Cain leave and sigh in relief. Her cheeks flushed in red and her breath became shallow.

"Oh my god he's so cute!" Toga said as she puts both hands on her face.

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